By Jonathan E.P. Moore, and Friends of America!
You can’t tell the players without a score card, and
when it comes to what’s left of the 'old' guard within the ruins of the
failed to be relevant Democratic Party, who by the way is now known as the ‘New’ Socialist Party, just follow the
message that lost them that chance to transform America through their
feckless policies and showing no 'new' change, or attempt to change by reconfirming, and electing again, Nancy Pelosi as their fearless leader who will continue to steer the ship of deception and division off the edge of their perceived flat and elite world!
feckless policies and showing no 'new' change, or attempt to change by reconfirming, and electing again, Nancy Pelosi as their fearless leader who will continue to steer the ship of deception and division off the edge of their perceived flat and elite world!
No lessons were learned by the progressive left’s
constituents, and from what I can tell, still on a path of undermining and
destroying our Constitutional electoral process! Their rational is that there
is no way 'HILLARY' could have lost the election to that outsider/nonpolitician
Donald J. Trump, and therefore it had to be fixed!
The truth of the matter is that no matter all the side show
rhetoric, that Donald J. Trump will be the 45th President of the
United States of America in just 16 days, so, get over it.
What a spectacle the American people were treated to
yesterday on the first day of back to school on Capitol Hill! Rubbing elbows,
taking pictures with the new elected members and their families, and marking
their territories seems to be what the rules of game have been for years, and
what they will continue to be now that the continuation of Obama’s version of
America, through a Hillary victory, was defeated!
There were a few guest speakers, and mostly from the 'PROGRESSIVE'
side of the tracks, and in the name of the new Senate minority leader, Chuck
(Chuck (E) Schumer, who I remember very well living in New Jersey for over 60
years, and working and commuting to Wall Street for 25 years!
Chuck (E) attempted to take a shot across President elect
Trump bow yesterday while giving his first official ‘new’ status opening
remarks, but if we look back at the history of Obama’s first cabinet
appointees, and the republican expedited passing of his cabinet choices, you
have to be scratching your head with the rhetoric that’s coming out of poor
Chuckie’s attempt to rock the Trump boat, and giving 'Trump's' cabinet picks a hard time!
Schumer was hoping to be the new Democratic Senate majority
leader, and working with Hillary
Clinton in the White House. Instead, he is leading the Trump opposition. The former would have been more fun, he conceded, but he says being minority leader now is "more important."
Clinton in the White House. Instead, he is leading the Trump opposition. The former would have been more fun, he conceded, but he says being minority leader now is "more important."
Here's how he described a recent phone conversation with
Donald Trump: "I said, 'Mr. President-elect, you went after both the
Democratic and Republican establishments when you ran; you were an
anti-establishment change candidate. But by your Cabinet picks and your early
pronouncements, you seem to be embracing your timeworn, shop-worn hard right,'"
he recalled.
"If you do that, your presidency will not come close to
being a success," he told Trump.
For Schumer, success will be even more complicated. He has
to walk a very fine line between when to work with Trump, and when to oppose
him. Schumer describes it as "accountability."
"The only way we're going to work with him is if he
moves completely in our direction and abandons his Republican colleagues,"
Schumer said.
Schumer: 'We're not compromising for its own sake'
"90-95% of the time, we'll be holding his feet to the
fire, holding him accountable. But we're Democrats, we're not going to just
oppose things to oppose them," he added.
"Well, here's the problem. The Republicans in the
Senate and the House have been run by a hard-right group," said Schumer.
Schumer: “I wish we hadn't triggered 'nuclear option” (to jam
healthcare reform, Obamacare, down the throats of Americans,
and without one vote of support from the Republican opposition!)
and without one vote of support from the Republican opposition!)
"Look, we're going to look at the specifics,"
Schumer said. "And on the overwhelming bunch of it, particularly given who
he's chosen as his Cabinet people, we're going to have to oppose him because we
just disagree in principle," (and don't give a shit about what the American people want!)
Many progressives scoff at the notion of Schumer even
considering any form of compromise with Trump. (Just like Obama who couldn't find the time to sit down with anyone from congress in eight years!)
Democracy for America, a leading progressive group, said:
"Democratic leaders from Chuck Schumer down need to stop playing footsie
with Trump and pretending we can find."
Schumer's response: "We're playing no footsie. My views
are exactly the same as Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders." (OUCH! I think I've heard enough, and should wake up anybody that believes in our founding father's vision, Constitution, and the Constitutional Republic governing model that has guided us for 240 years!)
