By Jonathan E.P. Moore, and Friends of America!
Obama's reign of terror is over, and the "WILL' of the American people have 'ordered' him to take Hillary with him when he left!
Obama started crying wolf from the first day he took the
oath of office back in 2009, right up until his last day in office in January 2017! What's changed over the years is that the American people have learned not to come to his aid anymore when he bitches about his self proclaimed injustices and racist attitudes that are being leveled at himself, and his 'political correctness' line of BS that he's used to divide America from the beginning! For
the last 8 years, and then again when the silent majority thwarted Hillary’s
bid to continue on with Obama’s message, the American people got smart, woke
up, and finally figured out that America was not going down America's constitutional path, but Obama's path to Socialism! Unfortunately the ‘Paid to Report’ Media decided not to follow suit, and chose to continue to ignore
the truth by still believing that ratings and profits are more important then relaying the truth to the American citizen. George Soros and other outside interests have already invested too much money to destroy America from within, and will continue
to interfere with America’s Constitutional Republic’s 240 plus years spotless record
of guaranteeing life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,’ So, if America doesn’t stay smart and stay awake,
then expect the siege on our Constitutional Republic to continue, and the 'Will' of the American people to be challenged.
From February 3rd to February 11th over a
thousand refugees made it to America from those 7 countries Obama identified in his warning, because of the
Trump Executive Order being squashed! 402 came from Syria, 347 from
Iraq, and the list goes on….Oh, for those who don’t know the difference,
Immigrants 'want' to come to America for a better life and contribute,
assimilate, and will have the documentation that supports their identity. Refugees
just want to get away from something that threatening them, could give a shit about where they’re
going, or the values, laws, and religious beliefs of the country their going to, and expect to be
100% supported by the taxpayer of the country they are going to! They have 'no'
documentation about where they come from, who they are, and the true reason why they are coming to our country!
I don't know if anyone caught the Sunday talk shows, but Stephen Miller, one, if not thee, Trump Senior Advisor, laid out exactly what all Americans have forgotten about when it comes to the Presidents sole rights to control immigration, and that it's his sole obligation to call the shots as he sees them when it comes to the threat to the safety of America!
I also think Trump should expand those Presidential powers to voter fraud where illegal immigrants and refugees, who are registering to vote, and voting often, should be considered interfering in America's election process!
“I want to say something very clearly, and this is going to
be very disappointing to the people protesting the president and the people in
Congress, like [Senate Democratic Leader Charles E.] Schumer, who have attacked
the president for his lawful and necessary action: The president’s powers here
are beyond question,” Miller said on Fox News.
Appearing also on ABC News, Miller said, “A district judge
in Seattle cannot force the president of the United States to change our laws
and our Constitution because of their own personal views. The president has the
power … to suspend the entry of aliens when it’s in the national interest.”
Miller said on CBS News that the judiciary was acting like
“a supreme branch of government.”
“One unelected judge in Seattle cannot make laws for the
entire country,” Miller told anchor John Dickerson. “I mean, this is just
crazy, John. The idea that you’re going to have a judge in Seattle say that a
foreign national living in Libya has an effective right to enter the United
States is beyond anything we’ve ever seen before.”
Miller also suggested that the legal debate was not over the
constitutionality of Trump’s action, but rather over ideology.
“There is no constitutional right for a citizen in a foreign
country, who has no status in America, to demand entry into our country,” the
adviser said on ABC. “Such a right cannot exist. Such a right will never exist.
This is an ideological disagreement between those who believe we should have
borders and should have controls and those who believe there should be no
borders and no controls.”
Miller’s exchanges with the Sunday show hosts were testy on
other subjects as well. He punted when ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos asked
him about The Washington Post’s report that Michael Flynn discussed the
then-Obama administration’s sanctions against Russia in conversations with that
country’s ambassador before Flynn was sworn in as White House national security
adviser. (Where was curious George when he should of been questioning Obama on his inability to be president of the United States for not meeting the constitutional citizenship requirement to be President?)
“I don’t have any news to make you today on this point,”
Miller said, prompting Stephanopoulos to ask, “Then why are you coming in if
you can’t answer the questions being posed about the White House?” (Again, where was curious George when Obama bypassed the immigration laws on the books that were already working, and protecting the sovereignty of America for ones that were unconstitutional and illegal?)
