Wednesday, November 2, 2016


By Jonathan E.P. Moore, and Friends of America!
Wikileaks Bombshell: John Podesta Owned 75,000 Shares in Putin-Connected Energy Company!
The revelations linking Podesta to Putin-connected companies found in the hacked email exchanges come as Podesta claims Russian spies hacked his email to influence the presidential election.
Hillary’s been backed into a corner, but she won’t let go of trying to tie Trump to Russia. She’s been hammering at it on Twitter. The FBI has been looking into Russia’s connection to the U.S. Presidential race all summer.
Hillary Clinton’s campaign chairman John Podesta’s membership on the executive board of an
energy company, Joule Unlimited, which received millions from a Putin-connected Russian government fund, also included “75,000 common shares,” according to an email exchange uncovered by the Wikileaks hacks.
In the newly-uncovered email exchanged under the subject “Podesta Outstanding Docs for Joule,” Eryn Sepp, who was an assistant to Podesta at the Center for American Progress, forwarded a message to Podesta from Mark C. Solakian, who was Senior Vice President and General Counsel at Joule Unlimited Technologies, Inc.
“It is my understanding that John transferred the resulting 75,000 common shares from the option exercise to the Leonidio LLC.,” Slovakian wrote in a January 2014 email, referencing the Delaware-based holding company. “As such, we would need to edit the Transfer of Share Agreement to reflect the transfer of 75,000 common shares to the LLC.”
Podesta’s membership on the board of directors of Joule Unlimited was first revealed in research from Breitbart News Senior Editor-at-Large and Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President Peter Schweizer.
In the report, titled, “From Russia with Money: Hillary Clinton,
the Russian Reset, and Cronyism,” it’s revealed that Podesta joined the Joule Unlimited board in June 2011.
“The disclosure that Clinton Chair John Podesta transferred his shares in Putin-backed Joule Unlimited to an anonymous holding company when he joined the Obama Administration is extremely concerning,” said Donald Trump Senior Communications Advisor Jason Miller in a statement.
Podesta failed to fully disclose his position on Joule Unlimited board of directors and include it in his federal financial disclosures, as required by law, before he became President Obama’s senior adviser.
“Because the holding company is completely anonymous, we do not know whether he still has deep financial ties to Vladimir
Putin and his regime,” Trump advisor Jason Miller wrote. “As such, Mr. Podesta needs to either reveal who is behind the holding company or he must resign from the Clinton campaign immediately.”
We have become the victims of our own making, the product of our own laziness, the sign of the times by allowing our elected officials to become our achilleas heel, and like Hillary's political suicide, responsible for our own self destructive behavior! We can bitch and scream about the State of the Nation, but when you get down to it, we are the ones who can see the cause of the problems of what’s going on in America today when we look in the mirror.
Ignorance is the biggest problem in America today, and when you don’t have an honest mainstream media, the public believes the sound bites, half-truths, lies and innuendos that come spewing out of every possible news venue. I was watching a local news channel here in Columbus Ohio before hitting the sack last night, and I was very disturbed, and thus the reason I am up at 2:34am jotting down a few thoughts before my eyes give out a second time, and my brain stops racing.
This station was interviewing a few people that had attended a Hillary rally here in Ohio, and I couldn’t believe my ears about how uninformed these people were! They were spewing how it was proven that Hillary’s emails were a ruse, and like she got off the first time because of Comey’s vindication back in July, they had already convinced themselves that the same thing would be happening this time around with the latest version of the email scandal, but what they failed to realize is that it’s not about Hillary’s emails, but Anthony Wiener's, and how he got them through his estranged wife Uma Abedin, Hillary’s number 1 go to the head of the class ‘partner’ of her campaign!
They all thought it has all been part of a conspiracy theory, and an unjustified attack on poor Hillary, when all along it has been an attack by Hillary on the ‘Will’ of the American people and our governmental processes, and of course aided in this one big lie by the ‘Paid to Report’ Media!
We have 10 women come out on the same day for their 15 of fame attacking Trump’s supposed indiscretions with women from as far back as 30 years, and like being on a casting call, showing up at the exact same time as if it were rehearsed in advance! We have TV ads showing little kids watching Trump’s own words destroying their future fragile lives, and then we have a father of a
family of 3 girls whose eggshell personalities are too fragile to even be exposed to the world’s harsh realities, and finally, we have Trump scaring everyone because of his possible tendencies to be a ‘Nuclear button’ wacko who can’t wait to eliminate the world, but at same time broad brushing Hillary’s perfect record of being as pure as the driven snow!
What you really should be afraid of is Hillary Clintons Alinsky roots, her health issues, Bill Clinton setting up his Clinton Foundation office in the White House,  Hillary selling the Nuke codes to her Arab buddies like she has sold every other top secret in America’s arsenal already, Hillary’s outspoken comments about the 1st and 2nd Amendments having room for regulation,  Hillary non-existent plans to build up our military, the continuation of our Christian beliefs being eliminated and flushed down the toilet while making room for unvetted intruders that believe that Christians, like what’s going on around the world because of the created by Obama Hillary’s feckless foreign 'Red Line' policies that led to the start of ISIS, should be exterminated when 77% of our country is religiously Christian based!
