Friday, November 25, 2016


By Jonathan E.P. Moore, and Friends of America!
While the main stream media seems to be stalking Mr. Trump and trying to magnify every small misstep as a risk to the safety of the planet, Mr. Trump seems to be approaching his new role professionally and without a hint of retribution to the Democrats or the Republicans who opposed him. Truly, like Lincoln, he appears to be putting together somewhat of a Team of Rivals. No one could have remotely predicted either Mitt Romney or Nikki Haley as individuals from whom Mr. Trump would have sought advice or to whom Mr. Trump would offer a key position or two.
He is reaching out regardless of what was said during the campaign, gender or race. These are the qualities most people want in their President.
We all need to take a chill pill when it comes to Trump’s cabinet appointments! There are no strings attached pulling at every possible Trump political move, and when he has no obligation to follow in the past’s failed political shoes you should know and expect that he is carefully vetting everyone from wherever to make sure he covers all the angles, dots all the I’s, and crosses all the T’s it takes, to ‘Make America Great Again!’
I thought Trump coming out with his simple Thanksgiving Day message via YouTube was great and appropriate. The ‘Paid to Report’ Media deserves no perceived protocol or consideration at all, especially after the constant negative attacks during the primaries and Presidential campaign! I
think this has shown America how untrustworthy the ‘Paid to Report’ Media is when protecting our freedoms and our constitution, for the sake of the almighty dollar, and how close we came, if Hillary won, of not being the same America that our founding fathers envisioned and followed for the past 240 years. This should be a lesson for all politicians who are thinking about running for public office in the future, and when it comes to the Media, money talks, and nobody walks…...!
The American people aren’t stupid and have been politically astute for many decades! They know exactly what the Republican party has become in the last 60 years, and very few of them are friends of the Constitution, and neither are they true conservatives, but you wouldn’t know that by their actions that don’t back up their misleading words, but with Trump’s victory, which was a totally unforeseen outcome, they are all trying to do a little swallowing of their pride, and reluctantly lining up behind the Trump’s agenda and the ‘Will’ of the American people!
The establishment Republicans and media all claimed Mr. Trump isn’t conservative enough, but this is a euphemism for saying he isn’t a globalist establishment insider, and Americans who flocked to his rallies already know this, but knows he resonates with our founding father’s vision, our constitution, and the American Dream.  They know he isn’t perfect and he doesn’t know every subject, but they know he’s a good man, rough around the edges like General Patton, but always telling us the truth the way he sees it.  We rejoice in hearing this truth, and it’s thrilling after so many years of hearing the false drivel coming from the moderate left leaning Republican candidates that have sold their souls to the likes of George Soros and outside interests, to expose the reality of who they really are, and what ideology they pretend to support!
Trump is a businessman and not a politician, and to a businessman Green, the color of money, doesn't discriminate from where it comes from. Black/White, Rich/Poor, Democrat/Republican, Muslim/Christian, Male/Female, and even Egg Shell/Politically Correct, and to be successful you must have barriers up, and taking sides! They say, like Obama when he became President, that he didn’t have the depth of experience needed to be President, but 8 years later we find our domestic, economic, and foreign policies are far worse off than the first day Obama took office!
Trump is probably the overall least conservative of the bunch, but this outsider nonpolitician who is willing to take on a stagnant Congress managed to control, with the help of the ‘will’ of the American people, all of congress and become the untethered ‘go to’ guy that will make America great again! Trump gave hope to the silent majority in a time where they needed an excuse to come out of their caves for the first time since Ronald Reagan and take back America before it was too late! Trump says things that other politicians are afraid to say and people love him for it. People have grown tired of the crawling politically correct republican party, and If the Republicans had focused their attention to doing what is right for our country, and not worry about job preservation, they would not be in this situation, but due to their “do-nothing” approach they are getting exactly what they deserve, Donald J. Trump, and an invitation to leave without letting the door hit them in the ass on their way out!
The Establishment in America is comprised of a loose coalition of self-serving Democrats, Republicans, bureaucrats, corrupt politicians, members of the press, media, their sponsors, and lobbyists, donors, bankers, and “money changers” on Wall Street that have taken good care of
themselves, friends, families, and under-the-table business associates and foreign contacts, and at the expense of ordinary Americans and the economic and national security interests of the United States.
The Establishment is terrified that American voters are willing to accept the worst that Trump has to offer (and this exists) with the hope that his best will in fact make America great again. This is called a “TRADE-OFF” and Trump supporters (Americans) “don’t care” anymore what the Establishment says about Trump.
The Republican establishment is losing their minds over the fact that Donald J. Trump won the election, and with good reason. Our elected politicians on both sides of the aisle have created themselves a “Political Class”. Trump will put a big dent in how this has been built and run, and while Looking down at the two groups, there is not much difference found in how they operate.