On NBC, when anchor Chuck Todd asked Miller whether Trump
still had confidence in Flynn, Miller said he did not know. Miller said his
colleagues in the White House “did not give me anything to say.”
“It’s not for me to tell you what’s in the president’s
mind,” he told Todd. “That’s a question for the president.”
[Stephen Miller: A key engineer for Trump’s ‘America first’
Miller also repeated the false claim that Trump
underperformed in the general election because of “massive voter fraud.” Miller
provided no evidence to support his assertions in his ABC appearance —
something Stephanopoulos pointed out to viewers. (Curious George is one of those irrelevant 'Agenda Journalists' who have decided to take the money and rankings over truth, and Trump's dream to make America great again)
Miller repeated claims Trump made privately to senators this
past week that he narrowly lost the general election in New Hampshire because
thousands of Massachusetts residents were bused into New Hampshire to vote
illegally there.
“I can tell you that this issue of busing voters into New
Hampshire is widely known by anyone who’s worked in New Hampshire politics,”
Miller said. “It’s very real. It’s very serious.”
"There is no known evidence of this happening," but if you read between the lines you should know that the 11 million illegal immigrants in America number that they've been pushing for the last 5 years, is more than likely closer to 20 million, and add the 4 million dead people still occupying the voter rolls, you have to believe the old saying, that when it smells like a duck, walks like a duck, and quack like a duck, it's a fu*king duck!!
Miller went on to say that there is “enormous evidence” of
people being registered to vote in more than one state, of “dead people voting”
and noncitizens being registered to vote.
“George, it is a fact — and you will not deny it — that
there are massive numbers of noncitizens in this country who are registered to
vote,” Miller said. “That is a scandal. We should stop the presses. And, as a
country, we should be aghast about the fact that you have people who have no
right to vote in this country registered to vote, canceling out the franchise
of lawful citizens of this country.”
At that, Stephanopoulos intoned: “For the record, you have
provided zero evidence that the president was the victim of massive voter fraud
in New Hampshire. You provided zero evidence that the president’s claim that he
would have won the popular vote if 3 million to 5 million illegal immigrants
hadn’t voted — zero evidence for either one of those claims.”
Miller’s combative appearances pleased his boss, who
apparently was watching from Mar-a-Lago, his private club in Palm Beach, Fla.
Trump tweeted: “Congratulations Stephen Miller- on representing me this morning
on the various Sunday morning shows. Great job!”
There are request for 60,000 to 100,000 visas from those 7
countries mentioned in Trump’s EO, a number that couldn’t possibly be vetted
properly and in a time frame that would be approved by the Progressive left
because of the lengthy time it would take. Hmmm, kind of like what they’re
doing to the Trump cabinet nominees!
Terrorism is a bipartisan issue, and to just block Trump’s
common sense EO to keep America safe is something that the voter should think
about sending a member of the Harry Reid/ Chuck-e Schumer obstructionist’s club
back to the Senate in the 2018 midterms. What’s missing is the fact that when
you come to America you come to join, not to change it!!!
I heard this tid bit yesterday and wondered what is the
reason behind this stat, and what are the meaningful personal stories behind them, and
the reason 5,600 people gave up their citizenship in 2016? You would think with
all of the people threatening to leave if Trump won, the number would be a lot
higher, but then I think it will be in 2018 because the election was in
November, and with 25% of government employees leaving their cushiony over paid
jobs that they got through nepotism, favoritism, and personal contacts, that
half of Hollywood will also be gone because we all know their ‘words’ matter!
What seems to be making all of these Progressive’s mad is Trump
having the audacity to enforce the laws that were on the books prior to Obama’s
Socialist interpretation of the Constitution's laws and then unconstitutionally ignoring and bypassing the ‘letter of the law' on immigration that
were already in place and working to keep America's sovereignty intact!
