By Jonathan E.P. Moore, and Friends of America!
I love football, and I did a little small college playing
myself, but first I was rebellious in my early days, and due to my size was talked
into giving football a shot. It turned out to be the best thing I could
possibly have done for myself and helped me start on my personal path to
self-actualization. To be part of a team where responsibility and doing your
part was not only gratifying, but purposeful in its resolve in what it takes to
complete the goal, but not only your personal goal, but the team goal where
everyone was working together to accomplish a common goal, and that’s ‘winning!’
Unfortunately, that’s something that the of youth today have never had the
chance to experience.
President Barack Obama did his everyday thing of preaching
about working together, but his together has nothing to do with winning, but collecting
participation trophies for effort, and
getting off the couch, putting the remote controller down, and saying hello to a fellow couch potatoe for the sole purpose of getting a little fresh air.
getting off the couch, putting the remote controller down, and saying hello to a fellow couch potatoe for the sole purpose of getting a little fresh air.
Obama bitches about a higher minimum wage, equal pay, better
education, and better housing, but he never mentions ‘winning,’ and for the
last eight years has been playing the Socialist inspired, ‘free’ stuff game
where you only have to ask, and you will receive, especially when Obama pulls
the economic rug out from under all Americans in order for them to ‘need’ the
government! What can I say, just another Socialist inspired ‘free’ stuff game
that Socialist Obama needs you to play in order to control your life, your
liberty, and the freedoms that the Constitution provides for every American
Trump was right again and the Silent Majority knew it, and
with 9 days to go until all American’s can start winning again! Obama is still
complaining and doubling down with his ‘hands up’ no fault excuses and blame
game for his failed domestic and foreign policies! What Obama and his followers
don’t understand is that America has always been a winner, and by that, I mean
always worked together, always cared about all Americans and countries in need,
always lived up to our potential, and finally, always taking pride in winning!
Obama’s group leaders would rather you believe that it’s OK to participate without
having to win, and it’s OK not to compete for what’s rightfully yours! We’ve
all been handed a great gift as legal American citizens, and that’s the ability
to be and do whatever you want or need with the liberties and freedoms granted
to you in the constitution that gives American’s a chance to be great again, so
take the bull by the horns in 9 days, and help America get back on the path of
greatness and generosity that all countries already knew, before Obama! ~~
the ‘New’ Socialist Party of America opposition to America’s exceptionalism against Trump’s ‘New’ America First Party! The score is tied at 3 to 3, so let’s break it down:
When it comes to the ‘New’ Socialist Party of America, they control:
- Hollywood and their message!
- The ‘Paid to Report’ Media and their message!
- The talking points that the above two double down on every minute, every hour, and every day!
When it comes to the ‘New’ America First Party, they
- The House!
- The Senate!
- The White House!
A conundrum for sure, and if you understand that the truth
about whose backing the “new’ Socialist Party will never be known and never
will be, then you’ll know, because of the ‘New’ Socialist Parties control of
the ‘Intel,’ about the inability to verify
anything they proclaim, and that
includes their Russian hacking
claim, that holds no water! You’ll know and be
able to understand that the ‘Paid to Report’ Media has never told you the truth,
and as long as the money and ratings are more important than ’Will’ of the
American People, never will!
The Media is panicking right now because Trump is ‘Tweeting’
his message over the internet and leaving the ‘Paid to Report’ Media out of the
loop, but fear not, they still use their own corrupt circle of half-truths and innuendos
to spin Trump’s messages to America about his political
cabinet choices and the not so smooth transitions of power hurdles and speedbumps! Twitter is the way to go and the way America communicates today to get the news that’s fit to print by using this rapid delivery option. There’s no 15 minutes of fame for reporters to spin their webs of intent and interpretation, and no stressful trials and tribulations that come with a one sided partisan attack that they use to spin their message to the gullible public who don’t have the time or need to know the truth! ~~
cabinet choices and the not so smooth transitions of power hurdles and speedbumps! Twitter is the way to go and the way America communicates today to get the news that’s fit to print by using this rapid delivery option. There’s no 15 minutes of fame for reporters to spin their webs of intent and interpretation, and no stressful trials and tribulations that come with a one sided partisan attack that they use to spin their message to the gullible public who don’t have the time or need to know the truth! ~~
Last night the president spoke about having a basic sense of
solidarity with one another. We’re all in this together mentality; we rise or
fall as one. He then spoke about the three threats (or challenges) facing the
country. Oh, and there were hallmark passages exhibiting the awesomeness that
is Barack Obama and the Democratic Party that has been devastated under his
The first threat is economic inequality: Blah, Blah, Blah ….
Blah, blah/blah! Been there, heard it before!
The second is race relations: Blah, Blah, Blah …. Blah,
blah/blah! Been there, heard it before!
