Friday, September 30, 2016


By Jonathan E.P. Moore
I’ve moved to Columbus, Ohio too be closer to my kids and grandkids, and today I received two pieces of Hillary’s insult to women junk mail that are aimed at early voters who can vote  early in Ohio starting on Monday, October 3rd:
The first mailing stated how ‘Donald Trump’s statements about women are demeaning and degrading!
”His words have consequences and impact our lives”
Has Hillary’s ‘actions,’ not words,’ for her support of ISIS, and accidentally giving $400 million Dollars’ worth of weaponry to ISIS? How about While ISIS was in its infancy Secretary of state, Hillary Clinton misplaced or lost $6 Billion Dollars? I don’t know about you, but if you think the American People haven’t suffered the ‘Consequences that impact our lives’ then I guess “Sticks and stones will break your bones, but words will never hurt you!”
I guess mark one up for outsider Donald Trump, and if you don’t know who he is, that’s the one that wants to make America great Again, and not a 3rd world Socialist Country!
The second mailing stated how “A Donald Trump Presidency means telling our daughters it’s OK for people to disrespect them”
I guess if you’re a parent and wants the government to do the thinking for you while living ‘legally’ in the United States of America, and being raised under this exceptional ‘Constructional Republics’ form of Democracy, then you missed the boat and taken the ‘Political Correctness’ bait! Until the Alinsky twins came along, we still had a document called the ‘Bill of Rights,’ and something called the Constitution with its first Amendment ‘freedom of speech,’ and if you don't know this already, but if Hillary wins the White House she will stack the Supreme Court with her crony progressive left wing justices, and change the meaning of the first amendment, and gut the second amendment to point of banning the right to bear arms!
I thought in America that the parents instill confidence and pride in themselves and their children! When did that responsibility become government’s role, and when did outsider Donald Trump’s construction site character flaws and rhetoric become the main issue of this election? What parent, who lives within the American Dream borders discount the possibilities of their children’s individuality with negative feedback? What parent would allow such rhetoric by Hillary to be validated by your inaction to reinforce the strong constitutional rights that your child was given by just being born in this exceptional country?
If your falling for this BS and don’t believe that Obama’s feckless domestic policies are making all Americans feeling vulnerable in the wake of this economy that Obama has intentionally integrated into his Cloward and Piven Strategy of dividing this country on all economic, religious, race, ethnicity, etc., then take the time to check out the 4 years Obama spent in Columbia’s progressive Political Science Department learning Cloward and Piven’s version of Alinsky’s findings, then take a little time before you vote, and do a little research!! 
How about when our bipartisan Congress looked the other way and didn’t vet and disqualify Obama on the simplest citizenship requirement that would have eliminated Obama subjecting the ‘Will’ of the American people to 8 years of Hell! This has nothing to do with the ‘Birther’ issue, Obama is a ‘Naturalized’ citizen, but not a ‘Natural Born’ citizen which is required by our founding fathers in the Constitution! Obama is not a ‘Natural Born’ citizen, but our bipartisan political leader’s ignored that requirement intentionally, and chose to work hand in hand with Obama in destroying America from within!
America is not racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Islamophobic,” and Trump is not about racism, but nationalism and maintaining the status quo American way!
This election is only about one thing, and even though the ‘Paid to Report’ Media won’t fill you in on what that one thing is, I will!! It’s about, and only about, maintain our Constitutional Republic’s form of Democracy and following the laws of the land, and the Constitution! For some reason the ideological foundation of America is not being respected by our elected officials or their anti-American insider plant, Barack Obama! Hillary will be the self professed leader of the continuation of what would be an Obama third term!!.... It can’t get any simpler than that unless you take the Obama/Clinton PC bait!!
I just heard that Hillary’s Gestapo trooper have just this morning, coming out swinging at Trump, the International businessman, for working with Cuba! but didn’t Obama just use his ‘Pen and Phone’ to open relations without congressional approval and bypassing the laws of the land, and the constitution again? didn’t Obama just ignore the human rights and woman’s rights of Cuba and sanctions put into place by our  Congress that have been in place for what seems to be forever?......I guess that Obama’s actions don’t need to heed to the letter of the law, or as Hillary would say; the ‘Will’ of the American peoples words and the consequences Obama’s policies will impact on our lives forever!!....go figure!!!
All Millennials, deserted Democrats who weren’t given a viable pro-American candidate to vote for during the primaries, Independents, Libertarians, all minorities, religions, other than Muslim’s whose ideology doesn’t mesh with the ideals of the American people no matter if their radical or moderates, will not have a viable future under the Alinskyites Obama and Hillary model and vision for the transformation of America to Socialism’ 
Hillary is trying to use Trumps factual evaluation of the Clintons personal past history against Trump by attacking his unfounded character flaws and personality by trying to compare apples to oranges, but Trump could never reach the heights, or be on the same level as the crooked Clintons! Hillary has shown so much disdain for the laws of the land, the constitution, our governmental ideological model, and the ‘Will’ of the American people, and because of that all American voters have to open their eyes and accept that truthful and proven fact before they vote!!
It’s time for Trump, after that first debate that was fixed in the minds of most Americans, and myself included, to take off the gloves, which he didn’t do to show how he was Presidential enough to be considered President, which he did and passed! It's time for Trump, with 39 days to go to use all the tools at his disposal to take down the Clinton political machine, who appear, with the help of the DOJ, FBI, and the IRS, to be untouchable!
Forgive me if I’m confused, but there seems to be a huge disconnect between what our would-be elite overlords are telling us about women and what they actually think! Apparently coherence and consistency are sexist, and probably also racist and homophobic, making the pooh-bahs of the establishment and their media gimps the most tolerant people in the world.
So, Hillary has some serious sads because Trump interrupted her in the debates. That’s sexist you know, because women are both just as good and tough and stuff as men and, simultaneously, little delicate flowers that we must treat like fine china. Apparently you 'go gurl' until someone is mean to you and then you 'run gurl' to the menfolk in the media to protect you. You can be anything you want to be except as tough and capable as a man, right Hillary?
You’re a pathetic hack. I expect your vapid supporters; to the extent they actually consider things beyond your mind-numbing clichés to probably expect your whining about sexism is going to make Putin pause. But those of us who actually reside on this planet know that the bullies of the world have already got your number – it’s 33,000, as in the emails they have of yours they have that you tried to Bleach Bit into oblivion. They see you as weak because you are weak. You’re frail and you’re stupid and you allowed yourself to be humiliated by that dank bro clown of a husband in front of the entire world!
Respect? You haven’t earned it, your bizarre robot. Can anyone imagine Margaret Thatcher whimpering like you do? She was the Iron Lady; you’re the Grinning Hummel, a neurotic first wife who would be whining to some therapist if she didn’t have the media oiled-up and at her creepy service.
So the next freakout du jour involves Trump calling out some chunky, homicidal ex-Miss Universe, whose entire job was supposed to be not getting chunky during her reign, for getting chunky during her reign. So wait, we can’t hold women to the same standards as men? Her job was to be thin. She didn’t do it. Oh no, her boss pointed out that this woman had failed the one thing she committed to do, and he’s the villain?
There’s another organization that fat shames people for failing to meet their commitment to stay within weight standards – the military. Why do you hate our troops, Hillary? Oh right, you’re a liberal. Anyway, do women need an exception there too, Hillary? Sergeant Hester didn’t need special treatment, but then she wasn’t some gender studies major intent on getting ahead through grievance mongering instead of actual achievement!
Why do liberals have such low expectations for women? Oh right, because their pro-woman agenda is as phony as their global warming scam. They’re the hippie in Forrest Gump, smacking around the heroine and blaming it on LBJ. Just ask Juanita Broaddrick. “You better put some ice on that.” But will people see it that way?

