Wednesday, April 5, 2017


By Jonathan E.P. Moore, and Friends of America!
I don’t know about you, but after 8 months of nothing connecting Trump to the Russians and the collusion that supposedly comes with those accusations, it appears that the Progressive left is not only running out of reasons to keep falling on their swords to protect their unconstitutional ex-President elect Barack Obama, but running out of their ability to hide behind the lies!
What common sense should tell you is that the only reason that the Progressive left keeps doubling and tripling down on the collusion between Trump's campaign and the Russians, is because it would be the only way to justify the surveillance of Trumps campaign members, and then what they might be able to get away with in the eyes of the American people! These members of the Progressive left unmasked those same Trump American citizens who were not yet hired by the Trump transition team to serve our exceptional country, and need to be brought to justice and outed to the constituents that they stole a vote from to undermine our Constitution and rule of law!
It's been 10 months since they began investigating the connection and collusion of the Russians and Trump's campaign to influence the 2016 election cycle, but in that same time frame, Trump had not yet won the nomination, so anything any Progressive says in the defense of these false accusations about the hacking and Surveillance charges by the alt right! You should hear what they've automatically have told you since this all started, and you probably could have memorized and repeated word for word that their automatic defense default mode will kick in and change the narrative back to the topic of the Russians and Trump's campaign members colluding to alter the 2016 election outcome!
What's important to know here is that after 10 months of this investigation by Congress, nothing has been found, but you know they will keep wishing and hoping something will be found, or unconstitutionally keep creating 'fake news' until they can come up with a plan 'B,' 'C,' etc..!
The ‘Paid to Report’ Media is not reporting on the story that would make ‘Watergate’ look like some toddlers first birthday party, and that alone, should make all Americans not only angry, but demanding a special prosecutor, like Holder never did with the IRS into Lois Lerner targeting Conservative nonprofits who were asking for tax exempt status, ‘Fast and Furious’ gun running to drug Cartels, the Hillary Clinton’s emails, and who knows whatever else Americans have no clue about because of Agenda Journalists, and their they’re bosses, the ‘Paid to Report’ Media is not revealing this information to the general public!
It appears that the ‘Russian’ connection and collusion story have become the ‘safe place’ where all Progressive Mainstream Media mouth pieces keep referring to when caught in a lie, and use fecklessly when confronted with the serious crimes and misdemeanors that Obama had to use when Hillary dropped the ball, and didn't do her job by taking back the Presidency! All roads appear to leading  back to the Barack Obama White House, and when the 'Hillary 5' were given immunity, but still refused to deliver the facts that would have brought down Hillary and her fearless leader, Alinskyite partner, Barack Obama! They all knew, like Lois Lerner etc., that Loretta Lynch and FBI's James Comey, the newly discovered plant in Obama's FBI, wouldn't suffer any consequences when it came to their silence, and more than likely compensated with either early full paid retirement, or a paid vacation with full benefits and salary!
It looks like Tricky President Trump has played his trump card to beat the Progressive left at their own game, and mastered America’s Political jargon and parlor games, and by doing, releasing the hounds of truth and hopefully justice, that is long overdue! I don’t think Americans and the new AG, Jeff Sessions should appoint a special prosecutor to investigate how this clandestine Alinsky blueprint for America that the ‘Swamp,’ being led by Alinskyites Obama and Hillary Clinton, was allowed to come to fruition in the first place, and how outside interests, like George Soros, were allowed to do more damage to our election process then the Russians could have ever done!
It seems like the only Progressive attack on President Trump that somewhat worked was the use of semantics, and Hillary’s ‘words matter’ campaign that the ‘left’ continued to use throughout her election campaign time and time again! What Trump figured out, because he already knew the truth, used agenda journalist to do his bidding, and while that was going on, sparking the investigative juices of his loyal supporters to do the digging and fact checking into the clues that he was revealing, and then exposing the truth using Social Media, not the ‘Paid to Report’ Media, to educate the American public!
Back in the early days of Obama, and his political arrival on the scene, the public was just beginning to understand the capabilities of the internet, and its ability to unlock the simple truth about anything that the ‘Paid to Report’ Media was reporting on, factual or not, but now with Susan Rice being outed again, and obviously the go to fall guy for the Obama Administration, like she was when blaming the Benghazi debacle on a movie, is the reason she was kept and sidelined until being called off the Bench, and that's because she told the coach that she was ready to play, again!
Trump was the only one to question Obama’s citizenship, which is clearly a requirement outlined in our Constitution that Obama didn’t meet. The Progressive left screamed ‘Racist,’ back in in 2008, and again in 2016 because Obama was the ‘first’ Black candidate running for President, and why congress intentionally ignored the ‘Natural Born’ requirement, which again Obama didn’t meet! The requirement was side stepped by Nancy Pelosi’s and her agenda driven sleight of hand parlor trick, to bypass the process, and give Obama the unconstitutional green light to attempt to ideologically transform America away from the constitutional republic blueprint that has  served this exceptional country well for generations!  
