By Jonathan E.P. Moore, and the Friends of America!
With only 2 days to go it’s beginning to look like nothing
is going to change for the better when it comes to the progressives attempt to
delegitimize the Trump Presidency. We have a 'pouting' Obama emptying the jails and doing everything he can to sabotage the incoming administration. We have a departing administration whose major legislation Obamacare, the worst legislation in history, and not passed by one single Republican, and now we have 50+ Democrat representatives to congress not even showing up at the inauguration! If there ever was a behavior that was anti-Constitutional, anti-American, and anti 'Will' of the American people, this would be the final nail in the coffin of the Democratic Party! There are 23
Democratic and 2 Independent Senators up for reelection in 2018, and 9 in states where Trump won in November. I think if I were a Democrat I would hope that these members of the Senate will help fix Obamacare, stop ISIS, build up the smallest military in America since the early 1900's, and help make America great again!
Not even the sitting President of the United States, Barack Obama could give a shit or give a little respect to the 'letter of the law' or the 'law of the land,' and like usual, showing his disdain for our legal process and judicial system! In a last-minute flurry of orders, Obama commuted sentences for 209 people and issued 64 pardons. Aides said he will commute substantially more on Thursday, the day before he leaves office and Donald Trump is inaugurated. President Obama on Tuesday reduced the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, the Army private convicted of leaking thousands of classified reports to WikiLeaks, to the nearly seven years she has served.
Democratic and 2 Independent Senators up for reelection in 2018, and 9 in states where Trump won in November. I think if I were a Democrat I would hope that these members of the Senate will help fix Obamacare, stop ISIS, build up the smallest military in America since the early 1900's, and help make America great again!
Not even the sitting President of the United States, Barack Obama could give a shit or give a little respect to the 'letter of the law' or the 'law of the land,' and like usual, showing his disdain for our legal process and judicial system! In a last-minute flurry of orders, Obama commuted sentences for 209 people and issued 64 pardons. Aides said he will commute substantially more on Thursday, the day before he leaves office and Donald Trump is inaugurated. President Obama on Tuesday reduced the 35-year prison sentence of Chelsea Manning, the Army private convicted of leaking thousands of classified reports to WikiLeaks, to the nearly seven years she has served.
The president also pardoned retired Marine Gen. James E.
Cartwright, who pleaded guilty in October to lying to FBI agents after he
disclosed classified information to a reporter about a covert U.S. cyberattack
that targeted Iran's nuclear program.
So, what are we suppose to believe and teach our kids and grandkids, hacking is OK, disclosing
classified information like Hillary with her unsecured server is OK? If you think about it, all
of this goes hand in hand with open borders, unvetted illegal immigrants and
refugees, and bypassing our constitution and Congress by using a pen and phone
to push his Socialist platform while disrespecting our founding father's vision for a free and prosperous future.
Without knowing what's behind the Socialist transformation of America, and the
motives driving someone’s actions, how can anyone know or judge the means of which
these decisions and actions would be set into motion? When it comes to Obama
and his ‘plan’ to destroy America
from within, you should look at Obama’s 4 year Columbia University Political Science Degree, and then look at the beliefs and philosophies of Saul Alinsky and his understudy’s, Cloward and Piven’s different twist on the same resolve of their mentor. The only thing left would-be Obama’s final interpretation and implementation of said theories on America that he's imposed on the American people for the last 8 years, and the cumulative consequences derived from his actions.
from within, you should look at Obama’s 4 year Columbia University Political Science Degree, and then look at the beliefs and philosophies of Saul Alinsky and his understudy’s, Cloward and Piven’s different twist on the same resolve of their mentor. The only thing left would-be Obama’s final interpretation and implementation of said theories on America that he's imposed on the American people for the last 8 years, and the cumulative consequences derived from his actions.
Every person, in my mind, is born with a blank slate, and
within minutes and days of being born that slate is being chiseled on by parents,
grandparents, sisters, brothers, and everybody else who stops by and brings
flowers to honor the birth. It may take years before you can consciously recall
and associate with thoughts or the ideas behind them, but be sure they’re there
and deep. Obama would call those thoughts, if it isn’t politically correct, being
‘Implicitly Bias!’