The sad fact is that some people love cultivating fake sexism as a bludgeon to beat on their opponents. That’s the Democrat way – try to turn opposition into immorality. And among a certain part of the population, it will work – those are the people who were perfectly happy while Bill Clinton treated his succession of women like trash and Hillary came behind with a garbage pail and a push broom. Broken, shattered women are collateral damage in their struggle, a struggle that is most assuredly not for equality but about something else – unaccountable supremacy. Hillary and her ilk are saying precisely the opposite of “Women are just as good as men,” which some suckers still think is the point of liberal feminism. What they are saying is “Women are whatever we need them to be at the moment, and the second they stop being useful we’ll wad them up and throw them away, just like we do with the once every 4 year black and Latino minority Americans!!"
How do the women feel who don’t whimper when challenged, who don’t run for some man to protect them, who respond to interruptions and rudeness with toughness and firmness instead of pathetic fussiness? I don’t know – I don’t presume to speak for women, unlike liberals, but I can’t imagine they are impressed. Toughness – the ability to fight on any battlefield against any foe without backing down – isn’t a male or female characteristic. It’s a characteristic of leaders. And Hillary sure as hell has shown that she’s anything but a leader!
Is America better off than it was 8 years ago? Is Hillary the perfect role model that future generations of young women will look up to and follow? Will the ‘Paid to Report’ Media’s version of reality, and putting Hillary, the savior of all women, on a pedestal, benefit women's unknown future?
Trumps accurate rendition of how bad things are in this country are not his willingness to paint a dark negative picture of America, but to do what the ‘Paid to Report’ Media hasn’t, and that’s to tell the truth in his perceptional outsider’s version of the State of the Union that the two Alinskyites, Obama and Clinton, have created!

