By Jonathan E.P. Moore, and Friends of America!
You can believe in whatever you want, but when it comes to
the left’s accounting, and the ‘Paid to Report Media’s backing the numbers
when it comes to the approval ratings of the most successful President in
modern history. You got to know, with approval rating now being reported as dropping, especially when the numbers
of illegals crossing the borders being down close to 80% at the Southern
border, and all the money the American taxpayers are saving from
having to support them, and the day after day new highs of the Stock Market that have added
close to $4 Trillion dollars to the economy because of Trump’s agenda, and the work requirement that Obama removed from the
requirements to receive welfare assistance being reinstalled, and as a result
having some 80% of recipients back to work in Alabama, and close to 60% back to
work in Georgia, that their number in terms of Trump's approval might be just a little off. How about the numbers when it comes to hiring American workers, companies
staying in the United States because of President Trumps tax reform, new trade
deals, and the overall approval of the direction of the country? Hmmm........
In the last 24 hours we find the Dems hypocrisy out weighs anything that President Trump and his Administration possibly could have ever considered, and if they did, would never hold a candle to the expertise of the Progressive left! I've know these facts for a while now, and knew Hillary's people met with Ukraine to get info on Trump that would undermine his run for President, the Clinton Foundation made over $130 Million dollars because Hillary brokered and approved the sale of 20% of America Uranium to the Russians, and last but not least still can't find one piece of evidence, after 6 commissions, and one of them being in existence for about a year, can't come up with just one piece of evidence, except for the attempted trapping of Don Jr., which was long before the Russian, Russian, Russian narrative that has consumed the left, and the agenda journalists that have been covering their asses!!
Trump Tweet 7\18\2017: done with the Republican 'swamp' and has told them to repeal, and then let the bipartisan 'swamp' replace. On to tax reform and continuing making America great again!!
President Trump is moving on with his agenda of making America great again for the next couple of weeks by giving the industries and companies who still operate on American soil a venue to highlight the products that they supply to the world, and still made here on American soil, but the press and the left is now attacking some of the Trump families items that are still manufactured overseas, and by doing so showing again how stupid these agenda journalists truly are. The law of supply and demand, or economics 101 would be advisable for any of these agenda driven journalists to consider taking, but if they did they might understand why the American people elected Donald J. Trump to be elected President! Here is why America needs a man with a business background, a cabinet with experience in a business background, and why a community planner from Chicago, when the economy was in the tubes, only nominated ideologues who believed in pie in the sky philosophies and untested proposals, and not business professionals when he was putting his cabinet and administration together! Click here > HERE COMES THE JUDGE, AND SHE NAILS THE 'BIG' ANSWERS YOU'RE WONDERING ABOUT!
The perfect example to illustrate the need for President Trump's jobs, tax reform, and easing of regulations agenda is to know that if you can't compete in America's free market place because the of the highest corporate taxes and regulations in the world, then you're forced to have to raise your prices, AND BE NON-COMPETITIVE, AND GO BROKE! Now you have to look somewhere else in the world to have your products made cheaper in order to compete on your own home team soil, and if these products from foreign countries don't have to pay import tax and border tariffs to be sold in America where the corporate tax is the highest of any industrial country in the world, and than having American products being charged those same fees when trying to market their products in foreign markets, then you either go out of business here at home on American soil, or open up your business in a foreign country where you can compete with the foreign competition in America with the same product and same benefits that are afforded foreign trade! Think about in foreign countries how cheaper the labor is without any Union interference, how less restrictive regulations would be , if any are enforced at all in foreign markets, and then have the same nonexistent taxes and tariffs that have prevented you from making a competitive product here on American soil? I guess now that President Trump's agenda makes perfect sense, and needed by America to compete with the world, the world markets, and assisting in making America great again, .....MAKE SENSE NOW??
The Progressive left, who doubled down on President Obama
message and agenda of transforming America’s exceptionalism to that of a 3rd
world country during the last election cycle, is now screaming foul and
adopting a new narrative on jobs, helping the middle class, and now wanting to
work with the Republicans on fixing, not abandoning, Obamacare, but can they
now, after basically ideologically being run out of town on a rail, be trusted?