You have ‘NO’ say in who and what you are when you're first born,
but after a few years of riding that bike you can make conscious decisions about
right and wrong, yes or no, and thumbs up or down, but when it comes to your
future and path in life it’s trial and error, observing and listening, and then
taking a stance. For me it’s like everyone else, going out in the world for
the first time on your own, hoping I had that right 'positive' input, am worldly
enough to survive in a questionable situation, and able to communicate and express myself in a way where I
can relate my thoughts to the ones that will help me find my way while searching for my own individual path in life and self-actualization!
My life wasn’t anything different than anyone else’s, but
then again I’m not on the outside looking in!
My parents were both only children and ended up migrating to
NYC to follow their careers, and where they met. My mother was a model
from SC and graduated from UNC Chapel Hill, and my father was from the Maine
and New Hampshire area, and a Corporate Lawyer who graduated from Yale, undergraduate,
and Harvard Law. My whole family, except myself, were, and still are,
My father, like my grandfather in WWI, dropped what he was
doing and enlisted to go off and
fight in WWII. He was a 2nd lieutenant in the army. He was a forward observer on the Leyte islands in the Philippines, which was one of the corners of the so-called strategic triangle. He was wounded in the shoulder by mortar fire, and sent back to America to heal where he received the Purple Heart.
fight in WWII. He was a 2nd lieutenant in the army. He was a forward observer on the Leyte islands in the Philippines, which was one of the corners of the so-called strategic triangle. He was wounded in the shoulder by mortar fire, and sent back to America to heal where he received the Purple Heart.
My father was the most dedicated idealistic man when it came
to the law, and to him it was either right or wrong, or in other words, black
or white. There was no grey in between his black and white, but only the ‘letter
of the law’ as written, and that’s how he interpreted and represented it.
I never voted before
my father died because he was, in my mind, the most honest non-politician, that
should have been a politician, that I ever knew. He use to get mad as hell at
me and used the argument, If I went out to a restaurant with
a bunch of friends, and there was nothing on the menu I liked, wouldn’t I at
least order something? I said no! Now to the point!!
My father was approached to run for the Mayor of a small
town just outside of Manhattan and he turned them down, and when they left I,
along with my brother and sister came
out of the bedroom, which we were instructed to go when the election committee
showed up, he warned us about the BS
that goes along with politics, and pointed out that these politicians are only
into it for themselves, and the power to manipulate the position for their
personal greed and agenda…...! My father died in 2001 before 911, and I kept my
promise and voted in the 2004 elections.
I registered as an Independent and voted for Bush. Now you
have to know, that like most Americans, believed and took comfort knowing, with
the checks and balances in place, and the Constitution, that America’s
exceptional group of Founding Fathers had gotten it right, and no matter who
gets elected, our futures, and our children’s futures, would remain intact,
protected, and guaranteed for generations to come.
Now 2007 comes rolling in and I hear that this 1st term
congressman from Chicago is running for President, and carrying on with Rev.
Wright and Bill Ayres of the famous anti American group called the
‘Underground,’ and the one charged in some of the bombings back in the
70’s!!!!....’AM I HEARING THINGS!!!!’….There’s more!!!.....then I hear Trump
calling Obama out on his not meeting the ‘Natural Born' Citizenship eligibility
requirement, which is stated in the Constitution to be able to be
President of the United States! Now, I know what you’re going to say to that remark, but Obama was born in Hawaii, maybe, but that only makes him a ‘Naturalized’ Citizen’ and that’s because only one, and not both of his parents, was an American citizen.
President of the United States! Now, I know what you’re going to say to that remark, but Obama was born in Hawaii, maybe, but that only makes him a ‘Naturalized’ Citizen’ and that’s because only one, and not both of his parents, was an American citizen.
