Wednesday, May 11, 2016


By Jonathan E.P. Moore
What an amazing night! I met people that consider themselves in the know and think that the Constitution’s checks and balances will protect them if the process hits that occasional speed bump…. NOT!! Playing the ‘History will repeat itself’ card was the most disturbing, and outright irresponsible attitude I had to deal with, and because of that, now understand why America is mired in ignorance about the status quo agenda that our elected officials are hiding behind while transforming, this once exceptional country to their Globalist and open border agenda through Alinsky's Socialist rules of taking down America from within!

Let’s blame everything and everybody for what’s happening to America, but never take the time to look in the mirror to blame yourself, the real culprit! I might be a little over the top with my rebuttals and counter comments, but I care about the future of this once exceptional country called America!!

Our elitist politicians believe that they know what’s best for America and the world instead of just 'making America great again' and their number one priority! I’m not completely sure but have a pretty good idea of what our elected officials believe is the all-inclusive ‘Big Picture,’ or in other words, Globalism!

I don’t quite understand why the bipartisan establishment politicians and the ‘Paid to Report’ Media have gone out of their way to distract, deceive, and steer the talking points away from that ‘Socialist’ elephant in the room!

It’s time for the old conservative guard to step down and make room for the new ‘America First’ Republican Party! A vote for any candidate other than Trump will lead to the status quo hum drum do nothing continuation of what this country is ‘not’ about, instead of the new Trump energized base that is what the ‘Will’ of the American People need and deserve, especially after the last 7+ years of the bipartisan political establishment’s agenda of Socialism, open borders, and globalism in the attempt to take down America's exceptional status in the world!

Our elected officials hide behind the ‘letter’ of the law when it’s used to prove a point that backs a bone of contention for the sake of the argument when its meaningless, which is a joke! The same officials then bypass the Constitution and use ‘intent’ of the law when there is money to be made, as demonstrated in the passing of the TPP!

There are no longer two distinct political parties in this country and even though the ‘Paid to Report’ Media tries to establish slight differences in the two by using their Political Correct business plan and marketing strategy to divide and conquer the ‘Will of the American People, and to undermine what has guided this country for centuries, the Constitution!!  

How much longer can the bipartisan insider establishment keep thinking that Americans are asleep, when in reality don’t even know that the simplest minded American has the ability to use common sense, and see right through their charade!

What you really have to understand is that all of this BS is in preparation of their Globalist agenda and how our exceptionalism is not a worldwide reality. 

Do you really believe that they have separate bathrooms in these undeveloped countries, and that making their way here to escape the injustices of the world under the guise of 'that's not who are' and the forever 'racist chants,' is just a front used to undermine the constitution, but did you really expect anything else?......You have to know that for the next 7 months Obama, who is backed by the bipartisan establishment, is going to do as much damage as possible to undermine the 'Will' of the American People, and our exceptional way of life!!

As much as we want, and will get the keys back to America, voter fraud continues to short circuit the “Will’ of the American People, and under Holder’s, and now Lynch’s leadership, the Justice Department has been challenging laws in states like Texas, Alabama and North Carolina that require voters to provide certain documents to cast a ballot. Holder has argued the so-called “voter ID laws” disproportionately prevent minorities from voting, and some federal courts have agreed. 

Lawsuits filed by the Justice Department to block those laws have rankled Republicans. In January, when several judicial nominees were testifying in a confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, one of the first questions from Grassley was: "In regard to voter ID, if confirmed, do you plan to allow states to require voters to identify themselves to prevent the fraud that we have seen?"

Earlier this year, Lynch said federal lawsuits to block voter ID laws “will continue.”

Who is going to protect the silent majority and the 'Will' of the American People!!!! When are you going to stop blaming all Politically Correct issues on racism, and stop using the race card to manipulate the intent instead of what makes America a Democratic Republic where the majority rules, and not the other way around??? Over reach and intent, instead of the letter of the Law is out of control, and stifling the American dream, and with 7 more months to go, and having to deal with Obama's famous 'Pen and Phone,' our prognosis doesn't look good!!

Once in awhile I come across some very profound thoughts and observations about the attitudes and beliefs that have driven this country both in and out of trouble, and yesterday’s words of wisdom by John Hawkins was spot on! He titled his piece ‘How Conservatives See America,’ but feel that the more inclusive word of ‘American’s’ would have been a better choice! No matter who you are, we’re Americans first, and with the recent track record of the GOP, conservatives are no longer what they used to be!

~Have you ever seen an incredible talent who is destroying himself? An Elvis Presley, a Jimi Hendrix, a John Belushi? A Marilyn Monroe, a Prince, an Amy Winehouse? What do you think when you look at someone who’s rich, famous, gifted and has the world at his fingertips after he just throws it all away?

