I watched the questioning of fired Assistant Attorney
General Yates by Senator Cruz and thought it was more than telling. It exposed how Obama’s 'left over' Justice Department defended, unconstitutionally, the Obama policies
and agenda. Yates, like ‘her’ ex-Potus, used intent and interpretation to
override the Constitution and bypass congress, while rejecting and undermining
President Trumps travel ban Executive Order. If you recall Jeff Sessions
recused himself from any investigation into the Russians influencing of
America’s 2016 election because he supposedly met with the Russian ambassador,
which by the way was one of the duties of his job description. Yates and her
staff were appointed by Trump, and was running Trump's Justice Department until
his attorney general nominee, Sen. Jeff Sessions was confirmed. Before that,
she had spent years defending Obama administration policies, championing
changes to the criminal justice system and curtailing the federal government's
use of private prisons. What you should notice is that when overriding
President Trump’s EO on the travel ban, she used the term, like the other
courts that ruled against the ban, of ‘INTENT’ and ‘INTERPRETATION’ which they truly
believe overrides the letter and rule of law, and our constitution!
“In 2014, Michael Flynn abruptly announced that he was
retiring from the Army ahead of schedule. It was the polite way of saying that
he was canned for doing a miserable job at the DIA. From there, Flynn embarked
on a career as an unregistered foreign agent, traveling the world to complain
about the Obama administration and picking up paychecks despite warnings from
the Defense Department. Obama didn't like Flynn, which was pointed out by Trump's Press Secretary, and appears to have tried to sour and sabotage Flynn's 'new' loyalty to the Trump campaign. Obama tried to warn Trump about Flynn, but did nothing to protect America from the collusion he was trying to lay at the Trump administration's feet. Hillary doubled down on the Russian connection during the election cycle while Obama and his corrupt 'Department of Justice' led by Loretta Lynch tried to build a case against Trump's Administration and the collusion of Russia in America's election using the already knowing Flynn's actions and paid appearances over seas during Obama's term in office. Did Obama allow Flynn, who was a unregistered foreign agent, keep his security clearance after being fired, and then allowing him to travel overseas and get paid for meetings with the Russians? Is this the major reason Obama didn't rescind, and then renew Flynn's security clearance, knowing that Flynn was rubbing elbows with candidate Trump, and use as something to discredit the Trump Presidency in the future? Was this Flynn's, like Hillary's OK'd State Department gig when 'George Soros' switched horses and backing in the 2008 election to Obama? Is the reason why there was no Inspector General hired to watch over the finances for the American taxpayer in the State Department the reason, then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, accidently lost or misplaced $6 Billion dollars during her stay, and leadership role at the State Department?
What’s suspicious here is trying to find a reason why Obama never rescinded Flynn’s
security clearance classification, but chose to renew it before President Trump
came into office! Why, with an approved high security clearance by the Obama
Administration would the Trump Administration doubt his loyalty or actions? Why
would Obama allow Flynn to do what he’s accused of while he was still the
President of the United States?
Obama warned Trump, then president-elect, not to give the
post of national security adviser in his administration to Flynn, a former
Obama aide said, but why would, after knowing what Flynn had already done chose
to do nothing about informing his own administration about the possible
Last but not least were the demands of his fellow
progressive politicians to declassify the Russia file before leaving office so
that it can be seen by the American people be the reason Flynn was unmasked? Seven Senate Democrats, who all sit on the
Senate Intelligence Committee, have sent a request to President Obama asking
him to declassify all materials related to Russia interfering in the US
presidential election.
Along with the election recount, the American people deserve
the details about Russia’s meddling in the presidential election. Did these
angry and out for blood 7 Senators cause the possible unmasking of Flynn to
make Trump’s incoming administration illegitimate? Did Obama, at the last
minute declassify the information about the ‘Once Trump takes office’
unproven accusations, that those details will never be released! Did the
‘Sinister 7’ decide on their own to make the information public so that the
American people can decide for themselves if the election was tampered with?
Did Obama’s declassify the classified information so that it could be freely
released? Yates and Clapper admitted to knowing about a/the unmasking of Flynn,
so, the only question left now is did ex-president Obama OK the
declassification of the Russia hacking information to hurt the incoming Obama
Administration, and is he involved in the cover-up of the declassified facts and
the illegal unmasking of Flynn. ~~With Jason Easley, a Friend of America!
Does anybody care that the content of the Wikileaks emails
were never challenged for their accuracy and authenticity by anyone on
Hillary’s team? Did anybody notice that the DNC didn’t have an IT guy that
could secure their servers and protect them from being hacked with the simplest
fix? But it’s the Russians, right?
CRUZ: It is correct that the constitution vests the
executive authority in the president?
CRUZ: And if an attorney general disagrees with a policy
decision of the president -- a policy decision that is lawful -- does the
attorney general have the authority to direct the Department of Justice to defy
the president's order?
YATES: I don't know whether the attorney general has the
authority to do that or not. But I don't think it would be a good idea. And
that's not what I did in this case.