I guess Joseph Goebbels ‘Nazi Propaganda Minister’ was right:
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it!”
You have to ask yourself about whether or not this an intentional ploy by the Alinskyites Barack and Hillary to have Americans believe that today’s world is just as exceptional now as it was when they took office back in 2009. What appears to be going on here is that Obama and Hillary are slowly diluting the value of the accomplishments we achieved under our Constitution and the vision our founding fathers had for this ‘Shining City Upon a Hill!”
Obama and Hillary have effectively used Political Correctness, Racism, Sexist, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Islamophobic,” to distract the ‘Will” of the American People away from how exceptional this country has always been here at home and what it represents and stands for around the world! The only thing I worry about in this election, when it comes time for American’s to vote, are they going to accept Obama and Clintons assertions that half America truly is  Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Islamophobic because they think they are, or vote for the continuation of what’s made America great for the last 200+ years? America has always been the most generous country in the world and have fought against extreme prejudices, racism, religious persecution, etc. We have never hesitated to fight on foreign soil, but we have never fought for ourselves, our exceptionalism, our political ideology that is under attack, or fought against our elected officials, who at the moment seems to be our biggest challenge in America's history!
Is the fight this election cycle about the outsider’s politically incorrect character flaws of Donald Trump, or the ‘One Thing’ that is represented by that metaphoric ‘Elephant in the room,’ or in laymen’s terms, the Constitution!
People have been debating whether or not it’s fair for Trump to attack Bill’s sexual misdeeds in order to indirectly attack Hillary? This makes sense. After all, we’re talking about a guy who has been accused of the sexual assault of more than ten women. Think about it: How is her appointing him really any different than if she’d appointed Bill Cosby?
But here’s the thing: The real issue isn’t whether or not to attack Bill to indirectly attack Hillary — it’s about directly attacking Hillary for how she herself treated the women involved. Hillary Clinton claims to be pro-women, yet has actively worked to ruin lives of so many of them. She’s running on a “feminist platform” — she’s even dared to say that sexual-assault survivors have a “right to be believed” — despite the fact that what she did to the women who accused Bill went far beyond not believing them. She attacked them!
"It is way past time to end the outrage of so many women still earning less than men on the job,” says Hillary. Clinton Foundation Pays Men 38% More than Women!
The foundation’s highest paid executive is Frederick Post, director of “sponsor and marketing,” who has built the foundation’s assets to $247 million. He received $484,000 in annual compensation!
The highest paid woman is CEO Virginia Ehrlich. Her pay is only $201,000, less than half that of Post’s!
The second-highest paid male is long-time Clinton associate Bruce Lindsay, who received $395,000 in annual compensation!
All eight male foundation execs earn $200,000 or more. Only one woman earned $200,000, while Stephanie Streett, its executive director, received a paltry $169,000!
Clinton paid women less than men when she was senator, analysis finds!
The Washington Free Beacon reported Monday that women working for the then-New York senator earned 72 cents for each dollar paid to men!

Reports have emerged concerning large donations to her family’s foundation from countries including Algeria, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and, of course, Saudi Arabia—a rogues’ gallery of governments with poor records on women’s issues. How could Clinton—she of “women’s rights are human rights” fame, who by all indications will soon try again to break the “highest, hardest glass ceiling” of the White House—still be so cozy with a regime so at odds with one of her core, lifelong causes?
The doctrine that Clinton made a central part of her time at Foggy Bottom was revolutionary; never before had the cause of women been elevated to a priority of American foreign policy and labeled a key national security concern. But talking the talk is not the same as walking the walk, and as Clinton prepares for this 2016 presidential election in which she will likely tout both her tenure at State and her potentially history-making role as America’s first woman president!
Hillary Clinton’s expected presidential campaign is being built around women’s issues, but women who have gotten in the way of her family’s political goals in the past have often been subjected to her wrath.

