I made a change with a new picture for the blog because America is no longer 'Sleeping,' and now only dozing a little...
Trump was right again, and like he's always known about
Obama and the facts behind the Birther issue, which led to the racist accusations against himself, were not only accurate, but true. I think President Trump was just waiting for the press to catch up to
what he already knew, but they never did, and that's because, as you know, the ‘Paid to Report’
Media didn’t do their job just like all the other facts that turned out to be
true that Trump put out there! I believe he was intentionally baiting
the Media to show how in the tank they truly were, and still are today! Now its
8 years later, and even with Pelosi screwing with Obama's citizenship documents to
make him appear to be a ‘Natural Born’ citizen, which is also a Constitutional
requirement, which he’s not, I think it's time for some indictments to fly! .....
I don't think fraud has a statute of limitation, do you......?
You know the first thing we are going to hear are the
accusations of ‘FAKE NEWS,’ but if you take the time and see the damage and
division Obama’s created over the last 8 years you’d see that a ‘Natural Born’
citizen who both parents were citizens of America, wouldn’t put the country he
supposedly loves through such hell, and how in the hell did our elected officials, on both sides of the aisle not uncover this betrayal to our Constitution and the 'Will' of the American people?
Progressives are threatening primary challenges for
Democratic lawmakers who don’t commit to full obstruction of President Trump’s
Democrats already face a daunting 2018 landscape, with 10
senators up for reelection in states that Trump won. However, the threat of
primaries foes going up against vulnerable Democrats such as West Virginia’s
Joe Manchin further complicates the party’s chances of coming out with a net
But the party’s left flank is convinced that a full embrace
of progressivism is the only way to return to power, and it is ready to fight
for the party’s soul.
“We fundamentally reject the assumption that Democrats can
only win in red states by pandering to racists and big bankers,” said Claire
Sandberg, a co-founder of the progressive political action committee We Will
Replace You.
“The way we beat Trumpism and take back Congress and
statehouses is offering a coherent vision of our own to put people back to
work. … We don’t need to completely compromise our own values and principles.”
We Will Replace You is the most visible effort gearing up to
back primary challenges from the left.
Yes, that’s right. The state houses are one of the best ways
to retake Congress and ultimately build a slate of candidates who can rise to
governor, senator, congressman, and maybe even president. The state level is
where the talent pool is made. The problem is that Democrats don’t have that
right now, given that the GOP controls 69/99 state legislatures and two-thirds
of the governorships. Also, the Left’s focus on identity politics, their
dislike of rural voters, and the aura of condescension inherent within left
wing politics haven’t faded. Yet, before we get into all that—the progressive
Left needs candidates. Sanders can’t do it all. And right now—they have no one
who will be able to mount challenges that any one has heard of. You saw that
problem when Democrats picked former Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear to deliver the
rebuttal of President Trump's joint address to Congress on February 28.
It seems Manchin is one of the most visible targets,
especially since he voted for some of President Trump’s most controversial
cabinet nominees. He broke with his party to vote for Steve Mnuchin for
Treasury secretary, Rex Tillerson for secretary of state, and Jeff Sessions for
attorney general; the latter being anathema to liberals. Right now, opposition
to Neil Gorsuch, Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court, seems to be the litmus
test to this civil war that’s about to erupt. Guy will fill you in on the rest
of that fight later today.
Stay tuned. Things could get messy for the Left, which means
we should all probably grab some popcorn and watch the carnage. ~~ By Matt
Vespa, a Friend of America!
Long before the Internal Revenue Service revealed it had
improperly targeted conservative 501(c)(4) groups, a group of Democratic
senators led by New York Sen. Chuck Schumer urged the IRS to do just that.
The IRS’s admission last Friday that it had singled out tea
party and other groups for extra audits and delays has raised concerns that
President Barack Obama’s administration quietly attempted to stymy opponents
through intimidation. But many prominent Democrats — including Montana Sen. Max
Baucus, Americans United for the Separation of Church and State and the New
York Times editorial board — had been publicly calling for tighter restrictions
on 501(c)(4) groups affiliated with the tea party and conservatives.