Obama was put into office for one reason and one reason only. He was put into office to end capitalism, private property ownership and the individual’s right to self-determination. This is all accomplished through Agenda 21 and ultimately what Patrick Wood calls technocracy. Technocracy is the takeover of all energy use, thus, ultimately, all finance, through programs such as capping CO2 emission, Cap and Trade, etc.  Carbon credits, under this system is destined to become the new currency. ~~
In a new report, the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) deconstructs the mythology that has surrounded the sustainability planning program since it was adopted at the U.N. Earth Summit more than 20 years ago.
It’s been called “the most dangerous threat to American sovereignty”; “An anti-human document, which takes aim at Western culture, and the Judeo-Christian and Islamic religions,” that will bring “new Dark Ages of pain and misery yet unknown to mankind,” and “abolish golf courses, grazing pastures and paved roads,” in the name of creating a “one-world order.”
It’s been the subject of several forewarning books and DVDs; there are organizations dedicated to stopping it and politicians have been unseated for supporting it. Glenn Beck has spent a good portion of his career making people scared of it.
Not sure what it is? You’re not alone.
The Daily Beast got a sneak peek at a new report by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a nonprofit civil rights group, which deconstructs the mythology of Agenda 21 and the organizations, individuals, and even elected officials who’ve spent years promulgating the conspiracy theory surrounding it.
Before diving into the fiction that has inflated Agenda 21 to fear-mongering status, we must first understand the facts. What, exactly, is Agenda 21, and then we must understand that over 25 years ago George H.W. Bush started what Obama was attempting to finish!
While the name might sound a bit ominous, Agenda 21 is a voluntary action plan that offers suggestions for sustainable ways local, state and national governments can combat poverty and pollution and conserve natural resources in the 21st century. (That’s where the '21’ comes from. Get it?) 178 governments—including the U.S. led by then-President George H.W. Bush—voted to adopt the program which is, again, not legally binding in any way, at the 1992 U.N. Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro.
It wasn’t long after Agenda 21 was introduced that right-wing opposition began to swirl. The SPLC points to Tom DeWeese as one of the first pounce on the U.N. plan. In 1998 DeWeese founded the American Policy Center, a group based in Remington, Va., that focuses on “environmental policy and its effect on private property rights” and “the United Nations and its effect on American national sovereignty.” The SPLC report quotes DeWeese as describing Agenda 21 as a “blueprint to turn your community into a little soviet,” promoted by non-governmental organizations that pressure governments to enforce it. According to DeWeese, “It all means locking away land, resources, higher prices, sacrifice and shortages and is based on the age old socialist scheme of redistribution of wealth.”
DeWeese has continued to deride the dangers of Agenda 21 well into the 21st Century, making appearances on Fox News and fitting in nicely with the Tea Party movement. The American Policy Center was just the first of many anti-Agenda 21 organizations to spring up in the past 15 or so years and the SPLC points out the 11 most pervasive.
To those who don’t closely follow the carryings on of fringe conspiracist, Glenn Beck might be the most recognizable face of the modern Anti-21 movement. Particularly during his reign at Fox News, Beck used his cable TV soapbox to scare his loyal viewers. “Those pushing...government control on a global level have mastered the art of hiding it in plain sight and then just dismissing it as a joke,” the SPLC quotes Beck saying around 2011 while waving a copy of the 294-page Agenda 21 document on his show. “Once they put their fangs into our communities and suck all the blood out of it [sic], we will not be able to survive.”
Never one to miss an opportunity to cash on in people’s fears, Beck published a dystopian science fiction novel in 2012 called Agenda 21, about a version of America where mating partners are arranged, children are raised away from their parents in group homes, and the book’s heroine spends hours walking on a sort of treadmill that generates energy in an apartment in a planned community. In the book’s afterword, Beck warns, “[I]f the United Nations in partnership with radical environmental activists and naive local governments get their way, then the themes explored in this novel may start to look very familiar, very quickly.”
But while Glenn Beck can technically be dismissed as nothing more than a fringe figure, a conspiratorial talking head—no matter how large his audience may be—the elected officials who have taken a similarly strong stance against Agenda 21 cannot. In the report, the SPLC points out Newt Gingrich, who said he would “explicitly repudiate” the plan if elected president during his 2012 White House bid; Oklahoma Sen. Sally Kern and Arizona state Sen. Judy Burges who both introduced anti-Agenda 21 legislation that ultimately failed; and former Georgia Senate Majority Leader Chip Rogers, who “organized a four-hour, closed-door anti-Agenda briefing in October 2012” during which “attendees were told President Obama was using ‘mind control’ techniques to push land use planning, and that the U.N. planned to force Americans from suburbs into cities and also was implementing mandatory contraception to curb population growth.” U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has claimed that Agenda 21 sought to abolish “golf courses, grazing pastures, and paved roads.”