As Clinton has appeared at multiple events for women over the past several weeks, her record as an advocate for women has come under increased scrutiny.
Women who have accused her husband, former President Bill Clinton, of sexual misconduct have received special criticism from the former first lady.
One victim of Clinton’s wrath was Monica Lewinsky, whom Clinton called a “narcissistic looneytoon” in private conversations with close friend Diane Blair!
Lewinsky was not the only woman who had a sexual relationship with Bill targeted by Hillary: she called Gennifer Flowers “trailer trash.”
Flowers alleged in a 2000 lawsuit that Clinton created and ran a “war room” during the 1992 campaign to “smear, defame, and harm” adversaries such as herself!
Prior to the 1992 election, Clinton worked to get sworn statements from all the women Bill was rumored to have slept with who said the rumors were false. She interviewed some of the women herself, according to Carl Bernstein’s A Woman in Charge.
Kathleen Willey, who claimed Bill Clinton sexually harassed her during his first term as president, said Hillary Clinton made it a point to launch a “terror campaign” against her and all other women.
“She is the war on women, as far as I’m concerned, because with every woman that she’s found out about—and she made it a point to find out who every woman had been that’s crossed his path over the years—she’s orchestrated a terror campaign against every one of these women, including me,” said Willey.
One of those women was Juanita Broaddrick, who says Hillary Clinton threatened her in person two weeks after she claimed Bill Clinton raped her!
Hillary’s aggressive attitude was not limited to those who accused her husband of sexual misconduct: other men received the benefit of the doubt from Hillary when she needed their support politically. When former Sen. Bob Packwood was accused of sexual harassment, Clinton told her friend Blair that she was “tired of all those whiney women,” and that she needed Packwood on health care.
Hillary has also suggested that Bill’s problems with women are the fault of a woman: his mother.
Clinton attempted to explain to Lucinda Franks that Bill’s infidelity is rooted in his abused childhood, stating during an interview that he was abused and that “when a mother does what she does, it affects you forever.”
Clinton’s remarks concerning her husband’s tough childhood came in response to a question about how “Bill’s sexual addiction began.”
“I am not going into it, but I’ll say that when this happens in children, it scars you,” said Clinton. “You keep looking in all the wrong places for the parent who abused you.”
Monica Lewinsky has broken nearly a decade of silence to say she was “troubled” by Hillary Clinton’s impulse to “blame the woman” - rather than her husband - for the affair that nearly brought down Bill Clinton’s presidency.
Newly discovered audio recordings reveal Hillary Clinton in the 1980s gladly defended the suspected rapist of a 12-year-old girl using a legal technicality.
Is this a surprise for a woman who seeks to be president and who has championed the notion that Republican opposition is “at war with women”? Not really!
Just ask Kathleen Willey, one of the lucky survivors of Hillary’s husband’s serial sexual predator actions throughout his political career, including the presidency. Willey, who was sexually accosted by Bill Clinton while she worked as a volunteer in the White House, said frankly earlier this year, “Hillary is the war on women.” In other words, when given the chance to have a positive impact in the lives of dozens of real women, she chose to cover up, obfuscate, parse words – even “stand by her man.”
But now we see the truth about this phony feminist. Given the choice between being the token woman attorney representing a man she strongly suspected was guilty of raping a 12-year-old girl and doing the right thing, Hillary opted for the money and her legal career.
Keep in mind, she also defended Bill when he was accused of raping Juanita Broaddrick. According to Broaddrick, Hillary even threatened her about going public!
Two weeks after the violent sexual attack, Broaddrick recalls Hillary coming up to her and saying: “I just want you to know how much that Bill and I appreciate what you do for him. Do you understand? Everything that you do. Broaddrick added, “Cold chills went up my spine. That’s the first time I became afraid of that woman.”
Imagine that!

AGAIN: With a 3 day possible Columbus Day weekend, at least for some, you have to know that todays 'Document Dump' will probably be strong. I wouldn't be surprised to see Obama come out with a few more unconstitutional expenditures to try and help Hillary generate enough illegal votes to put her over the top, but to get back to the topic of the day, and how do the women feel who don’t whimper when challenged, who don’t run for some man to protect them, who respond to interruptions and rudeness with toughness and firmness instead of pathetic fussiness? I don’t know – I don’t presume to speak for women, unlike liberals, but I can’t imagine they are impressed. Toughness – the ability to fight on any battlefield against any foe without backing down – isn’t a male or female characteristic. It’s a characteristic of leaders. And Hillary sure as hell has shown that she’s anything but a leader!!


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