The third was the breakdown in political discourse—and the
need to step out of our own sociopolitical bubbles: Blah, Blah, Blah …. Blah,
blah/blah! Been there, heard it way too much before!
The final lecture from Professor Obama on how his
principles, and that of the Democratic Party are the true beliefs, therefore,
those who are part of the Left are the real Americans. Contrary to what Obama
has said, race relations are worse,
unemployment is down, but million have left the workforce, and yes, your side does adhere to and facilitate an authoritarian ethos of political correctness. Yes, he may have struck some
similar tones Trump did regarding the out of work factory worker; the man can deliver a great speech. And this is one of the reasons why he was able to prevent a Romney landslide in these Rust Belt areas in 2012. In all, Obama’s speech was longer than Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 combined, which was used to tell us what a great job he did, how we should not retreat into bubbles, which the Left has already done post-Trump’s win, and how we shouldn’t be so vicious to one another.
unemployment is down, but million have left the workforce, and yes, your side does adhere to and facilitate an authoritarian ethos of political correctness. Yes, he may have struck some
similar tones Trump did regarding the out of work factory worker; the man can deliver a great speech. And this is one of the reasons why he was able to prevent a Romney landslide in these Rust Belt areas in 2012. In all, Obama’s speech was longer than Bush 41, Clinton, and Bush 43 combined, which was used to tell us what a great job he did, how we should not retreat into bubbles, which the Left has already done post-Trump’s win, and how we shouldn’t be so vicious to one another.
You see, visionary thinkers like Obama cannot be bound by
normal constitutional structures. Indeed, the very unpopularity of his most
cherished diplomatic goals is proof of their prophetic farsightedness.
Barack Obama gained the second jewel in his foreign policy
triple crown: the Paris climate accord. It follows his Iran nuclear deal and
awaits but the closing of Guantanamo to complete his glittering legacy.
To be sure, Obama will not be submitting the climate
agreement for Senate ratification. It would have no chance of passing — as with
the Iranian nuclear deal, also never submitted for the ratification Obama knew
he’d never get. And if he does close Guantanamo, it will be in defiance of
overwhelming bipartisan congressional opposition.
Yet the climate deal brought back from Paris by Secretary of
State John Kerry turns out to be no deal at all. It is, instead, a series of
carbon-reducing promises made individually and unilaterally
by the world’s nations.
by the world’s nations.
No enforcement, no sanctions, nothing legally binding. No
matter, explained Kerry on “Fox News Sunday”: “This mandatory reporting
requirement . . . is a serious form of enforcement, if you will, of compliance,
but there is no penalty for it, obviously.”
If you think that’s gibberish, you’re not alone. NASA
scientist James Hansen, America’s leading carbon abolitionist, indelicately
called the whole deal “bulls---.”
He’s right.!
The great Paris achievement is supposed to be global
“transparency.” But what can that possibly amount to when you can’t even trust
the reporting? Just three months ago, the world’s greatest carbon emitter,
China, admitted to having underreported its burning of coal by 17%, a
staggering error (assuming it wasn’t a deliberate deception) equal to the
entire coal consumption of Germany.
I’m a climate-change agnostic. But I’m realistic enough to
welcome prudent hedging against a possible worst-case scenario. I’ve long
advocated for a multilateral agreement (unilateral U.S. actions being
climatically useless and economically suicidal) negotiated with the most
important players — say, India, China and the European Union — containing real
limits, real numbers and real enforcement. That would be a genuine achievement.
What the climate-change conference produced instead was hot
air, applauded by 196 well-fed participants. (Fourteen nights in Paris, after
all.) China promises to begin reducing carbon
emissions 15 years from now. India announced it will be tripling its coal-fired electricity capacity by 2030. Meanwhile, the Obama administration is effectively dismantling America’s entire coal industry.
emissions 15 years from now. India announced it will be tripling its coal-fired electricity capacity by 2030. Meanwhile, the Obama administration is effectively dismantling America’s entire coal industry.
Looking for guidance on how the U.S. will fare under this
new environmental regime? Take a glance at Obama’s other great triumph, the
Iran nuclear accord.
Does the American public know that the Iranian parliament
has never approved it? And that the Iranian president has never signed it? Iran
is not legally bound to anything. As the State Department freely admitted (in a
letter to Rep. Mike Pompeo of the House Intelligence Committee), the deal “is
not a treaty or an executive agreement, and is not a signed document.”
But don’t worry. Its success “will depend not on whether it
is legally binding or signed, but rather on the extensive verification
measures” and our “capacity to impose — and ramp up — our sanctions if Iran
does not meet its commitments.”
And how is that going?
