Monday, February 20, 2017


By Jonathan E.P. Moore, and Friends of America!
I managed to avoid TV and ‘Fake News’ for 3 days but see nothing has changed except for the new revelation that Trump’s claims that the ‘Paid to Report’ Media is the opposition party, according to Traitor Sen. John McCain, is the first step putting America on the path to becoming a dictatorship under Trump!
How can we have a political party in a Constructional Republic offering up only two candidates to run for President of the United States who both salute the flag of Socialism? Where does freedom of the press survive in a Socialist country when it would be basically state run, and how can one of those candidates, Hillary Clinton, believe that there is room in the 1st and 2nd Amendments for regulation? Now to top this off we have a supposed fellow Republican criticizing Trump’s words about the Media being the opposition party, and because of that, is leading Americans down the road to a dictatorship regime! What’s funny about all of this is that this has been the true goal of Obama and Hillary from the get go! ..Hmmm! 
Has the media ever been as rotten as it is now? Of course, the media is part of society that now abandons the rule of law, our constitution, and the ‘Will’ of the American people! Today’s news stories, however, are dominated by repetitious, unchecked stories usually in the cynical service of political spin and naked profit.
There already exists in America a fairly widespread suspicion, if not a clear conviction, that the ‘Paid to Report’ Media – television, press, radio and, increasingly, websites allied to these information outlets – are biased and lack veracity.
America has to understand and hopefully come to the conclusion that "almost all journalists across the whole developed world now work within a kind of professional cage, which distorts their work and crushes their spirit. I believe that the American people have finally come to the realization that these ‘Agenda Journalists’ work in a corrupted profession".
John McCain never had his day in the people’s court or even questioned on his traitorous past related to the Vietnam war, and the ‘Paid to Report’ Media didn’t give the American people the real story behind McCain’s beginnings and history, but now he’s being used as a Republican insider by the Progressive left to slam Trump to show the supposed ‘Fake’ confusion of Trump’s administration during the transitional period! What the ‘Agenda Journalist’s’ are missing is who and what Trump is, and who and what he isn’t. First, he’s an outsider nonpolitician, but ‘is’ the ‘Art of the Deal’ Delegator who knows how to work the system, cut costs, negotiate, and delegate the responsibilities to the members of the most talented cabinet in America history if, and when, the Pelosi and Schumer blockade allows then to start doing their jobs!
John McCain went on to explain the reason why the ‘Paid to Report’ Media was part of the ‘Checks and Balances’ in the election process, and responsible enough to help guide America against the negative factions affecting our constitutional republics future……really?
How funny is it that there is no mention of political parties in the Constitution and how the Freedom of the press in the United States that’s protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution uses undisclosed and protected sources which don’t have to be revealed or even cross examined in a court of law! This clause is generally understood as a means to prevent the government from interfering with the distribution of information and opinions within the framework of America’s constitutional republics form of governance, but not in the attempted transformation of America’s ideology which would eliminate the first Amendment rights all together, and nevertheless, freedom of the press is subject to certain restrictions, such as the defamation law, but not anything to do ethics or the responsibility in relaying the truth to protect the sovereignty of the greatest country in the world from elements that don’t have our country’s best interest at heart!
John McCain has abused his position in congress while the Media has covered up his questionable ‘Hero’ status because of his actions during the Vietnam war, and then assisting the cover up of the information that his fellow soldiers have been openly relaying, but not chosen to be revealed or reported on by the ‘Paid to Report’ Media!
Checks and balances only have to do with the three branches of government under our founding fathers constitutional republics ideological model of governance, and nothing to do with either the political parties, or the ‘Paid to Report’ media’s political agenda to use selective checks and balances to help assist anyone or anything depending on the size of the ‘Paid’ donation to do so!
Why are there three separate and distinct branches of government, and not John McCain’s ‘Paid to Report’ Media, have a different function? The framers of the Constitution did not wish to return to the totalitarian system of governance imposed on colonial America by the British government.
To ensure that no single person or entity had a monopoly on power, the Founding Fathers designed and instituted a system of checks and balances. The president's power is checked by the Congress, which can refuse to confirm his appointees, for example, and has the power to impeach, or remove, a president. Congress may pass laws, but the president has the power to veto them (Congress, in turn, may override a veto). And the Supreme Court can rule on the constitutionality of a law, but Congress, with approval from two-thirds of the states, may amend the Constitution.
It looks like John McCain's remarks about Donald Trump supporters being crazies has backfired on him big time. Now McCain's life is being dissected piece by piece, beginning with his war record, outbursts of angry insanity, to his overall anti-American tenure as Senator of Arizona.
Seemingly, McCain has always been a traitor to his country, beginning with his stint in Viet Nam, where he was accused by many fellow soldiers of collaborating with the enemy while being held a POW in N. Viet Nam.
Colonel Ted Guy, McCain's commander during his time as a POW was preparing a case of treason against McCain shortly before President Richard M. Nixon signed a blanket pardon for all returning prisoners of war. Thus, McCain escaped all prospects of prosecution.
 John McCain, again, blatantly met with the enemy, rallied for their support, and led the way back in 2012, alongside the Administration when President Obama tried everything in the book to gain approval from Congress to begin bombing the Assad government to help certain rebel factions gain control of Syria. John McCain even went to Syria to meet with the so-called rebels to seal a deal, helping them financially with billions of dollars, weapons, and equipment, training by the US military in Jordan, and help on the battlefield. These same insurgents who have various ties to international terrorist organizations, including Al Qaeda, are now known as ISIS, since being able to organize into a massive army via the US help, all compliments of President Obama and Senator John McCain.
Incident after incident of weapons and supplies being mistakenly dropped into ISIS hands have been reported. Make no mistake, these supply and weapons drops are intentional.
Again, McCain is committing treason against his country.
Donald Trump is right: John McCain is no American Hero—he is a coward in every respect.
McCain has an impeccable record of being anti-American with every piece of legislation he endorses and writes.