Don’t forget the illegal voters, and the missing 12 million illegal voters in this election that have been seeded in swing states, and
probably in the same 307 districts in the 16 states that are using George Soros’s voting machines, and of course, the 4 million dead people on the voter rolls, and still registered to vote!
The one thing you should be worried about, and way before Trump’s words, should be Hillary’s health, which is still questionable and mentioned daily, because of Hillary's replacement Tim Kaine!
Democratic U.S. vice-presidential nominee Tim Kaine announced Saturday that he believes the Catholic Church will change its position on same-sex marriage. The Virginia senator said that just like he had changed his opinion on the issue, the Catholic Church is also likely to follow suit. Speaking at the 20th Annual Human Rights Campaign’s National Dinner in Washington, the Roman Catholic senator reportedly said, “I think it’s going to change because my church also teaches me about a creator who, in the first chapter of Genesis, surveyed the entire world, including mankind, and said, ‘It is very good.’”
“And besides,” he continued, “we are talking here about a country that was based and founded

on democracy as a core value. That means that every single person and every single citizen is able – no, scratch that – encouraged to practice his civil, religious, and above all, sexual liberties to the best of their abilities. And I’m sorry that some people don’t like it, but to deny same-sex marriage in a country that should be the first one to accept it is just pointless. And the Catholic Church should also be accepting it instead of condemning it, which is what it’s doing right now.”
Kaine also added that, if all else fails, “there are ways of making the Catholic Church listen to the voice of reason,” which is how he dubbed all those who advocate LGBT equality. “At the end of the day, you know, we’re a civilized people, of course the first thing we’ll do is act nicely and ask
nicely,” he said. “Then, if that doesn’t work, we’ll use our law and our legal system to enable ourselves to be who we are, or rather the LBGT community will do that – and it has. The Supreme Court’s ruling on same-sex marriage was a crucial milestone in our legal system that proves it works, it actually functions.”
“So, what I’m saying here,” he argued, “is that, while I respect the Catholic Church as I’m sure millions of Americans do, you know, at some point it is going to start acting contrary to the Christian faith, and we’re talking about an institution that’s supposed to be the first one on the front line defending it. So, when that happens, and that’s what’s happening with condemning LGBT rights, we’ll state an ultimatum. The United States of America, more precisely, the future President of the United States of America, Hillary Clinton, will state an ultimatum. And that ultimatum will be to either change its stance on same-sex marriage or pack its bags and get out of America. And yes – the President of the country can do that.”
“And in case anybody’s wondering – no, Donald Trump won’t do the same because he doesn’t care about anyone other than Donald Trump. On the other hand, Hillary Clinton is a shining example of honesty, integrity and democracy, and you can rest assured she will do everything in her power as the president to
make sure gays and lesbians throughout America are loved, respected and viewed as equals during her presidential term. What happens after that is not our problem,” Kaine concluded.
Such a court would likely overturn Roe v. Wade and return abortion laws and the regulation of abortion to the states.
Religious liberty!
A conservative court would vigorously uphold the First Amendment, protecting freedom of religion and freedom of speech for Christian colleges, Christian ministries, and churches.
Such a court would likely overturn the horribly destructive decision in Lemon v. Kurtzman (1971) that changed the meaning of the First Amendment and ruled that a government action “must not
have the primary effect of either advancing or inhibiting religion” (note: not a specific denomination but “religion” in general). A conservative court would likely declare that the First Amendment was only intended to prohibit the establishment of a state-sponsored church or denomination.
Such a decision would once again allow the nonsectarian affirmation of personal belief in God in public schools, would once again allow coaches to pray with their football teams before a game, and would allow visiting clergy to be invited to give a prayer at high school graduation ceremonies. It would also imply that nativity scenes without Santa Claus and Buddha should be allowed in government-owned parks and buildings at Christmas time. It wouldn’t require these things, but would allow them if local officials chose to approve them. It would restore true freedom of religion as the First Amendment intended.
It would also protect freedom of conscience for Christians who object to participating in abortions, or dispensing abortifacient medicines, or who do not wish to participate in same-sex wedding ceremonies. It is also possible that a conservative Supreme Court would eventually return control of marriage to the states.
Freedom for Christian influence in politics!
Significantly, Trump has pledged to work to repeal the 1954 Johnson Amendment to the IRS code, which has been used for 62 years as a threat to silence pastors from speaking about political issues, for fear of losing their tax-exempt status. This would be a great victory for freedom of religion and freedom of speech.
In short, a Trump-appointed Supreme Court, together with dozens of lower court judges appointed by him, would probably result in significant advances in many of the policy areas important to Christians. It would also open the door to huge expansion of influence for the many Christian lobbying groups known as “family policy councils” in various states, especially enabling them to work for further legal protections for life, for marriage and family, and for religious liberty.