On Nov. 21, Iran conducted its second test of a
nuclear-capable ballistic missile in direct contravention of two U.N. Security
Council prohibitions, including one that incorporates the current nuclear
agreement — which bans such tests for eight years.
Our response? After Iran’s first illegal launch in October,
the administration did nothing. A few
words at the United Nations. Weren’t we repeatedly assured that any Iranian violation would be met with vigorous action? No worry, again. As UN Ambassador Samantha Power told a congressional hearing last week, “discussions are a form of UN action.”
words at the United Nations. Weren’t we repeatedly assured that any Iranian violation would be met with vigorous action? No worry, again. As UN Ambassador Samantha Power told a congressional hearing last week, “discussions are a form of UN action.”
The heart sinks!
It was obvious from the very beginning that the whole
administration promise of “snapback” sanctions was a farce. The Iranians knew
it. Hence their contempt for even the prospect of American pushback: two
illegal missile launches conducted ostentatiously even before sanctions are
lifted and before they receive their $150 billion in unfrozen assets early next
Why not? They know Obama will ignore, downplay and explain
away any violation, lest it jeopardize his transformative foreign policy legacy.
It’s a legacy of fictional agreements. The proliferators and
the polluters are not bound. By our own volition, we are!
Only Guantanamo remains, and remaining prisoners will be
released. Obama will not be denied! By ‘Sorry, not by me, a Friend of America!
Please step forward.
“Men argue. Nature acts.” -- Voltaire
“It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when
his salary depends upon his not understanding it!”-- Upton Sinclair.
“They keep saying that sea levels are rising an' all this.
It's not to do with the icebergs melting, it's because there's too many fish in
it. Get rid of some of the fish and the water will drop. Simple. Basic
science.” ― Karl Pilkington
The global climate change industry is worth an annual $1.5
trillion, according to Climate Change Business Journal. That’s the equivalent
of $4 billion a day spent on vital stuff like carbon trading,
biofuels, and wind turbines. Or — as Jo Nova notes — it’s the same amount the world spends every year on online shopping.
biofuels, and wind turbines. Or — as Jo Nova notes — it’s the same amount the world spends every year on online shopping.
But there’s a subtle difference between these two industries
— the global warming one and the online shopping one. Can you guess what it is?
Well, it’s like this. When you go to, say, Charles Tyrwhitt
to buy a nice, smart shirt, or Amazon to buy the box set of Game of Thrones, or to replace your girlfriend’s worn out rabbit, no one is
holding a gun to your head. You are buying these things of your own free
volition either for yourself or for someone you love. You have paid for them,
out of your own money, because you have made the calculation that they will
make your life that little bit better. Better than it would, say, if you’d kept
the money in your bank account or spent it on something less desirable — a
novelty dog poo ornament, say, or a hand knitted sweater with Jimmy Savile’s
face on it and “I HEART paedos” picked out in gold lamé lettering.
When, on the other hand, you buy stuff from the climate
change industry, you have no choice in the matter whatsoever. It’s already
priced into your taxes, your electricity bills, the cost of your petrol, the
cost of your airfare, the cost of every product you buy and every service you
use. It is utterly inescapable, this expenditure. Yet unlike your online
shopping — which, remember, costs roughly the same as you spend each year on
the climate change industry — you get precisely nothing in return.
No, it’s worse than that. You get less than nothing. You get
stuff forced on you that you really don’t want: bat-chomping, bird-slicing
eco-crucifixes looming on your horizon, keeping you awake, trashing your property values; fields of solar panels
where they used to grow wheat or you used to walk your dog; prissy missives
from your local council expecting you to be grateful for the fact that now
you’ve got to separate your trash into seven different recycling bags rather
than the previous five, and that they’re only going to collect your rubbish
once a fortnight instead of once a week; teachers filling your kids’ heads with
junk science propaganda; free parking slots for electric cars
you don’t own but which you subsidies for richer friends who do; feel-bad nature documentaries about how it’s all your fault that this stuff “may” soon disappear; energy-saving lightbulbs that take your nocturnal home back to the kind of sepulchral gloom Western civilization thought it had bade farewell to in the 1890s; the Prius, the car which recalls the style and comfort of the cars the fall of the Berlin Wall was supposed to have ended; yawning gaps where used to grow the woods which have been chopped down and chipped to create biomass for burning in power stations which used to run more cheaply and efficiently on coal…
you don’t own but which you subsidies for richer friends who do; feel-bad nature documentaries about how it’s all your fault that this stuff “may” soon disappear; energy-saving lightbulbs that take your nocturnal home back to the kind of sepulchral gloom Western civilization thought it had bade farewell to in the 1890s; the Prius, the car which recalls the style and comfort of the cars the fall of the Berlin Wall was supposed to have ended; yawning gaps where used to grow the woods which have been chopped down and chipped to create biomass for burning in power stations which used to run more cheaply and efficiently on coal…
Then there are the people who benefit financially from this
$1.5 trillion climate change industry: the carbon traders; the dodgy academics;
the vulture capitalists pecking on the bloated carcass of renewable energy; the
environmental NGOs; the environmental consultancies who specialize in giving
“expert” testimony at planning appeals, arguing on the most spurious grounds
that no the bats and birds in this area aren’t going to be affected by this new
wind turbine they’re going to be happier than ever no really; the
sustainability officers at every level of local government; the green advisers
attached to every business who advise them how to reduce their CO2 count; the
PR companies that specialize in green awareness; Dale Vince….