CRUZ: Well, are you familiar with 8 USC Section 1182?
YATES: Not off the top of my head, no.
CRUZ: Well, it -- it -- it is the binding statutory
authority for the executive order that you refused to implement, and that led
to your termination. So it -- it certainly is a relevant and not a terribly
obscure statute.
By the express text of the statute, it says, quote,
"whenever the president finds that entry of any alien or of any class of
aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interest of the
United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem
necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants
or non-immigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may
deem appropriate."
Would you agree that is broad statutory authorization?
YATES: I would, and I am familiar with that. And I'm also
familiar with an additional provision of the INA that says no person shall
receive preference or be discriminated against an issuance of a visa because of
race, nationality or place of birth, that I believe was promulgated after the
statute that you just quoted.
And that's been part of the discussion with the courts, with
respect to the INA, is whether this more specific statute trumps the first one
that you just described.
YATES: But my concern was not an INA concern here. It,
rather, was a constitutional concern, whether or not this -- the executive
order here violated the Constitution, specifically with the establishment
clause and equal protection and due process. CRUZ: There is no doubt the
arguments you laid out are arguments that we could expect litigants to bring,
partisan litigants who disagree with the policy decision of the president.
I would note, on January 27th, 2017, the Department of
Justice issued an official legal decision, a determination by the Office of
Legal Counsel, that the executive order -- and I'll quote from the opinion --
"the proposed order is approved with respect to form and legality."
That's a determination from OLC on January 27th that it was
legal. Three days later, you determined, using your own words, that although
OLC had -- had opined on legality, it had not addressed whether it was, quote,
"wise or just."
YATES: And I also, in that same directive, Senator, said
that I was not convinced it was lawful. I also made the point that the office
of -- OLC looks purely at the face of the document and, again, makes a
determination as to whether there is some set of circumstances under which some
portion of that E.O. would be enforceable, would be lawful.
They, importantly, do not look outside the face of the
document. And in this particular instance, particularly where we were talking
about a fundamental issue of religious freedom -- not the interpretation of
some arcane statute, but religious freedom -- it was appropriate for us to look
at the intent behind the president's actions, and the intent is laid in and out
his statements.
Former House Intelligence Committee Chairman Pete Hoekstra
whether he accepted the conclusion by 17 intelligence agencies in a recently
released declassified report that Russia interfered in the 2016
Presidential election and that this interference came at the
direction of Russian President Vladimir Putin. Hoekstra gave an answer many
viewers of "The Kelly File" did not anticipate. He noted that the
declassified report represents the views of only three intelligence agencies,
not seventeen. Hoekstra also questioned why the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) did not co-author or clear the
report and why it lacked dissenting views.
The declassified report issued on January 6 is an abridged
version of a longer report ordered by President Obama that concluded Russian
President Vladimir Putin ordered a campaign to undermine the 2016 president
election, hurt Hillary’s candidacy and promote Donald Trump through cyber
warfare, social media and the state-owned Russia cable channel RT. Although the
report’s authors said they have high confidence in most of these conclusions,
they were unable to include any evidence for classification reasons.
As someone who worked in the intelligence field for 25
years, I share Congressman Hoekstra’s concerns about Friday’s declassified
Russia report and a similar Joint DHS and ODNI Election Security Statement
released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and DHS
on October 7, 2016.
I also suspect the entire purpose of this report and its
timing was to provide President Obama with a supposedly objective intelligence
report on Russian interference in the 2016 election that the president could
release before he left office to undermine the legitimacy of Trump’s election.
You may remember when Hillary Clinton claimed during the
final presidential debate on October 19 that based on the October 7 ODNI/DHS
statement, all 17 U.S. intelligence agencies had determined the WikiLeaks
disclosures of Democratic emails were an effort by Russia to interfere with the
Clinton’s remark was not accurate. Although the October memo
said, “the U.S. Intelligence Community” was confident that the Russian government
was behind the alleged hacking, the October memo was drafted by only two
intelligence organizations – ODNI and DHS.
Since it came out only a month before the presidential
election and was co-authored by only two intelligence agencies, the October
memo looked like a clumsy attempt by the Obama White House to produce a
document to boost Clinton’s reelection chances.
Its argumentation was very weak since it said the alleged hacking of
Democratic emails was “consistent with the methods and motivations of
Russian-directed efforts” but did not say there was any evidence of Russian
Friday’s declassified intelligence report on Russia hacking
is even more suspicious. As Congressman
Hoekstra noted, this report was drafted and cleared by only three intelligence
agencies, not 17. DHS, which co-authored
the October statement, added a brief tick to the new report, but did not clear
it. The Office of Director of National
Intelligence, which co-authored the October memo, did not draft or clear Friday’s
report, nor did other members of the U.S Intelligence Community with important
equities in this issue such as DIA and the State Department’s Intelligence and
Research Bureau (INR).