We are witnessing the progressive left, with the
help of the ‘Paid to Report’ Media, exposing the incompetent leadership flaws of Chuck-e
Schumer and Nancy Pelosi’s, and their willingness to ignore the terrorist threats against America and the safety of the ‘Will’ of the
American people. Every time I see disgruntled Progressive America citizens
being encouraged to protest and damage public property, I know that it’s being
staged and financially supported by outside financiers who have an agenda not
parallel to that of the Constitution, and when I see Campus and local Police stand
down, I know they have been instructed to do so by the political powers to be
to create a ‘Political Theater’ that’s advancing their Socialist Globalist
I work from home and listen to the news, that’s not fit to
print, 8 plus hours a day, but because of these news networks needing to fill
the 24 hours a day, seven days a week, blank slate with substance and relevant
information that’s needed so Americans can make informed decisions about the
countries future, they are forced to stretch the truth a little, and at the
same time beat their competition to the ‘Headline.’
Since the decision stopping Trump’s Ban by the Progressive’s
9th circuit of appeals, which by the way has been the most
overturned appeals court in the country, and 80% of the time at that! The risk to the safety of America is telling, and why Harry Reid went with the
‘Nuclear Option’ in 2013 to advance, and put into place more Progressive judges to continue
to undermine our Constitution and Bill of Rights, as witnessed by the Progressive 9th circuit of appeals who stopped Trump's Executive Order on the grounds of ideology over the reality of keeping America safe, or the written laws of the Constitution that give Trump the sole power to make the call on whether our country, because of unvetted immigrants and refugees is threatening America's safety!
The pace of refugees coming to America from those same 7
countries that Obama labeled the biggest threat to America’s sovereignty, since
the ruling a few days ago, has drastically increased, but do you think that the
Schumer/Pelosi leadership of the left give a shit about you, or care more about
disrupting the Trump mandate that was approved, voted for, and now being
implemented through the ‘New’ Commander and Chief, Donald J. Trump, and by the
‘Will’ of the American people?
What’s going on with the left is what I would call ‘Denial,’
and denying that America is and exceptional country, and when you take into account the last sitting President, Barack Obama,
who couldn’t even utter the words “Radical Islamic Terrorism,’ praised the
religion of Islam as a peaceful religion that follows Islam, then sticking a knife in the back of our biggest ally in the
Middle East, Israel, I don't think they will be extending the hand of friendship and working together
Just yesterday Iran was having its annual America ‘hate in,’
and chanting death to America, and with their nuclear abilities enhanced thanks
to Obama’s Nuclear deal with Iran, and then Hillary’s brokering the Uranium deal
while Secretary of State, which added some $134 Million dollars to the coffers
at the Clinton Foundation, sold off 20% of America’s Uranium assets to
Russia, who is now, in return, supplying Iran with enough to build 14 nuclear
It seems that the Progressive left has gone into a pre-911
lockdown after being convinced that Islam is a religion of peace, and not the
‘Radical Terrorists’ being portrayed by the right! Obama has driven his ‘peaceful’
indoctrination of Islam into the minds of the blind Progressive left, which is
now endangering the safety of the American people by thinking the Trump
Executive Order is about a Muslim bias and not about the safety of American’s
and America’s Sovereignty! ~~
You’re awake by the way. You’re not having a terrible,
terrible dream. Also, you’re not dead and you haven’t gone to hell. This is
your life now. This is our election now. This is us. This is our country.” –
Rachel Maddow’s reaction to Trump becoming President
When Barack Obama was elected, conservatives didn’t cry like
the liberals, and we didn’t need therapy. We didn’t start wailing that he was
Hitler or demand safe spaces. Instead, we said, “That sucks. This guy is going
to be terrible for the country.” By the way, we were right. He was. But still,
we got up and we went to work. Then when the time came, we went to Tea Parties.
We obeyed the law at those Tea Parties. We paid for our permits. We were polite
to the police. We cleaned up behind ourselves. Then we organized and we took
control of the House and the Senate along with the majority of state
legislatures and governorships. That’s how it’s supposed to work.