Last year, Schumer, along with Democratic Sens. Michael
Bennet, Sheldon Whitehouse, Jeff Merkley, Tom Udall, Jeanne Shaheen and Al
Franken, penned a letter calling on the agency to cap the amount of the
political spending by groups masquerading as “social welfare organizations.”
A press release from Schumer’s office dated March 12, 2012
laid out the terms of the letter:
The senators said the lack of clarity in the IRS rules has
allowed political groups to improperly claim 501(c)4 status and may even be
allowing donors to these groups to wrongly claim tax deductions for their
contributions. The senators promised legislation if the IRS failed to act to
fix these problems.
“We urge the IRS to take these steps immediately to prevent
abuse of the tax code by political groups focused on federal election
activities. But if the IRS is unable to
issue administrative guidance in this area then we plan to introduce
legislation to accomplish these important changes,” the senators wrote.
The letter cited a March 7, 2012 New York Times article by
Jonathan Weisman that suggested donations to groups like American Crossroads
and Priorities USA could be tax deductible, which was a primary concern of
those senators at the time.
A number of those senators participated in a press
conference about their efforts on March 21, 2012, and Franken spoke out about
what he called lack of oversight of 501(c)(4) status.
“I think that there hasn’t been enforcement by the FEC and
the IRS, and so there are entities that are taking a 501(c)4 status, and under
that they’re supposed to have more than half of their activity be
non-political,” Franken said. “That’s pretty hinky. I mean, they really aren’t
doing that, and that I think there needs to be a look at that — that even under
the laws that already exist, there are people who should be disclosing who
aren’t. And I think that is where we’re seeing the effect of — lack of
effective enforcement and just oversight.” ~~By Volubrjotr
Even before President Trump named Neil Gorsuch as his pick
to replace Justice Scalia on the Supreme Court Democratic Party leaders led by
the Senate Minority Leader, New York’s Chuckie Schumer, were telling
lies/spinning the truth about the history of recent Senate confirmation votes
with statements such as justices are always approved with 60+ votes, or this is
a stolen court seat.
The below substitutes facts for the nonsense people like
little Chuckie Schumer (D-NY) has been spewing:
Schumer/Democratic Party Claim Number One: Republicans
should not even think about using the nuclear option, Supreme Court Justices
are always confirmed with a bi-partisan vote above the 60+filibuster threshold.
Here the NY Senator’s claim is half-true. Nominees of
Democratic Party Presidents usually zip through with little or no
opposition. However, when evaluating
candidates from GOP presidents the Democrats are not always as non-partisan as
Republicans. Robert Bork, a brilliant jurist was slandered and rejected,
Justice Clarence Thomas was slandered but passed with only 52 votes, and
Justice Samuel Alito was approved with only 52 votes.
In 2006, when Alito’s nomination came up for a vote, John
Kerry (D-MA) led a filibuster and did his best to smear Alito (perhaps because
he didn’t have Israel to lie about yet)
“Judge Alito will take America backward, especially when it
comes to civil rights and discrimination laws. It’s our right and our
responsibility to oppose him vigorously and to fight against this radical
upending of the Supreme Court.”
Some of the senators who joined Kerry in the failed
filibuster attempts were: Dick Durban (D-Il), Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Joe Biden
of (D-DE), Harry Reid (D-NV), and the junior senator from Illinois, Barack
Obama, and of course Chuckie Schumer.
On January 29, 2006, Mr. Obama told George Stephanopoulos on
“This Week” that he would “be supporting the filibuster because I think Judge
Alito, in fact, is somebody who is contrary to core American values, not just
liberal values, you know. When you look at his decisions in particular during
times of war, we need a court that is independent and is going to provide some
check on the executive branch, and he has not shown himself willing to do that
Actually, to be fair Schumer wasn’t picking on Alito. He promised to try to filibuster every
candidate that Bush #41 nominated. In July 2007, he said:
“We should not confirm any Bush nominee to the Supreme Court
except in extraordinary circumstances,” Schumer said. “They must prove by
actions not words that they are in the mainstream rather than we have to prove
that they are not.”