I say no, and let's thank America’s lucky stars for the most recent and more than likely, next constitutional nomination for another Supreme Court Justice when Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy retires!
This is the Hillary who blames women for the abusive actions
of powerful men; even when she is one of those women. The real Hillary is not
only not a feminist icon, but she is much closer to the stereotype that leftist
activists have of Christians and conservatives.
I say no, and let's thank America’s lucky stars for the most recent and more than likely, next constitutional nomination for another Supreme Court Justice when Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy retires!
The polls, like during the elections, were then, and are
now, wrong, and wrong because of the questioned samples that these pollsters
use. I don’t know ‘wink, wink,’ if any money exchanges hands when these polls
are taken, but I would think, because of common sense tells me so, that they
use polls where the questioned are 50% Republicans, and 50% Democrats,
right? ‘Wrong,’ and what you should know
back before the election that 46% of Republicans were questioned compared to
54% Democrats. This new poll today is now questioning 36% Republicans, and 64%
Democrats, Hmmm? So, what we have is the ‘Paid to Report’ Media touting the
decline in President Trump’s approval ratings, but what else should you really
be taking away from these ‘numbers’ as we read on. Well, they say that the
approval rating of the direction of the country under President Trump’s
administration is 44%? Now I’m no mathematical wizard, but if 36% percent
disapprove of President Trump, but 44% approves of the direction of the
country????, am I missing something here, or am I seeing that the back then 46%
approval pre-election with sampling 46% being Republicans, and then a 36% when
now only sampling 36% Republicans sampled, then where’s the 8-point difference
in the approval ratings of the positive direction of the country? Well, 52% believe the democrats spend more time on blocking Trump and his agenda then they care about America's needs, and 58% of Americans feel good about their jobs and finances.
I guess we
can credit that to the ‘Silent Majority,’ you remember them, right” they were
the ones that came out of the shadows of ‘Political Correctness, and voted to
make America great again, just like they will do again, and in bigger numbers
when President Trump, and the ‘America First’ branch of the Republican Party,
and the fed constituency of the states President Trump won, but still being represented in the Senate by the same party that is obstructing and resisting to give the 45th President of the United States what he needs to live up to his promises to the American people, and that's ‘Senate60’, the majority in the Senate, and allow him to
bypass the obstruction and resistance that’s been the road block against
America, and the ‘Will’ of the American people from day one of President
Trump’s presidency!
The left wants to block everything that’s good for America
and what has made this country the greatest country in the world for the last
244 years, but the left, with the help of the agenda journalist have to stop
the growth, prosperity, and the American dream because they need to remove that
‘shinning’ light upon a hill’ label, and extinguish that light that makes
America, by the rest of the world’s standards, their ultimate travel goal, but can’t
because they’re stuck in their countries ideologies and beliefs that stymie’s
that America dream of success and self-actualization!
The Russians, the Russians, and the Russians will always do what they
do, and we all know it, but when Obama knew about it in the August before the
election, but did nothing to put a stop to it, and then we find out, without the help of the 'Paid to Report' Media that Hillary officially worked
with Ukraine to dig up anything she could at the time on candidate Trump, then we all have to know the true and real actions of the last Progressive Obama Administration's are a much higher level of major crimes and misdemeanors than the left’s
unproven accusations about now President Trump’s Administration colluded with the Russians!
When the facts about the past administration are revealed, but never reported on by the 'Paid to Report' Media, and then you compare them to the outsider non-politicians antics, it's nice to see the brilliant, and accurate epic beat down of liberal hack Juan Williams, a Fox news contributor, by Fox host, Jessie Waters, makes you feel better and justified for those same feelings and observations.
Waters reveals that the democrats are the ones who have actually cozied up with
our enemies, not Trump. Obama gave Iran and North Korea billions of
dollars. They shook hands with brutal
dictators like Castro, AND THE MEDIA EVEN DEFENDED IT. The Clintons took money from Chinese
nationals during the ’96 reelection campaign and then sold our satellite
technology to them, and Hillary sold our uranium to the Russians.