"What we have to do is look at this election in the eye
and see what we did wrong. I think we know what we did wrong. We have always
been a party with a sharp-edged economic message that talks about helping the middle
class and people who want to get to the middle class get there more easily. We
didn't have that
in this election," Schumer said. "So that even though Trump's positions were much further away from where the middle class is and what they want, he seemed to be the person talking to them." (Didn't the middle class and blue collared workers just elect Trump because of his message about helping the middle class and blue collared worker, and bringing jobs back?)
in this election," Schumer said. "So that even though Trump's positions were much further away from where the middle class is and what they want, he seemed to be the person talking to them." (Didn't the middle class and blue collared workers just elect Trump because of his message about helping the middle class and blue collared worker, and bringing jobs back?)
"And here's the good news. Some people say, 'Which
direction do you go in? The old Obama coalition or the new blue collar?' If we
have a sharp-edged economic message, it unites our party. It unites Joe Manchin
(a West Virginia moderate) to Bernie Sanders (a Vermont liberal), both of whom
are on my leadership team," Schumer said. (Chuckie, are you listening to yourself? Socialism is Socialism, and if it walks like a Socialist, quacks like a Socialist, it's Socialism!)
"It unites the blue-collar worker in Scranton,
Pennsylvania, the college student paying her loans in Los Angeles, the single
mom in Harlem who's on minimum wage," he said, seeming to take the message
for a test-drive. (Am I hearing a little Communist rally cry here?)
It may be just the task for the man who put himself on the
political map in the1980s by being media savvy. It was then that he realized
that Sundays were a great day to make news (especially the New York Times), so
he started holding regular Sunday news conferences.
In the 1990s, one of the running jokes in Washington was
that the most dangerous place in to be in the District was between Schumer and
a television camera (Schumer says it was originally former Senate Majority
Leader Bob Dole's line after Schumer used his publicity prowess to push through
the Brady gun law).
But that's no longer true. Over the past several years,
Schumer has tried to be more disciplined. He's more likely to either be on his
cell phone in the Capitol hallways, or pretend to be, in order to avoid talking
to reporters "In the early days, the press was a
very good way to bring out problems that needed to be fixed. Now, I have other levers of power, so I'm hardly inaccessible. And you can say a lot of bad things about Chuck Schumer and accessibility is never going to be one of them," Schumer said with a knowing laugh. ( your catching this right, he's bashing trump for tweeting before he is even sworn in, but Chuckie, in his own 'words,' isn't easily accessible, and you know how Hillary feels about 'words,' right?)
very good way to bring out problems that needed to be fixed. Now, I have other levers of power, so I'm hardly inaccessible. And you can say a lot of bad things about Chuck Schumer and accessibility is never going to be one of them," Schumer said with a knowing laugh. ( your catching this right, he's bashing trump for tweeting before he is even sworn in, but Chuckie, in his own 'words,' isn't easily accessible, and you know how Hillary feels about 'words,' right?)
The same goes for authenticity. Though he proudly declared
that he bought a new suit for his first day as leader, he is clearly still the
same rumpled guy who slept for 30-plus years on a mattress next to the kitchen
in a rundown group house owned by former Rep. George Miller.
He now lives in an apartment, which is why he told us he is
excited to have a large balcony outside his Capitol office. Click here > WHO IS CHUCK (E) SCHUMER, ANOTHER CAREER POLITICIAN!
I’ve seen Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan rubbing elbows and shaking hands with too many members of the anti-American bipartisan Globalist coalition, and when you put the pieces of the
puzzle together, and McConnell taking $9.2 million and Ryan $2.5 million to help fast track TPP through congress, you know that McConnell or Ryan, or both for all that matters, could be Trump’s Brutus’s.
I’ve seen Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan rubbing elbows and shaking hands with too many members of the anti-American bipartisan Globalist coalition, and when you put the pieces of the
puzzle together, and McConnell taking $9.2 million and Ryan $2.5 million to help fast track TPP through congress, you know that McConnell or Ryan, or both for all that matters, could be Trump’s Brutus’s.
The left is having a real hard time excepting Trump’s
cabinet picks, and with the Obama economy eliminating jobs, unless you’re
talking about multiple part time jobs to help make ends meet, you have to know
that adding top notch business men who know how to get’er done is the only way
to go, and by the way, also the mandate that the “Will’ of the American people
voted for, and won on!
All of Obama’s cabinet candidates were approved within the
first week, and most of them on January 21st, the day after the
inauguration. Do you remember what Obama’s inherited, economy wise was from
Bush II, and do you remember his first cabinet choices to help America get out
of the economic calamity? Well, then let’s take a trip down memory lane, and
how this neophyte egotistical psychopath stepped up to the plate to bat for the
future of the failing America economy.
Here is a chart which shows past presidents and the
percentage of each president's cabinet appointees who had previously worked in
the private sector – you know, a real-life business, not a government job?