But the Supreme Court is not the only issue in this election. I agree with Trump and not Clinton on several other issues as well.
Taxes and jobs!
Trump has pledged to cut taxes significantly, while Clinton wants to raise them. Trump is advocating a 15% tax rate for corporations rather than the current 35%. Lower corporate taxes would lead to business expansion and a massive increase in available jobs and higher pay levels. For individual taxpayers, Trump favors a top rate of 25%, but Clinton 45%. Most small businesses file under this individual rate, so once again Trump’s lower taxes would result in substantial expansion of businesses and many more jobs. Finally, our economy would snap out of its eight years of anemic growth.

In my judgment, Christians should support lower tax rates that would lead to more jobs, because Obama’s economic policies for the last eight years have hurt lower income and low-middle income families the most. Many can’t even find jobs, and others can’t find full-time jobs. Those who have jobs struggle to survive with no meaningful pay raises year after year. It is no surprise that these are the people who are supporting Trump in overwhelming numbers.
Tax rates are also a good indicator of government control. Higher tax rates mean greater government control of our lives, while lower tax rates indicate greater freedom.
Restoring economic growth!
Under the current Democratic administration, our once-powerful economy has limped along at an anemic 2% annual growth in GDP, whereas it should have been 4% or more. Hillary Clinton’s solution is more of the same. She wants to spend more government money to “stimulate” the economy, even though this hasn’t worked for eight years as we go further and further in debt. I think Clinton’s view is complete foolishness. (Democrats never seem to understand that for every dollar the government spends it must take a dollar away from us, the citizens, hurting economic growth more than helping it.)
Trump wants to lower taxes to revitalize the economy, help businesses grow, and provide more good jobs. Trump’s plan is the only one that will work. (And here I speak as the co-author of a book on sustainable solutions to world poverty.)
Two of the deepest causes of poverty among minority groups and racial tensions in our country are failing public schools in our inner cities and lack of available jobs. Trump expressed a commitment to solve these problems at several points in his acceptance speech at the Republican convention. He pledged to reduce taxes and regulations, leading to many more jobs. And he said, “Nearly 4 in 10 African-American children are living in poverty, while 58% of African-American youth are not employed . . .. This administration has failed America’s inner cities. It’s failed them on education. It’s failed them on jobs. It’s failed them on crime . . .. Every action I take, I will ask myself: does this make life better for young Americans in Baltimore, Chicago, Detroit, Ferguson who have as much of a right to live out their dreams as any other child in America? . . . . We will rescue kids from failing schools by helping their parents send them to a safe school of their choice.”
By contrast, Clinton will bow to the teachers’ unions and oppose school choice at every turn, and she will continue to strangle businesses with high taxes and regulations, preventing job growth.
School choice!
Clinton and the Democrats want to keep taxpayers’ money going to support only public schools controlled by powerful teachers’ unions, even where those schools are failing horribly. Trump wants to let parents decide where their child’s share of the money goes, so that poor children will have the ability to choose between public, private, and Christian or other religious schools. I strongly agree with Trump’s position, because all children, especially inner-city children from poor families, need the opportunity to get better education so that they will find good jobs and no longer be trapped in poverty.
The military!
Trump has promised to rapidly rebuild our depleted military forces, but Clinton would continue the liberal policy of eviscerating them through denying funding. This is dangerous considering increasing threats from China, Russia, Iran, and ISIS.
Clinton will not secure our borders, but will continue to allow in what she thinks will be thousands of future Democratic voters. She said (privately, but now exposed through WikiLeaks) that she wants “open borders.” Trump has repeatedly promised that he will finally secure our borders, an urgent need to protect the nation from ever more terrorists and drug smugglers. I think we should continue to admit millions of immigrants to this great nation, but they should come in legally and fairly.
ISIS and terrorism!
Trump has pledged to aggressively attack and utterly defeat ISIS. Clinton will continue the anemic
Obama policy of periodic bombing runs and drone attacks, under which ISIS has continued to thrive.
China and Russia!
Trump will not let China and Russia and Iran push us around anymore, as Obama has done, with Hillary Clinton’s support when she was Secretary of State. If Trump is anything, he is tough as nails, and he won’t be bullied.
Trump has promised to vigorously defend and support Israel, while Clinton will most likely continue the Obama administration’s criticism, snubbing, and marginalization of Israel.
Trump has said he will approve the Keystone oil pipeline and grant more oil drilling permits leading to lower energy costs and providing thousands of jobs. Lower energy costs help everybody, but the poor most of all. Clinton, by contrast, will make fracking nearly impossible and essentially abolish the coal industry, causing energy prices to skyrocket.
Executive orders and bathrooms!
Trump has promised to rescind many of the most objectionable executive orders given by President Obama, so he will likely end the compulsory moral degradation forced on us by a liberal agenda, including orders forcing schools to allow boys in girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms, in defiance of the will of the clear majority of Americans. But Hillary Clinton would likely perpetuate and expand these policies.
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