What we didn’t do was put on masks and riot in D.C. because
we didn’t like the candidate who was elected. What we didn’t do was tear up
Berkeley because we were upset that a pro-Trump gay guy was invited to give a
speech. We didn’t smash any windows at Starbucks. We didn’t squirt pepper spray
in people’s faces because they wore hats we didn’t like. If we had done that,
Townhall and Right Wing News wouldn’t have written columns talking up the riots
like the UC Berkeley student paper did. The rationale was that having people
say things students don’t like on their campus is the same as committing
violence against them and therefore, their violent outbursts represented
“self-defense” against fascism…or something. It’s a little hard to follow the
reasoning of crazy people sometimes, but as Phil Massey said, “They're trying
to fight imagined fascism with actual fascism.”
This gets even trickier to figure out since former Clinton
Labor Secretary Robert Reich said on TV that he heard rumors that the violent
protesters were actually Breitbart plants: "There’s rumors that they
actually were right-wingers. They were a part of a kind of group that was
organized and ready to create the kind of tumult and danger you saw that forced
the police to cancel the event. So, Donald Trump, when he says Berkeley doesn’t
respect free speech rights, that’s a complete distortion of the truth. ...I saw
these people. They all looked very– almost paramilitary. They were not from the
campus. I don’t want to say factually, but I’ve heard there was some
relationship here between these people and the right-wing movement that is
affiliated with Breitbart News.”
You think that’s crazy? Just the other day, liberal protesters
blocked a schoolhouse door to keep Education Secretary Betsy DeVos from being
able to go in. Setting aside the fact that the last time Democrats blocked
people from entering schoolhouse doors in the sixties was not exactly a proud
moment for them, it’s amazing to see a DNC official siding with thugs blocking
the Education Secretary from entering a building.
As you can imagine, if the “responsible people” in the
Democratic Party are behaving like loons, the left-wing celebrities who are not
the most stable people to begin with, are really off the rails. We could do a
whole article just on the celebrity comments since Trump was elected, but
here’s a little smattering of their comments that should give you a good handle
on the level of crazy.
“Letting trump take office means burying democracy. Letting
him take it without the popular vote means burying it alive.” -- Joss Whedon
"So, I’ve been shopping around for a new religion to
see me through the next four years. Too many of my fellow Christians voted for
selfishness and for degradation of the beautiful world God created. I guess
they figured that by the time the planet was a smoky wasteland, they’d be nice
and comfy in heaven, so ‘wotthehell’. Anyhow, I’m looking around for other
options." -- Garrison Keillor
"I’m angry. Yes, I am outraged. Yes, I have thought an
awful lot about blowing up the White House. But I know that this won’t change
anything." -- Madonna
-- Sarah Silverman
Oh, well, that all sounds like a perfectly sane reaction to
your candidate losing an election, doesn’t it? Oh wait, it doesn’t at all.
These people sound like they belong in a mental institution.
Speaking of which, officials in Seattle are cutting ties
with Wells Fargo because that company is helping to finance the Trump-supported
Dakota Pipeline. Using that same thinking, couldn’t conservatives stop dealing
with Wells Fargo because it was helping to finance the city of Seattle? Along
similar lines, liberals are boycotting companies like Neiman Marcus because
they carry merchandise put out by Trump’s daughter Ivanka. Is this the new
standard in America? Targeting the children of our political enemies? It has
even bled down to living arrangements. Apparently, in D.C. liberals have taken
to adding the equivalent of No Trump Supporters Need Apply to ads looking for
roommates. Worse yet, there has been at least one case where a woman divorced
her husband of 22 years because he voted for Trump. That sounds perfectly sane,
doesn’t it? Of course, we also can’t forget the infamous liberal sucker punch
to the face of white nationalist Richard Spencer. That was followed by liberals
declaring that it was good that Spencer was punched because he’s a Nazi and,
oh, by the way, everyone who disagrees with them is a Nazi. Somehow, it never
seems to occur to them that it’s just as moral or immoral to punch him for his
political views as it is to punch, let’s say, Elizabeth Warren or Chuck
Even if you don’t love Trump, he does at least seem to be a
few cuts above crazy people screaming about coups while they smash windows and
assault random passers-by in Make America Great hats. The Left has descended so
far that when you see Death to America trending on Twitter or Facebook, you
have to check to see whether it's in Iran or Berkeley. If fascism, violence,
hatred, crying and crazy are all liberals have to offer, they should prepare
themselves for eight years of Trump. ~~By John Hawkins, a Friend of America!
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Friends Of Liberty is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.<
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