Friday, May 13, 2016


By Jonathan E.P. Moore
“Clinging to any form of conservatism can be dangerous. Become too conservative and you are unprepared for surprises. You cannot depend on luck. Logic is blind and often knows only its own past. Logic is good for playing chess but is often too slow for the needs of survival.” Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse: Dune    

For the last 8-9 years the assumed Democratic Party and the thought to be different Republican Party have been setting the American People up for an Ideology transformation! The ‘New’ bipartisan political Globalist Party was launched,and by ignoring our founding Fathers number one Constitutional requirement to be President of the United States, and at the same time testing the American People to see if they were awake to the intentional deception of nominating a unconstitutionally eligible candidate to run for president?  The ploy worked and  Obama won, and became the first, and hopefully last, President who is not a ‘Natural born Citizen’ which would have never allowed, constitutionally, Obama to be sworn in as President of the United States! The bipartisan establishment gamble also paid off, and the American People were not paying attention! There was really only one credible person with say, and Media exposure, that questioned his eligibility back then, and that was Donald Trump, who also did it again in 2016 with the same ineligibility constitutional requirement of Cruz, Rubio, and Bobby Jindal!
We all ignored Trump then and the ‘Paid to Report’ Media backed the play by these Globalists, who by the way now thought that the Constitutional test got by the American People, and because of that now open the flood gates to continuing on with their game plan using the bounty hunter Obama, and his Alinsky Agenda of binging down this exceptional country through Socialism, and his unconstitutional Executive Orders and Presidential Memorandums!
The bipartisan charade seemed to work when the House and Senate were controlled by the Democratic Party while the Republican Party, because they lost the election, were left out and made to sit on the bench while ‘Hope and Change’ became the call to action, and the driving force!

If you have any common sense at all you would have to know that Obama could not have gotten away with all of his unconstitutional actions, or his raising the debt ceiling, and without a budget for 7 years, without the help of the 'on the bench', and in the background Republican Party!
It’s time for the American People, and Donald Trump, to watch out for this ‘Over the Hill Gang’ for Their betrayal to the ‘Will’ of the American People and their lack of transparency while going along with Obama’s lead and unconstitutional actions!
The ‘Will’ of the American People is not reflected in the old conservatism or the current actions of the Republican Party, but Trump’s new vision of ‘America First’ for the future of America will prevail over the 'cave in cowards' of old Republican base to Obama’s elitist agenda of power and greed over the America People through Socialism, which seems to be to me, what the present conservatism/Globalism Party is addicted to!
With less than 20% of the American People, after the last election, identifying with being conservative, I don’t believe that Ryan and the conservatism that he represents and negotiating with Trump about unifying the Republican Party is not a very strong! Trumps vision of ‘America First’ should be at least allow him to control 80% of the platform! Conservatism is a nonfactor in Trump’s success, so you have to ask yourself what's behind Donald Trump’s nomination victory? The insider beliefs among conservatives is that Trump, the outsider, sensed, marshaled and came to represent a massive revolt of the Republican rank and file against the “establishment.”
GOP political leaders made promises of all kinds and received in return, during President Obama’s years, major electoral victories that gave them the House, the Senate, 12 new governorships and 30 state houses. Yet they didn’t deliver. Exit polls consistently showed that a majority of GOP primary voters (60 percent in some states) feel “betrayed” by their leaders, and by RINOs who, corrupted by donors and lobbyists, sold out. Did they repeal Obamacare? No. Did they defund Planned Parenthood? No. Did they stop President Obama’s tax-and-spend hyper liberalism? No. Whether from incompetence or venality, they let Obama walk all over them.
Paul Ryan buttered some bread when speaking only 45 minutes with Trump, but I have to ask, 'Where’s the Beef?'
"Look, there are certain things we believe in as conservatives. We believe in limited government, we believe in the constitution,"……Really!!
"Can we unify around our common principles to offer the country a compelling, clear choice and agenda? …….Hmmmm, a wolf in sheep’s clothing comes to mind with this one!
Praised Trump for his record breaking vote numbers in the primary and for bring new voters into the party. ……The old out of touch Conservative Party, or the ‘new’ vision of the ‘America First’ Trump Party??
You have to wonder where Ryan is going with his vision and version of uniting the Republican Party, and does Trump have to move closer to the demands of outdated conservative base, or does the outdated conservative base have to move a lot further to the ‘America First’ Party? Trumps platform is what Americans want, and if the Ryan road block are too many and too big to overcome, belief wise, I think a 3rd Party should be considered to ensure the ‘Will’ of the American People is heard and heeded!!
When it comes to Trump’s no strings attached appointments to his cabinet, I would say no reconciliation candidates to unite the party, and eliminating ‘No matter what No Trump’ turncoats from consideration! Trump cannot cave under the guise of party unity, and like the current Republican collapse under the Obama pressure for fear of being called racist and the lure of power and greed, which they proved when taking the money to pass TPP! 
The bipartisan establishment undermined the American People’s ability to see through the disdain our elected officials have for the Constitution, our founding father’s insightful checks and balances rules, our Supreme Courts only responsibility to advise and not make law, and allowing Obama to bypass the Congress when making law!
AMERICANS CAN DISAGREE WITH EACH OTHER on all levels of important social issues, and even with the Political Correct agenda and intolerance that both our elected officials and ‘Paid to Report’ Media are using to depress and deceive the soul and heart of what America stands for by the actions and dedication of our fore fathers before any of us were alive! We should understand that if you’re an American first that no matter what race, nationality, religion, gender, or age that you identify with, that we can all get together to protect and preserve the Constitution of the United States of America, and override the bipartisan anti-American Agenda of Globalism via Socialism and open borders while taking away our identity of being the most sought over place to be, where you get to be free, and live the American Dream!
I don’t care if you’re a Democrat, Independent, Libertarian, Republican, or any other political party, but if you’re here in America and enjoy the benefits of being free, then you have to realize that this is the only country where your freedom of speech allows you to be who and what you are without recourse or discrimination! Can you imagine not being able to express those differences that make you different from and exceptional and where your perception of expression opinion and free thought can be your reality!!
If you’re here illegally and being used to advance Globalism via Socialism and open borders for your paid illegal vote, then you should reconsider your position and realize that by accepting this anti American mission that you're destroying the ultimate reason why you gave up everything to get to America in the first place, the American Dream and the future you thought you were making for your family!
So in the long run I guess what I’m saying is let’s get behind Donald Trump’s ‘Make America Great Again’ and take back this once, and will be, the most exceptional country in the world!! 


                      Jonathan E P Moore ‘While You Were Sleeping’ 
                         THE NEXT ‘While You Were Sleeping’
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