I got up off the couch right then and decided that my
‘perception’ about the guidelines of the Constitution being followed by our
elected officials as laid out by our founding fathers, is not the ‘reality,’ or
either are the checks and balances that would, if enforced, stopped Obama’s
illegal executive orders and Presidential Memorandums…… AND THE REST IS A
President Donald Trump replaces President Faily
McWorsethancarter Friday, but we’re not going to be able to Netflix and chill
in the fight for freedom. The left and its establishment allies are desperate
to regain the power they see slipping away, and we need to understand that the
only way to stop them is to beat them to a pulp and leave them whimpering in
the fetal position, crying out for their genderfluid mommies.
The left’s strategy is simple – deny normal Americans
normalcy. After all, that’s what we really want, a return to normal. We haven’t
experienced real normal since the Democrats denied the legitimacy of W’s
election in 2000 – you know, during one of those time frames when denying the
legitimacy of the president was cool, a phenomenon that coincidentally only
occurs whenever some Republican wins. Then came 9/11 followed by 15+ years of
botched wars and economic decline, along with an unprecedented cultural
offensive against normal Americans. Once the only place you heard that average
Americans were racist sexist homophobic everythingist
everythingphobic was on college campuses; now, with the active assistance of Obama and his collaborators, it’s everywhere – in our entertainment, in the media, in our faces.
everythingphobic was on college campuses; now, with the active assistance of Obama and his collaborators, it’s everywhere – in our entertainment, in the media, in our faces.
And we’re sick of it. #ThisIsWhyYouGotTrump
We want to return to normality, and in an ironic twist of
fate it was Donald Trump, the most unnormal guy imaginable, who promised it.
Hillary Clinton promised more war and more weakness, more of the same economic
malaise that has left most of America suffering, and much, much more of the
same cultural scolding and calculated oppression of anyone so subhuman as to
not live in a city and believe there are only two sexes. Trump committed to
return to America’s normal state of economic prosperity, to America’s normal
state of military supremacy abroad, to America’s normal state of
self-confidence in our own exceptionalism. And we wanted to go back to a time
where creepy activists weren’t trying to shoehorn men in skirts into our little
girls’ locker rooms.
Normalcy. It’s what we want, and liberals want to deny it to
us in order to doom Donald Trump and reopen their path back into power.
So how will they do it? Constant resistance at every turn.
They will ignore norms and rules – remember, norms and rules are only supposed
to constrain us. They will lie, cheat, and engage in any conduct that they
believe will help their hateful cause. A huge part of the progressive effort
will go toward policing their own for any weakness or faltering in their
lockstep opposition to everything Trump and the GOP do. Take that, Springsteen
cover band! How dare you perform the Boss’s hackneyed anthems for the
president? The good thing is we will get to watch four to eight years of the
left devouring itself. I’m already stockpiling the popcorn.
In Washington, there are Democrats whose constituents
supported Trump and want him to succeed. In a normal world, these would-be
moderates might cooperate and compromise with the GOP majority to influence
policy, but their own party absolutely will not let them do that
now. The hard-left activists are in control, and they will crush any dissent. So, the Democrats who might have moderated and played along now have to defy their party to do so knowing the activists will not be forgiving. And it’ll be wonderful watching the Dems kneecap their 2018 candidates to force utterly symbolic losing party line votes on cabinet appointments and on things like the Obamacare repeal.
now. The hard-left activists are in control, and they will crush any dissent. So, the Democrats who might have moderated and played along now have to defy their party to do so knowing the activists will not be forgiving. And it’ll be wonderful watching the Dems kneecap their 2018 candidates to force utterly symbolic losing party line votes on cabinet appointments and on things like the Obamacare repeal.
This is great for us. It will force the Dems in moderate or
even red areas to fall even further out of step with their voters – something
that has cost the Dems over a thousand seats across the country since Obama was
sworn in. In 2018, something like 25 Democrats or Dem-voting independents are
up for election to the Senate, many is moderate areas. If Trump is seen as
succeeding, especially on the economy, that could make the midterms a Democrat
bloodbath. A wonderful, delicious bloodbath.