And as recently as 2012, the SPLC writes, the Republican National Committee’s platform included the line, “We strongly reject the U.N. Agenda 21 as erosive of American sovereignty.”
Several anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi groups have also jumped on the anti-Agenda 21 bandwagon, seizing the opportunity to blame the controversial document on none other than the Jews.
“Anti-Semitism is basically a conspiracy theory,” the American Jewish Committee’s Ken Stern told the SPLC. He explains how neo-Nazis have linked Agenda 21 to the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a falsified document that is alleged to reveal a secret Jewish plot to take over the world. “It’s Jews conspiring to harm non-Jews, and that conspiracy explains a lot of what goes wrong with the world,” Stern said.
To be sure, not all of Agenda 21’s opponents are on the far right of the political spectrum. The group Democrats Against U.N. Agenda 21 hosted a conference on the plan in California in 2011. Its founder, self-described lesbian feminist Rosa Koire,” wrote the book Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21, which claims the plan will ultimately lead to the U.S.’s economic demise.
In fact, the anti-Semitic crowd’s interest in the Agenda 21 conspiracy theory sort of explains why it appeals to all of its followers, regardless of political leanings.
“Any time you get some sort of UN program that suggests any kind of change in the way people live, even if it seems outwardly benign and even voluntary, it’s going to be taken up by people with a conspiracist bent,” Michael Barkun, a Syracuse University political scientist and scholar of conspiracy theories, told the SPLC.
At this point in the explanation, it bears asking whether any of this matter. Is the federal government—or any state or local subsidiaries—even considering implementing any of the plan’s suggestions for sustainable development? The SPLC report states plainly: “For all the agitation, it’s not clear.” 98 percent of people who responded to a June 2012 poll by the American Planning Association said they didn’t know enough about Agenda 21 to support or oppose it. Six percent said they were against it, while nine percent stated that they were in favor.
The SPLC does note that some politicians, like Chattanooga, Tennessee Mayor Ron Littlefield, have denounced the anti-Agenda 21 conspiracist as modern-day Joseph McCarthys who will finally tire the public with their scare tactics. Still, they write, “an enormous number of politicians, commentators, activists, conspiracy theorists and others have swallowed the story of the anti-Agenda 21 zealots making any kind of rational discussion of the environment and related issues extremely difficult.”
“And that is the basic problem,” the report continues. “Dealing with the serious problems that confront our nation and our planet becomes incredibly difficult when the public discussion is poisoned with groundless conspiracy theories,” but is it so today in the post Obama years, and will progressive's attempt to alter America's future in the years to come, if they ever get the chance? ~~By Caitlin Dickson, a Friend of America!
In his final speech to the United Nations General Assembly, President Obama laid out what he views as his foreign policy legacy -- and in so doing, highlighted how America itself still has much work to do.
In his final speech to the United Nations General Assembly, President Obama laid out what he views as his foreign policy legacy — and in so doing, highlighted how America itself still has much work to do. Specifically, Obama found 11 separate opportunities to talk down his own country.
1. In America, there’s too much money in politics.
2. There’s also too much “entrenched partisanship.”
3. Too few Americans are civically engaged.
4. A “patchwork of laws” in America set out to make it hard for Americans to vote.
5. Considering our founding ideals, America has made “our share of mistakes over these last 25 years.”
6. The only way the world will become more secure is for powerful nations like America to “accept constraints.”
7. For believing that all countries must adhere to certain “international norms,” many Americans criticize Obama.
8. Too many in Washington believe all of the problems in the world can be solved by Washington.
9. As president, he’s helped “curb” America’s “excesses of capitalism.”
10. America has “undermined unions,” which has destroyed manufacturing jobs.
11. In calling for greater respect and tolerance, Obama also likened racial discrimination in the U.S. to ethnic discrimination in Burundi and religious discrimination in Burma.
Obama interfered with our election process by allowing his mentor George Soros to manipulate the system, cause riots, and protest at Trump rallies by paying organizations like Black Lives Matter to disrupt and sabotage our constitutional republic’s constitutional lead!
Obama interfered with America’s exceptionalism, America’s Christian beliefs, America’s Constitutional Republic’s checks and balances, America’s Justice Department, America’s military, America’s Vets, America’s reputation in the world, America’s 50+ years of racial acceptance, America’s sovereignty, America’s strong interpretation of what makes America great, and interfered with America’s election process by encouraging unvetted and illegal immigrants and refugees, who are being funded by the taxpayer’s to the tune of a Trillion Dollars a year, to vote illegally in a federal election with no consequences for doing so!
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