The declassified Russian report also lacks standard
boilerplate language that it was coordinated within the U.S. Intelligence
Community. This language usually reads: “This memorandum was prepared by the
National Intelligence Council and was coordinated with the US Intelligence
Community” or “this is an IC-coordinated assessment.”
Given how politically radioactive the issue of Russian
interference in the U.S. presidential election has become, why wasn’t the
January 6 Russia reporting an intelligence community-coordinated
assessment? Why were several important
intelligence agencies and their experts excluded?
It also is important, as Hoekstra indicated in his Fox News
interview, that intelligence community assessments on extremely controversial
issues include dissenting views, such as those added by INR to the 2002
National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq’s WMD program. A declassified version of this estimate was
released in 2002 that included INR’s dissent.
The content of the declassified report was underwhelming.
Although the report made serious accusations of Russian interference in the
election, it did not back them up with evidence. And, as Hoekstra also noted in
his Fox News interview, the report made some dubious arguments that Russia
succeeded in influencing the election using its RT cable channel, a Russian
propaganda tool that is only taken seriously in the United States by the far
It’s also troubling that the unclassified report does not
mention the extremely weak internet security of Clinton’s private email server,
the Democratic National Committee and Clinton campaign chief John Podesta. This
makes it impossible to determine whether the alleged hacking and leaking of
Democratic emails was more Russia and other hostile actors exploiting this
carelessness rather than a deliberate and robust Russian operation to interfere
with the election.
This is not to say the new CIA/NSA/FBI report is without
value. I believe the classified report
probably includes solid evidence on the intensive and broad-based cyber warfare
efforts that Russia, China and other states have been conducting against the
United States for the last eight years that President Obama has ignored.
I am encouraged that President-elect Trump responded to this
report by stating that will take aggressive action against cyber warfare
against the United States in the early days of his administration.
At the same time, I believe President-elect Trump and his
team are justified in questioning the January 6 report as politically
I am concerned that the exclusion of key intelligence
players and the lack of dissenting views give the appearance that the
conclusions of this report were pre-cooked.
I also suspect the entire purpose of this report and its
timing was to provide President Obama with a supposedly objective intelligence
report on Russian interference in the 2016 election that the president could
release before he left office to undermine the legitimacy of Trump’s election.
Adding to the Trump team’s concerns that intelligence
agencies were playing political games over possible Russian interference in the
election, is the fact that at the same time these agencies were refusing to
brief Congress about their findings on this issue, they were constantly being
leaked to the news media. The most recent press leaks, some by intelligence
officials, occurred this week on the classified contents of the new Russia
report before they were briefed to Mr. Trump.
The new intelligence report on Russian interference in the
2016 presidential election broke so radically with the way objective and
authoritative intelligence community assessments are supposed to be produced
that it appears to have been rigged to support a pre-ordained set of
conclusions to undermine President-elect Trump. I believe the October 2016 memo and related
developments support this unfortunate conclusion.
It is vital that the Trump administration and U.S.
intelligence agencies move beyond this situation by working together to forge
new policies to protect our nation against the many serious threats it faces,
including radical Islam, cyber warfare, nuclear proliferation, Russia, China
and other threats.
Intelligence agencies were led astray by the Obama
administration’s partisanship and national security incompetence.
I am confident that over time, the outstanding men and women
Trump has named to top national security posts will ensure that America’s
intelligence agencies have Trump’s confidence and produce the hard hitting and
objective intelligence he will need to defend our nation. ~~By Fred Fleitz, a
Friend of America!
"The left doesn’t really have a message to deliver to America at this
point in time, but the old Democratic Party seems to be the ‘New’ Socialist
Party to the American people, and its constituency! They support division,
obstructionism, and the current resistance that they’re anarchist branch is
delivering to the youth of our nation and future leaders. Old school Democrats
who believe in our founding fathers vision for this exceptional country don’t need
to jump ship, but choose a different crayon in the box of Democratic candidate
possibilities. I’m a registered Independent and chose to follow anyone that believes in the defense of
our Constitution. I believe in some of the ideas from both sides of the aisle, I
believe in free choice, I believe Sanctuary Cities harbor and protect MS-13, radical Islamic terrorists, and thrive and bribe base on the drugs that are killing our Youth, our future, and preventing America from being great again! I believe that all immigrants and refugees should be
welcome based on their vetting and the immigration laws that are outlined in those existing immigration laws that have been on the
books before Obama came into office in 2008. Obama decided to use intent and interpretation to bypass those rules of
law and Constitution, and transform America to a socialist following ideological future. I also believe that the agenda journalists that work for
the ‘Paid to Repost’ Media, has influenced the election through its fake polls,
fake news, and fake sources far more than the Russians could possibly ever do!"
Obama’s agenda of Political Correctness has intentionally
come in between every social aspect of every American's life, and this once together
country has been separated, not by patriotism that this country exuded back
during the times of WWI and WWII, but by forgetting about the inclusion and
acceptance that ran rampant before Obama and his 8 years of attempting to drive
everyone onto the rolls of big government, and dependent on their control of
your life, and finances!

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