Do not let the fake news media fool you. Trump is 100% innocent and the democrats are
100% guilty of EVERYTHING they’re accusing Trump of doing. LOCK THEM UP!
Millennials simply don't know that socialism means the
government owning everybody’s businesses. They don’t understand that socialism
means the government owns the banks, the car companies, Uber, Apple, Facebook,
Amazon, etc. They don’t even want the government taking a managerial role over
the economy, let alone nationalizing private enterprise.
In fact, millennial support for a government-managed economy
(32%) mirrors national favorability toward the word socialism (31%). Millennial
preferences may not be so different from older generations once terms are
Millennials’ preferred economic system becomes more
pronounced when it is described precisely.
Fully 64 percent favor a free market economy over an economy managed by
the government (32%), whereas 52 percent favor capitalism over socialism (42%).
Language about capitalism and socialism is vague, and using these terms assumes
knowledge millennials may not have acquired.
Millennials didn’t grow up during the Cold War in which the
national enemy was a socialist totalitarian regime like the Soviet Union. Since this time, the terms “socialism” and
“capitalism” may have taken on different meaning in the minds of millennials.
For instance, socialism could imply protecting the vulnerable from the vicissitudes
of capitalism, and capitalism could mean government favoritism instead of a
free market.
Furthermore, critics of the president keep calling Obama a
socialist. Millennials like Obama, (52% still approve of him) and thus perhaps
the critics’ constant barrage of socialist name-calling has bolstered
millennials’ opinion of the word, rather than tainted Obama’s image.
Support for Socialism Peaks in College
There is evidence that support for socialism and a
government-managed economy rises when millennials attend college and then
recedes after they graduate.
College students are evenly divided between socialism (49%)
and capitalism (48%). Conversely, millennials who are not currently in college
favor capitalism to socialism 55 to 38 percent. (College graduates are similar
to other non-students in support for capitalism). College campuses appear to be
an incubator for socialist views. ~~By Emily Ekins, a Friend of America!
Now comes planned parenthood and the push to push their
agenda of woman’s healthcare needs when it is an abortion for profit front for
selling body parts, and money laundering taxpayers dollars through PAC’s to the
tune of $70 Million per year that fund Progressive politicians that vote for
maintaining the funding! The truth of the matter is that there are many women
healthcare organizations that don’t do abortions, and actually do mammograms,
which Planned Parenthood doesn’t offer, but will make an appointment for you
with another professional organization that also, don’t do abortions!
President Obama enacted a new rule when in office to prevent
state governments from defunding abortion providers like Planned Parenthood for
political reasons.
The rule says states can't deny Title X funding, which deals
with family planning, to any project for a reason that's "unrelated to the
ability to deliver services to program beneficiaries in an effective
Over the past five years, nearly half of all state
legislatures have tried to cut funding from Planned Parenthood because some of
its locations provide abortion services.
Planned Parenthood reportedly gets $70 million per year in
Title X funding, though federal rules prevent the healthcare provider from
spending any of that money on abortions.
President-elect Donald Trump has promised to undo a lot of
Obama's work right when he gets into office, but this rule won't be easy to do
away with.
The Department of Health and Human Services says repealing
this rule would either require the incoming administration to make a new rule
or the House, Senate and president to come together with a joint resolution of
The rule is set to go into effect Jan. 18, just two days
before Trump's inauguration. By Grant Suneson
We have the ACLU separating everything that must do with
religion and the state, but does it work when the issue of abortion, and the
funding of Planned Parenthood come into question?
Per the Planned Parenthood Annual Report, the organization
received $528.4 million in government health services grants and reimbursements
in fiscal year 2014. Per law, none of its federal funds can be used for
abortion services. The organization claims the federal funds are used to promote
other women's health causes, including birth control, mammograms and sex
education instruction in public schools.
The financial ties between Planned Parenthood and Democrats
run deep, with the taxpayer-funded women's health care and abortion provider's
employees and political arms donating at least $25 million to party lawmakers
over the past 15 years, per a analysis.