Then there is the cultural fight. In Hollywood, the left is
piling on anyone who refuses to completely reject Trump and, by extension, all
of us normals. Look at Nicole Kidman, who the fascists attempted to crucify for
simply saying what Hillary Clinton had been saying right up until she lost –
that you ought to accept the legitimacy of the winner. Look at the death
threats against a blind opera singer. Look at those clowns lecturing us at
their awards shows/narcissism orgies. As the left always does, it is relying
one fear to enforce its creepy conformity.
It will work for a bit, especially since most entertainers
today are craven wusses – in World War II, Jimmy Stewart left stardom to fly
B-24s over Ludwigshafen. Now, adverse election results make them flee to
Arizona to commune with rocks. Many entertainers will decide to lower their
profiles in order to avoid the Hollywood Gestapo, but normals won’t like the
bullying. Normals generally think people should be allowed to say what they
want, and they generally think you should respect the president even if you
didn’t vote for him – pretty much what Nicole Kidman said. Do you think more
normal people or fewer will be going to the next Meryl Streep movie? Sure, her
target demographic of loveless cat women will always show up to watch her talk
in a funny accent, but the rest of us? Hard pass.
Then there is the fake moral posturing. We will see plenty
of this tactic, and we need to laugh at it. The notion that because John Lewis
got beat up by fellow Democrats a half century ago somehow immunizes him from
criticism for his cheesy lies about and general scumminess toward Republicans
today is a joke. It’s always fun to watch liberals unilaterally designate
“heroes” and
inform us we’re not allowed to say anything negative about their antics. When John McCain was running, what could only in the loosest sense of the word be called a campaign against Obama, the left wasn’t enforcing the Hero Exemption on his behalf. That only became a thing again when it became a useful thing again after Trump ignored it. Democrats don’t get to choose my heroes, or yours, and we need to aggressively reject this tiresome gambit.
inform us we’re not allowed to say anything negative about their antics. When John McCain was running, what could only in the loosest sense of the word be called a campaign against Obama, the left wasn’t enforcing the Hero Exemption on his behalf. That only became a thing again when it became a useful thing again after Trump ignored it. Democrats don’t get to choose my heroes, or yours, and we need to aggressively reject this tiresome gambit.
What about the lying mainstream media? Those hacks – no
one’s listening to them anymore. Still, every day every story is going to be
about the tyranny that is Trump, except there won’t be any actual tyranny.
Homelessness is going to make a big comeback now that Obama is gone. Everything
will hit women, minorities, and men claiming to have uteruses hardest. No one
cares. In pulling this same nonsense, the dying media will only hasten its own,
long-overdue, demise. Hey media, remember those false perv stories about Trump
– who do you think suffered a net loss of credibility, him or you?
Then there are the boycotts. Now, wussy corporate leaders
will often roll over when a bunch of leftists tell them what to do. But it gets
old. Eventually, companies are going to realize that you can’t succeed when you
are alienating at least half of the population. Plus, now we have a president
who will not hesitate to call out dirt bags. A couple tweets from the president
about companies who are dissing his supporters and that may reorient their
priorities. Now, do we want a president directing his people away from private
companies that engage in policies he dislikes? In theory, no. But now that you
libs have changed the rules, hell yes! We need to deal the pain right back at
them – it’s the only way they will learn.
A key problem with the liberal resistance strategy is that
constant activism is exhausting. It’s even exhausting to watch – normal people
are already tuning out the daily deluge of anti-Trump fake news in the lying
mainstream media. The liberal
strategy is to turn everything up to 11, but you
can’t do that for four years. While the hardcore left is invested in its hatred
of our
new president, most of America is not. They don’t want every waking hour
of their lives spent listening to people whine about Trump, especially when
they generally like what he’s doing. The fact is Trump is already doing well.
The market is up. He’s getting commitments for new jobs from big companies.
Obamacare is getting a stake through its putrid heart. And the normals are
going to tune out of the hate and reelect him to spite you liberal twerps. ~~By
Kurt Schlichter, a Friend of America!
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Friends Of Liberty is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.



Friends Of Liberty is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.
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