Well, America is in the same situation. 
We’re the greatest nation that has ever existed. We saved the world three times; we’ve helped hundreds of millions of people become free; we put a man on the moon and we stand alone with the world’s strongest economy to go along with the world’s best military.Yet that great military? It’s so overburdened with restrictive rules of engagement, meddling politicians and lawyers making decisions with restrictive rules of engagement, meddling politicians and lawyers making decisions about whom soldiers in the field can kill that our troops go into every fight with one hand tied behind their backs.

 Despite our military superiority, could we turn the tide in another fight like WWII or would we be too tangled up in red tape to get the job done? It’s an open question.
Furthermore, the world’s best economy? It’s not what it once was.

Over the last ten years, our economy has grown at the slowest rate since the Great Depression. Our labor force participation rate is at a paltry 62.8%, which is a 38-year low. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve is printing money like it’s going out of style while our country can no longer function without enormous amounts of borrowed money that we never intend to pay back. 

What can’t go on, won’t – and America can’t afford to continue borrowing money like this. Eventually, the interest rates of the money we’re borrowing are going to skyrocket and we’ll soon get to the point where we can’t afford to pay for Medicare and Social Security. It would be surprising if we hit that point at any time within the next 20 years.

Meanwhile, teachers’ unions have destroyed our public school system. In places like Detroit where liberals hold total sway, 93% of students are not proficient in reading and 96% are not proficient in math. The public school systems are failing so many of these kids, taking away their bright futures and leaving them with ashes. 

Furthermore, the kids who do make it to college are taught by communists, terrorists like Bill Ayers, and other degenerates. They’re taught that capitalism, the system responsible for building the greatest economy the world has ever seen, is terrible while socialism which produced nightmares like Cuba, North Korea and the Soviet Union is “nice” and “fair” and “best for everyone.” 

While this is happening, these kids are being turned into pathetic milksops. They’re taught about “microaggressions” and “safe spaces” and are told they need written consent to have sex, something human beings have been managing without paperwork since time began.

You think these kids are the ones to fix our debt problems and keep America from sinking into a great Depression? If so, it will be IN SPITE of what they learn in school, not because of it.

The same could be said for our culture, which has become so backwards and depraved that many of us have become unable to figure out what gender people are any more. We live in a country where movies and popular culture are hostile to conservatism, Christianity, and capitalism that made this into a great nation while they encourage drug use, hedonism and every warped idea known to man.

We’re a nation full of silver spoon kids throwing a tantrum because even though we have it better than anyone else, it’s still not as perfect as some people say it can be. Much of the rest of the world would gladly trade places with Americans. In fact, many of them are – illegally. We’ve become so weak, decadent and reluctant to obey the rule of law that we reward illegals for breaking the law with impunity. Morally, we’ve become so lost that many people think the bad guys are the ones who want to stick to the just laws on the books instead of the people who are knowingly breaking the law.

Our government seems incapable of dealing with that situation, or for that matter, any other. What is the government doing about the debt? Nothing of consequence. What about Medicare and Social Security? Both programs are vital to senior citizens; yet they’re not sustainable. What’s being done to protect those key programs? Nothing of consequence. 

Our politicians are mostly sociopaths and the sons of rich men who have given up on tackling America’s real problems and have become obsessed with trivia instead. They may not know how to fix the debt or do anything else right, but they have some strong opinions on what the team name of the Redskins should be or whether a 150-year old Civil War statue should be pulled down.

This is what we’ve done with a great nation handed to us on a silver platter by our ancestors. A beacon of light, a city on a hill, a shelter from the storm of tyranny and utter poverty that grips so much of the rest of the planet – and we’re systematically destroying, decimating and degrading everything they built. What did they know, right? They’re just a bunch of dead, old white guys. Despite the hubris that comes from growing up in a nation where we’ve enjoyed the fruits of other people’s labor, we haven’t proven to be as wise as the Founding Fathers were. 

They were interested in turning this country into a great power. We’re interested in using that power. They came up with a system that kept us free and well governed for hundreds of years. We spend our time looking for loopholes in that system that we can exploit. They pledged their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to make this country work, while we laugh at honor and try to figure out how to get something for nothing.

The Founding Fathers knew that the future was brighter than the past for America. Can we say the same? Certainly this conservative can’t. We’re a nation that was born and struggled in the light that’s headed into a darkness of our own making. We should be ashamed of what we’ve done with this great legacy that was passed on to us by men better than ourselves.

Jonathan E P Moore ‘While You Were Sleeping’ 
THE NEXT ‘While You Were Sleeping’
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