Actually, Schumer tried to block ALL of Bush #43’s federal
court picks, as the New York Times noted:
When Charles E. Schumer recommended using an extreme tactic
the filibuster — to block some Bush administration nominees for federal
judgeships, he put himself in the cross hairs of the president’s Republican and
conservative allies.
Over the last two years, Mr. Schumer has used almost every
maneuver available to a Senate Judiciary Committee member to block the
appointment of the more controversial judges nominated by the Bush
administration, drawing fire from the political right for both his method and
his success.
And as far as filibusters go, there is no record of the GOP
even trying to filibuster Bubba Clinton’s two picks Ginsburg and Breyer, or
Barack Obama’s picks Sotomayor and Kagan.
Verdict: Schumer and the Dems are only telling half the
story. Votes of <60 only happen when the candidate is named by a
Republican. It earns three Crying
Chuckies in the four Crying Chuckie Lying Scale (named after Senator Schumer
himself). Two because he was telling a half-truth and the third because he was
ignoring his own statements.
Schumer/Democratic Party Claim Number Two: The Republican
Party refused to consider Merrick Garland when Obama nominated him for the
court. Therefore, this is a Stolen Court Seat While it is factually true that
the GOP-controlled Senate never gave real consideration to Garland, since
Hebert Hoover’s failed reelection campaign in 1932 the Senate hasn’t approved a
Supreme Court nomination during a presidential election campaign. The thinking
being that it would be impossible to keep the campaign out of the debate about
the Court candidate.
OH YEAH? What About Justice Kennedy? When the GOP announced,
they wouldn’t consider Garland because it was an election year, Senator Chuckie
appeared on ABC’s “This Week” and claimed Democrats blocked a pick during an
“We Democrats didn’t do this,” Schumer said. “We voted 97-0
for Justice Kennedy in the last year of Reagan’s term
While Anthony Kennedy was approved during Reagan’s last year
the reason was that they first slandered and voted down the nomination of a
brilliant jurist Robert Bork to the court.
The Democrats in the Senate led by then Chairman of the
Judiciary Committee Senator Joe Biden, and Ted Kennedy didn’t just object to
the Bork nomination, they did their best to slander the man, vilifying him as
evil. This infamous Ted Kennedy presented the worst of the slanders:
“Robert Bork’s America is a land in which women would be
forced into back-alley abortions, blacks would sit at segregated lunch
counters, rogue police could break down citizens’ doors in midnight raids,
schoolchildren could not be taught about evolution, writers and artists would
be censored at the whim of government, and the doors of the federal courts
would be shut on the fingers of millions of citizens for whom the judiciary is
often the only protector of the individual rights that are the heart of our
That was the same Kennedy who was not only responsible for
the death of Mary Jo Kopechne but according to one biographer enjoyed jokes
about the tragedy, and who during Reagan’s first term told Russia that in the
interest of world peace, he will help them fight against President Ronald
Reagan’s “militarism.”
Siding with the morality-challenged Kennedy Bork’s
nomination was rejected by the Senate in a 58-42 vote. Justice Anthony Kennedy
was nominated a few weeks after the Democratic Party hit job on Bork, and the
Democratic Party-controlled Senate got around to confirming the nomination in
February 1988.
Verdict: This is not a stolen seat. Garland was nominated
during an Presidential campaign. And the only reason Justice Kennedy was
considered is that the Democrats already followed Ted Kennedy’s slander and
rejected Robert Bork. This one gets four crying Chuckies. Two for not
mentioning the election year, and two for not mentioning Bork.