The money, which flowed through an extensive web of Planned
Parenthood employees, political action committees and soft-money donors
accounts for 99 percent of all political donations linked to Planned
Parenthood, leaving little doubt about the partisan preference of the
organization. Amid calls for ending the organization's roughly $500 million in
annual federal funding, Planned Parenthood may need its political muscle more
than ever.
“These types of contributions -- any contributions -- to
public officials are important and they do sway votes
In addition to direct donations to the campaigns of
Democratic lawmakers around the nation, Planned Parenthood employees and
affiliates spent $12 million on lobbying efforts during the same span, per
documents examined by
As a tax-exempt nonprofit, Planned Parenthood is not allowed
to donate directly to political causes. But, like hundreds of other nonprofits,
it is permitted to establish a political action committee that is committed to
its goals. Planned Parenthood's political arm, the Planned Parenthood Action
Fund, works with scores of state, regional and local PACs and affiliates that
seek to influence elections on every level. It is funded by private
contributions and is not permitted to use the organization's funds even as it
advocates for the organization and contributes to candidates sympathetic to its
Planned Parenthood's taxpayer subsidies have come under
intense questioning in the wake of a series of sting videos released by the
Center for Medical Progress, a group of citizen journalists opposed to
abortion. The graphic videos, some of which have featured undercover footage
shot inside clinics and of Planned Parenthood officials allegedly discussing
the illegal sale of fetal cadavers and body parts, have made Planned Parenthood
a major issue in the 2016 presidential campaign.
A Senate measure to defund Planned Parenthood failed by a
vote of falling seven votes short of the supermajority of 60 needed to avoid a
filibuster. Voting against the measure were several lawmakers who received some
of the $884,574 Planned Parenthood’s PACs and supporters contributed to candidates
and parties last year, per the Center for Responsive Politics. The largest
recipient, Sen. Ed Markey, D-Mass., received $22,290 and voted with other
Planned Parenthood-backed senators including Jeanne Shaheen, of New Hampshire,
Al Franken, of Minnesota, and Jeff Merkley, of Oregon, to block the move.
Democratic senators from so-called “red” states also have
received sizable donations from Planned Parenthood PACs and supporters. Since
2006, Claire McCaskill, D-Mo., has received a little more than $26,000; Jon
Tester, D-Mont., $19,000 and Heidi Heitkamp, D-S.D., has received $5,300.
Some current and former Planned Parenthood employees donated
more than $100,000 to mostly Democrat-supported candidates and causes. Aimee
Boone Cunningham, of Austin, Texas, donated a total of $233,000 to the Super
PAC Planned Parenthood Votes, Democratic congressional candidates and the
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee between 2012 and 2014. Per the Center
for Reproductive Rights, she was most recently the vice president of
development of Planned Parenthood of Greater Texas. She also has been the
deputy director of the Texas Democratic Trust and the deputy executive
director/finance director of the Texas Democratic Party.
Since the 2000 elections, every Senate Democrat who has
voted not to defund Planned Parenthood has received a contribution from Planned
Parenthood PACs and supporters. Shaheen has received $38,449 since 2002.
Senators Kirsten Gillibrand, D-N.Y., and Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, also have
accepted more than $30,000. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton
also benefited from Planned Parenthood advocates’ cash during her years in the
Senate, raking in $18,385 between 2000 and 2006.
All but one senator who voted to block defunding have
accepted cash from abortion group; Deep ties to media organizations revealed
Forty-five of the 46 Senators who voted against defunding
Planned Parenthood recently have accepted cash donations from the abortion
group, an investigation has found.
In addition, several media organizations and owners also
have deep ties to Planned Parenthood.
Kristi Burton Brown of Live Action, a pro-life news
organization, did some digging, and discovered that all but one of the Senators
who voted to block legislation that would have diverted funds to non-abortion
health clinics have received cash from Planned Parenthood in the past.
Lila Rose, president of Live Action, tweeted out the
The defunding legislation, introduced by Sen. Joni Ernst,
failed to advance in the Senate, falling just seven votes short of the 60
needed. It seems that the blood money handed out to politicians by Planned
Parenthood has secured its half a billion-taxpayer bounty, for now.