Remember what that is? A private business?
* (Teddy) Roosevelt – 38%, * Taft - 40%, * Wilson - 52%, * Harding - 49%, * Coolidge -
48%, * Hoover - 42%, * FDR - 50%, *
Truman -50%, * Eisenhower - 57%, * Kennedy -30%, * LBJ -47%, * Nixon -53%, * Ford - 42%, * Carter -32%, * Reagan -56%, * GHWB - 51%, * Clinton -39%, * GWB -55%
Truman -50%, * Eisenhower - 57%, * Kennedy -30%, * LBJ -47%, * Nixon -53%, * Ford - 42%, * Carter -32%, * Reagan -56%, * GHWB - 51%, * Clinton -39%, * GWB -55%
And the Chicken
Dinner Winner is, you guessed it: *
Obama – 8%
* This is the guy who
wants to tell YOU how to run YOUR life! ONLY ONE IN TWELVE in the Obama Cabinet
Okay – so I read
this, and thought, how can that be possible, I mean only 8% with real work
experience outside of government. So I decided to go through the list of
cabinet members and other with similar rank, and can tell you that the list
consists of lawyers, and politicians for the most part. The closest thing to
private industry work experience which I can find out of the following 23
people, including Obama himself, is a few years of consultancy work, by only 2
people. And these jobs were when they were starting out in their careers. In
other words, they were grunts, and did what they were told, and then proceeded
to find work in the less challenging government sector. By the looks of it,
Obama's percentage of top advisors with actual private sector work experience,
other than being a lawyer, is 0.0%. Here is the complete list of Obama's top
cabinet officials:
- Barack Obama -
community organizer, lawyer and politician
- Vice President of
the United States: Joseph R. Biden - lawyer and politician
- Department of
State: Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton – lawyer, first lady and politician
- Department of the
Treasury: Secretary Timothy F. Geithner – 3 years working for Kissinger
Associates (Henry Kissinger) and then the rest in government
- Department of
Defense: Secretary Robert M. Gates – armed forces and CIA
- Department of
Justice: Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. – lawyer, DA, etc.
- Department of the
Interior: Secretary Kenneth L. Salazar – lawyer, political; staffer and
- Department of
Agriculture: Secretary Thomas J. Vilsack – politician
- Department of
Labor: Secretary Hilda L. Solis - political staffer, public service and politician
- Department of
Health and Human Services: Secretary Kathleen Sebelius - lobbyist and
- Department of
Housing and Urban Development: Secretary Shaun L.S. Donovan – public service
& politics
- Department of
Transportation: Secretary Ray LaHood - teacher, public service and politician,
political staffer
- Department of
Energy: Secretary Steven Chu - researcher, nobel laureate and professor
- Department of
Education: Secretary Arne Duncan - educational advocate and administrator
- Department of
Veterans Affairs: Secretary Eric K. Shinseki – military
- Department of
Homeland Security: Secretary Janet A. Napolitano – lawyer/politician
** The following
positions have the status of Cabinet-rank:
White House Chief of Staff: Rahm I. Emanuel – history on the
staff of various politicians
- Environmental
Protection Agency: Administrator Lisa P. Jackson – EPA and NJ DEP
- Office of
Management & Budget: Director Peter R. Orszag – Brookings Institute and
govt experience
- United States Trade
Representative: Ambassador Ronald Kirk - lawyer, politician and lobbyist
- United States
Ambassador to the United Nations: Ambassador Susan Rice – mgt consultant for
McKinsey for a few years in early 1990s, then politics and Brookings institute
- Council of Economic
Advisers Chair - Christina Romer - education
Yup – these are the
people who were relying on to get us out of that crisis. They are all
gooders, and have spent most of their life trying to get other people to elect them to office so they can tell us what we should be doing. I didn't doubt the intentions and public service contributions that any of these folks have made, but this is the administration we voted for? Obama promised change, and it happened, for the worse, but what you can take away from all of this, Trump, and America will be great again!
gooders, and have spent most of their life trying to get other people to elect them to office so they can tell us what we should be doing. I didn't doubt the intentions and public service contributions that any of these folks have made, but this is the administration we voted for? Obama promised change, and it happened, for the worse, but what you can take away from all of this, Trump, and America will be great again!
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Friends Of Liberty is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.
With the current threat of Facebook's feckless ability to be bipartisan feel free to befriend me at 'Jonathan E P Moore' to get direct and instant access, or follow 'While You Were Sleeping' at Don't forget to follow the Friends Of Liberty on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Google Plus PLEASE help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.



Friends Of Liberty is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.
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