What Senator Schumer and his Democratic Party buddies are
feeding us is pure horse poop. Maybe Senator Chuckie is crying because he has a
guilty conscience. ~~by Jeff Dunetz
The Beltway Conspiracy to Break Trump!
At its heart is the "deep state" -- agents of the
intel community, their media collaborators, and their amen corner in a
Democratic party whose control of our permanent government is all but total.
At the heart of the case against Trump is what appears to be
a Big Lie!
It is that Vladimir Putin and Russian intelligence hacked
the DNC and John Podesta's email account, then colluded with Trump's friends or
associates to systematically sabotage Hillary Clinton's campaign. Therefore,
Trump stole the election and is an illegitimate president. In this city, Trump
is looked upon as a border-jumper, an illegal alien.
Yet let us consider the constituent components of the
For months, we have heard that U.S. intel agencies agree
that the Russians hacked the DNC and Clinton campaign, and gave the fruits of
their cybertheft to WikiLeaks, because Putin wanted Trump to win.
For months, this storyline has been investigated by the FBI
and the intelligence committees of both houses of Congress.
More critically, where is the evidence Trump's people played
an active role in the operation? Why is it taking the FBI the better part of a
year to come up with a single indictment in this Trump-Putin plot?
Is this all smoke and mirrors?
In late February, The New York Times reported that Trump
officials had been in regular touch with Russian intelligence officers.
The smoking gun had been found!
Yet, almost immediately after that report, White House Chief
of Staff Reince Priebus told Fox News "the top levels of the intelligence
community" had assured him that the allegations of campaign contacts with
Russia were "not only grossly overstated, but also wrong."
If what Reince says is true, the real crime here is U.S.
security officials enlisting their Fourth Estate collaborators, who enjoy First
Amendment privileges against having to testify under oath or being prosecuted,
to undermine the elected commander in chief.
Now we expect Russia to seek to steal our secrets as we
steal theirs. After all, our NSA wiretapped Angela Merkel and Brazilian
President Dilma Rousseff. Our National Endowment for Democracy pushes
"color revolutions" to bring about regime change in the near abroad
of Putin's Russian Federation.
Our NGOs are being restricted, shut down, expelled from
Russia, China, Israel and Egypt, because they have been caught interfering in
the internal affairs of those countries.
There is talk that Putin use the pilfered emails as payback
for Clinton's urging demonstrators to take to the streets of Moscow to protest
a narrow victory by his United Russia party in 2011.
As for the alleged wiretapping of Trump Tower, President
Obama has denied ordering any such thing and former Director of National
Intelligence James Clapper assures us nothing of the sort was ever done.
Yet, there are other reports that intelligence officials got
a warrant to surveil Trump campaign officials or the Trump Tower, and, though
failing to succeed in the FISA court that authorizes such surveillance in June,
they did succeed in October.
If true, this is a far more explosive matter than whether a
Trump aide may have told the Russians, "You're doing a great job!"
when WikiLeaks blew DNC chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz out of her job for
tilting the playing field against Bernie Sanders in the primaries.
What needs to be done now?
The White House should tell the Justice Department to tell
the FBI to expedite its investigation and file a report on what was done by the
Russians. And if any Trump campaign official criminally colluded with the
Russians, send the recommendation to indict to Justice.
The acting attorney general should instruct Director James
Comey to run down, remove and recommend for prosecution any FBI or intel agent
who has leaked the fruits of their investigation, or fake news, to the media.
If Comey cannot find the source of the leaks, or lies, coming out of this
investigation, a housecleaning may be needed at the bureau.
While President Obama may not have ordered any surveillance
of Trump or his advisors, the real question is whether he or Attorney General
Loretta Lynch were aware of or approved of any surveillance of Trump and his
staff during the campaign.
Russian hacking of the DNC is a problem, not a scandal. The
scandal is this: Who inside the government of the United States is trying to
discredit, damage or destroy the President of the United States?
For these are the real subversives. ~~ By Patrick Buchanan
For these are the real subversives. ~~ By Patrick Buchanan

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