McCain does not support war veterans.
McCain is anti-second amendment.
McCain supports an open border policy.
John McCain also has his POW records sealed, which is not consistent with someone proud of their record.
John McCain supports almost every bill that comes along the pike that is bad for the American people and for the country in general.
Senator McCain has also been wrestling with insanity since the public has known him, with angry outbursts, foul language, and rants. This, along with his general anti-Americanism are a direct result of the brainwashing he went through during his time as a POW and the guilt he carries around all the time In his subconscious because he aided and abetted the enemy. He has been carrying this around ever since. Not a person who we want in public office making important decisions about our country.
McCain must be on some mega psyche prescription drugs in relation to his mental state, Ambien being admitted to. But many other psychotropic drugs must be taken also by someone in his psychiatric state.
One thing is clear about John McCain, and that is…he is, and always has been mentally unfit for public office. ~~By Tony Elliott, a Friend of America!
If any public policy lesson stands out from the experience of the 20th century, it is that socialism doesn’t work. I use the word “socialism” in its technical sense of government ownership of the means of production—or, in lay language, government operation of business enterprises.
Socialism in this narrow sense must be distinguished from the modern welfare state, in which the government allocates a large share of economic resources but does not presume to produce them.
Nearly all of the truly horrific massacres of the 20th century—those in which people were slaughtered by the millions—were perpetrated by socialist governments. Hitler’s National Socialist Germany, Stalin’s Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and China’s communist government were, of course, the worst offenders. (The only non-socialist state with a record anywhere comparable was Imperial Japan.) Compared with those socialist regimes, more recent perpetrators of terror, such as radical Islam, are models of gentility.
However, one does not have to resort to horrific cases to communicate the record of socialism. Socialism in its softer forms offers lessons as well. Government ownership of business enterprise almost bankrupted Great Britain, Canada, and New Zealand. It did bankrupt Greece. Everywhere it has greatly retarded economic progress. That is why so many countries have joined the global movement toward privatization.
Perhaps surprisingly, the major nation learning least from the failures of socialism has been the United States. Enterprises such as airports and passenger trains, which are now private in Great Britain, have remained thoroughly socialized in the United States. With some exceptions, the current U.S. trend actually is toward more socialism.
This trend seems to defy common sense. The lessons of the 20th century aside, the 21st century also has witnessed an almost constant stream of news about the failures of government enterprises. Social Security and other state-run insurance plans flirt with bankruptcy. State-run school systems and federally-owned veterans’ hospitals are a constant source of disaster stories. Those stories probably would be worse if not for government practices that disguise the magnitude of socialism’s costs.
Yet the storm of demand for this or that government-run project continues to blow with ever greater fury.
One example is Missoula, Montana, my former home, which benefits from a competent water company that delivers pure water at a reasonable price—but persists in demagogic efforts to “nationalize” the company. (Admittedly, Montana has a “prairie socialist” history.) Even in a state like Colorado, which historically has been oriented toward free enterprise, the pressure for more and more government-operated business continues to grow.
Thus, units of Colorado government persist in expanding their transportation holdings, despite insufficient ridership and towering deficits. Instead of privatizing its airport, as sensible governments have done, the City and County of Denver has not only elected to retain it, but has gone into the land-development business. The City of Lakewood, where I live, wants to follow suit—apparently thinking that it is better placed than professional developers to create a new “neighborhood.” Talk about a triumph of hope over experience!
The utter irrationality of such efforts induces one to ask (1) why is America still engaging in socialism, when most of the world is moving away from it; and (2) how can we protect ourselves?
The short answer to the first question is that politicians and bureaucrats have strong incentives to misuse public resources by pretending that they are businessmen, and state and federal constitutions permit them to do so. The incentives are there because government-owned enterprises offer the politicians and bureaucrats who control them opportunities to reward friends and punish enemies. Politicians and bureaucrats also can win public support by depicting great potential benefits while suppressing full information about costs. Lakewood, Colorado, offers an excellent example: Officials tout the purported benefits of a light rail line through the city. But they say little about the system’s sparse ridership, the economic drain from its cost, and how the system “crowds out” thriftier private alternatives.
Pro-socialist incentives can be changed in a number of ways. Discussing all of them is beyond the scope of this article. One example, however, is to hold politicians who promote or operate government-run enterprises personally liable for their deficits, at least in some situations.
Additionally, we need to amend state and federal constitutions to provide citizens with greater protection.
It’s been done before. In the 19th century, most states amended their constitutions to require balanced budgets and to limit state debt. They did so after several states went bankrupt because politicians refused to stop over spending on infrastructure projects.
Here are some examples of how we can respond at the state constitutional level:
Constitutional provisions that authorize or require the state to operate certain enterprises, such as pension funds, should be repealed.
Government pension funds should be transitioned to private ownership, subject to normal state regulation.
School financing provisions should be amended so that state dollars follow the student rather than being funneled automatically into bureaucratic monopolies.
Municipal ownership of businesses should be banned. Except in the most unusual situations, municipalities should be required to contract for most services rather than provide them in-house.
State constitutions should require government accounting practices to adhere as closely as possible to their private-sector counterparts.
Finally, politicians and government employees should receive fixed financial rewards, added to their pay, for adopting innovations that save taxpayer money. ~~By Rob Natelson, a Friend of America!
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Friends Of Liberty is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.

1 comment:

  1. Good analysis but you missed the number #1 problem/cause. These politicians are all pawns if the global elite that wants a one-world government while Trump has never been a member. He knows them, socialized with them and at times, even did business with them. But he has carefully maintained his status as an outsider!