These people do not deserve your money. Not a penny, a cent,
or a sou of it.
Look, I don’t begrudge anyone the right to earn a living —
just so long as they’re providing someone, somewhere with something
they actually need. Not a single person working in the climate change industry fulfils this criterion. Not one. If you scrapped Michael Mann’s job tomorrow the world would not suffer the slightest loss and science would be all the better for it.
they actually need. Not a single person working in the climate change industry fulfils this criterion. Not one. If you scrapped Michael Mann’s job tomorrow the world would not suffer the slightest loss and science would be all the better for it.
Sure, you might argue, there’s some kind of trickledown
effect as the money we’re force to pay these shysters and bludgers and charlatans
and scroungers via various taxes and tariffs feeds back into the economy. But
you could make the same argument were these people paid the same amount of
money by the government to dig holes in the ground and fill them up again —
which would be a vastly preferable use of tax payer money because then these
utterly useless parasites would be reminded every day how pointless the “work”
they do actually is, whereas as things are, many of them suffer under the
delusion that their green non-jobs are somehow virtuous and important.
In the headline, I call the climate change industry a hoax.
That’s because, on any objective level it is. I don’t mean that all the
scientists and businesses and politicians promoting it are abject liars — just
most of them, even if it means that in order to keep earning their living they
have to be dishonest with themselves about something they know in their hearts
not to be true.
Alex Epstein, author of the ‘Moral Case for Fossil Fuels,’
sets out the fundamental problem with the climate change industry here:
..Increasing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere from 0.03
per cent to 0.04 per cent has not caused and is not causing catastrophic
runaway global warming. Dishonest references to “97 per cent of scientists”
equate a mild warming influence, which most scientists agree with and more
importantly can demonstrate, with a catastrophic warming influence – which most
don’t agree with and none can demonstrate.
That’s it. If you accept the validity of that statement —
and how can you not: it is unimpeachably accurate and verifiable — then
it follows that the $1.5 trillion global warming industry represents the most grotesque misuse of manpower and scarce resources in the history of the world. by James Delingpole, a Friend of America!
it follows that the $1.5 trillion global warming industry represents the most grotesque misuse of manpower and scarce resources in the history of the world. by James Delingpole, a Friend of America!
Ouch: Clinton Failed Presidential Bid Cost $1.2 Billion for
nothing! Isn’t Hillary the one who said ‘Words Matter?’
It’s a record. Hillary Clinton’s failed presidential run
cost $1.2 billion. Trump supporters should have a field day with this final
bill, given that Clinton slammed the president-elect for losing a billion
dollars during his business career.
"What kind of genius loses a billion dollars in a
single year?" said the Democratic nominee in October. Well, I guess she
can add her name to that list I guess (via NY Post):
Hillary Clinton and her supporters spent a record $1.2
billion for
her losing presidential campaign — twice as much as the winner, Donald Trump, according to the latest records.
her losing presidential campaign — twice as much as the winner, Donald Trump, according to the latest records.
The president-elect, who confounded critics during the
campaign by saying there was no need to raise or spend $1 billion or more,
ended up making do with $600 million.
Clinton’s expensive machine tore through $131.8 million in
just the final weeks, finishing with about $839,000 on hand as of Nov. 28,
Team Trump spent $94.5 million in the home stretch — from
Oct. 20 to Nov. 28 — and had $7.6 million left.
The figures include all spending by the campaigns, PACs and
party committees.
But it’s not all bad news for Clinton. She did make history
being the first woman nominated by a major party for president, though she was under FBI investigation at the time, and became the fifth person in American history to win more popular votes, but lost the Electoral College. So, her name will be in the books, and liberals take pride in that. For Republicans, they can take immense satisfaction that Hillary will never be president.
being the first woman nominated by a major party for president, though she was under FBI investigation at the time, and became the fifth person in American history to win more popular votes, but lost the Electoral College. So, her name will be in the books, and liberals take pride in that. For Republicans, they can take immense satisfaction that Hillary will never be president.

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Friends Of Liberty is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.



Friends Of Liberty is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.
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