Tuesday, November 8, 2016


By Jonathan E.P. Moore, and Friends of America!
Thanks for the accurate number, I've been using 78 Million, but I guess I missed the additional gun owners that came on board when Hillary became the 'New' American Socialist Party's nominee! Just for your info, Obama won with a total popular vote back in 2012 with about 63 million votes!! There is one thing you’re missing though, there are 13 million illegals out there that Obama has asked to vote, George Soros's voting machines are in 307 districts in 16 swing states, and 4 million dead voters that are still on the registered voter rolls that won't be purged from those lists for this election, so please vote to offset the attempted takeover, and save our constitutional republic!   VOTE, AND VOTE OFTEN, IF YOU CAN TO HELP MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

I have been doing for basically 4 years now, and finally at the end! I will continue on with 2-3 blogs a week, but not 7, and hope, or should I say I know, it was worth it! I lost a lot of friends over the process, and hope that we can get back together like is was before Obama's first term 8 years ago. I thought I would put together a collection of the pictures that I have used and saved for those last 4+ years, and hope they bring back the memories that have divided us, and will allow us to get back together on the same page to "Make American Great Again!".......


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Pretty self explanatory if you ask me, and will hate to see them go, but when it takes an hour to locate one particular picture, because I didn't title them, you can see what I'm talking about! Make sure you vote, help drain the swamp, and make America Great Again......THANKS!!

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