What may be unique today is the dogmatism of diversity. We usually think of diversity as opening minds to different tastes, different traditions and different ideas, but contemporary attitudes often turn diversity into a decree. Political correctness, which has so mangled discourse in the media, in the workplace and on the college campus, is both condescending and patronizing toward others. It suggests that half of our countrymen need to be constantly tutored in the right way to think, talk and act, and the other half are to be coddled and protected rather than required to think for themselves.
We're not even talking about the irredeemable "deplorables" that Hillary Clinton made up, or the "whitelash" electorate coined by a CNN reporter looking for prejudice against a black president in campaign rhetoric. "Safe spaces" have been created on campuses across the land to assuage the feelings of young
adults who can't deal with how the numbers in the Electoral College came out differently than the numbers they preferred. Such young men and women, who once would have been looked at as future leaders, are now indulged with Legos, Play-Doh, coloring books and videos of puppies to distract them from the anxiety and fear in the real world.
The Chutzpah Award of the year, if not the Tony Award, must go to the actors of the rap musical "Hamilton" who broke through the fourth wall to explain to Vice President-elect Mike Pence how he should interpret what he had just watched and heard onstage. "We, sir, are the diverse America who are alarmed and anxious that your new administration will not protect us, our planet, our children, our parents or defend us and uphold our inalienable rights," actor Brandon Victor Dixon said, with the approving cast lined up behind him. (This recalls Barbara Walters' famous plea to President Jimmy Carter as she concluded an interview just after he was elected more than four decades ago -- "Please be kind to us, Mr. President.")
It's sad that the actors didn't have confidence in their work to let the magic of a wonderful Broadway show weave its spell after the finale and rather felt it necessary to undercut a dramatic and uplifting appeal with a mere protest. Pence nevertheless showed gentlemanly grace in response, praising the play.
It's particularly ironic that the actor who delivered the protest played Vice President Aaron Burr, who killed Alexander Hamilton. In the drama, as in the history books, Burr was clearly a bad man. His advice to Hamilton was sly and devious, as scripted in rhyme early in the musical: "Talk less. Smile more. Don't let them know what you're against or what you're for." Whatever angry feelings toward Burr lingered in the audience had to be overcome quickly for it to empathize with the actor who spoiled the magic with the bizarre curtain call.
That's too bad. When I saw "Hamilton," there were such good feelings from watching a talented, multiracial, multicultural cast sing and dance about the Founding Fathers that I thought it would inspire pride in how the American democracy was established. Who needs to know what the
actors think when they slip into the identities of the characters onstage? Or, as Shakespeare's Hamlet says, "The play's the thing."
Can anyone imagine Broadway actors singling out a Democrat after a show to proclaim their alarm and anxiety over an election result? That's why you dismiss the absurdity that this "diverse America" of hard-left theatre people represents anyone outside of the ZIP code in which they perform.
Then it came out that Dixon and other "Hamilton" stars haven't voted in years. So much for the alarm and anxiety they've been feeling about the country. It's yet another reason to reject the pleadings of the elites who cannot conduct even the most basic exercise in the democratic process -- voting -- and yet demand their voices be respected.
Pence knew going in that "Hamilton" has become a "Rocky Horror Picture Show" crowd-participation event for Trump-hating liberals who cheer wildly at the musical's lyrics that boast about how much immigrants can do. Pence knew going in that the "Hamilton" folks hosted a fundraiser for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign in July -- touted by "news" media as a "boost of Tony-winning star power" -- with ticket prices ranging from $2,700 to $100,000.
So, who was reflecting a tolerance of diverse views, and who was ranting inside a bubble?
The controversy took off when Donald Trump tweeted that Pence was "harassed" in the lecture and deserves an apology. "Hamilton" fans insisted the lecture was polite. It wasn't.
Then The New York Times lectured from a half-mile away that this protest speech represented "American principles like free speech, respect and the ability to challenge authority in the Trump era." Now that is just hilarious. Lecture or heckle Pence, and you represent free speech. Lecture or heckle President Barack Obama, and the Times insists you represent white people's rancid failure to accept a black president.
It's going to be a long four (or eight) years of the usual arrogant liberal mockery from the entertainment elite. On the American Music Awards, 21-year-old supermodel Gigi Hadid was
hailed by liberal media elites for a bad Melania Trump impression in which she repeating the tired Michelle Obama-plagiarism joke.
Liberals couldn't imagine that a large chunk of red-state America is tired of multimillionaire supermodels and Broadway starts telling them that they represent the common people. Earth to the elites: You don't represent the common people. The election was not just a dismissal of your candidate but a rejection of your condescension.
Alas, we live in contentious times, where theater and politics overlap, sometimes for better and often for worse. When Mike Pence walked into the theatre with his family, he heard boos and cheers, signaling that the audience recognized him and wanted him to hear what they thought. He later recalled telling his daughter, "That's what freedom sounds like" -- a needed note of grace in a wounded Thanksgiving season. ~~ By Suzanne Fields and  Brent Bozell, Friends of America!
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Friends Of Liberty is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.

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