Per Live Action, Sen. Angus King was the only Senator to
vote no who has never accepted Planned Parenthood cash.
“To fund nearly every Democrat in the U.S. Senate who voted
against defunding Planned Parenthood, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund (PPA)
and Planned Parenthood Votes (PPV), have spent $1,609,498. Roughly 2/3 of this
money was spent in 2012 alone.” Brown notes.
Brown also notes that the abortion giant spent many more
millions on ad campaigns in 2012, over 80 percent of which were directly
supportive of Obama’s Presidential reelection campaign against Mitt Romney.
“When the millions ‘Planned Parenthood’ spends to fund these
Senators and the President is considered, it should be no surprise that many
government leaders constantly regurgitate the abortion giant’s lies.” Brown
“It’s amazing what can be gained from spending $12,000,000
on the highest office in our land.” Brown also notes.
Congress is currently investigating the connection between
the Obama administration and Planned Parenthood. Life News notes:
“The House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform was
to know if the Obama administration, via the Department of Health and Human
Services, provided any federal grants to Planned Parenthood that ultimately
went to pay for the sales of aborted baby body parts and if they were used by
Planned Parenthood to “support transactions involving fetal tissue.”
Planned Parenthood also has deep ties to corporations and
organizations that directly fund major media and television networks.
Planned Parenthood’s “surprisingly close ties to major media
corporations can help explain why leading disseminators of the news in the U.S.
have shown so little interest in the [fetal organ harvesting] controversy”
Hillary had become the Democratic Party’s official “Role
Model for Women” through her willingness to stand by her powerful husband
during his affairs, cover up his sexual harassment of other women and even
target those women for daring to speak out against her husband.
Now the face of the Democratic Party’s bid to make feminist
history in 2016 was caught on tape cheerfully recollecting how she accused a
12-year-old girl, in formal legal language, of being a mentally ill slut. Or as
the Washington Post’s Melinda Henneberger put it, “The ‘little bit nutty,
little bit slutty’ defense has a long, ugly history. It’s jarring to see it
trotted out against a kid by a future feminist icon.”
Amanda Marcotte, of Slate and The Daily Beast, as well as
blogger for John Edwards, another noted defender of women, had called critics
of the Duke Lacrosse case “rape-loving scum” and suggested that George Will was
a “rape apologist” for questioning some questionable rape cases.
But when Hillary Clinton was outed as a “rape apologist” and
“rape-loving scum”, Amanda became a “rape apologist” explaining why being
“rape-loving scum” was a good thing.
“Hillary Clinton Knows Rape Is No Laughing Matter”, she
wrote, describing a tape in which Hillary Clinton is laughing while talking
about rape.
With a desperation only previously known to members of the
Communist Party after Khrushchev had denounced Stalin, Amanda explained that
Hillary Clinton might have called a 12-year-old victim of child rape a mentally
ill slut, but it wasn’t her fault.
The blame should lay on society for perpetuating the myth
that false accusations are common” she wrote.
Don’t blame Hillary Clinton for her horrible evil lie about
a raped little girl. Blame a society that gave Hillary the idea that she could get
away with it.
This is a good defense because it can be used for any of the
many lies told by Hillary Clinton. Don’t blame her for lying about landing in
Bosnia under sniper fire. Blame a patriarchal society which values military
heroics over defending child rapists. Don’t blame her for lying about being
named after Sir Edmund Hillary. Blame a society which prioritizes climbing
large mountains over stealing White House furniture and covering up for your
husband’s history of sexual abuses.

Hillary Clinton blames women for being sexually assaulted
and raped. Having tethered her career to a serial predator, she can only get
ahead by tearing down women in private while talking them up in public. The
real Hillary is a neurotic living a lie who hates herself and her own gender.
The real Hillary despises women and identifies with the men who victimize them. ~~By George Will, a Friend of the American people!
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Friends of Liberty is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights. Support the Trump Presidency and help us fight Liberal Media Bias. Please LIKE and SHARE this story on Facebook or Twitter.
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