Sunday, June 19, 2016


By Jonathan E.P. Moore
There is nothing to search for outside of what your great grandparents, grandparents, and parents did to protect you and keep you safe!  Without any warning our elected officials chose not to carry out what they preached when elected to office, but decided that they wouldn’t have enough power or money if they stood by the Constitution and the checks and balances of what our founding fathers inked and is what is known as the Constitution!! You are here because someone in your past history decided to break away from the injustices in ‘Their’ world, and to make the dangerous trek to be free in a place called America to make a better life for themselves and a better future for you!!

There is the highest amount of Americans either out of work, under employed, or decided it is easier to have the government take from the rich and give to the poor, and by doing so, artificially boosting the aura of just existing without commitment to a future of complacent irresponsibility! Our elected officials have been working together on this plan for quite a while now, and the proof comes from reading between the lines, a little common sense, and interpreting the actions of our elected bipartisan officials!
It started when our elected officials decided to pilfer the taxpaying, citizen funded, Social Security and leave it filled with close to $2.7 Trillion in IOU’s. The Social Security trust fund is merely an accounting device filled with IOUs that future taxpayers must repay! Then comes the erosion of our Constitution by the slow step by step, inch by inch inevitability dilution of its power and intended teachings! Every year the ocean gnaws away at our shore line in the same way our elected officials chip away at the pillars of what makes this country great in order to lead us down a similar path that the rest of the world follows, and at the same time destroy the last land of the free, and home the brave for the sake of gained power and greed, and more than that control over the ‘Can’t think for themselves’ sheeple of the world!
If you checked out Friday’s article you might remember these 3 out of the 25 facts that the ‘Paid to Report’ Media doesn’t want you to know:
#11 The mainstream media doesn’t really want you to know about Obama’s and Hillary’s Alinsky agenda of taking down America from within through Socialism.
#12 The mainstream media doesn’t really want to talk about the fact that there are government websites that give immigrants instructions about how to come over to our country and apply for welfare.
#23 The mainstream media doesn’t really want to talk about the fact that Barack Obama received more than 99 percent of the vote in more than 100 precincts in the must win state of Ohio to become President of the United States of America on election day, AND WILL TRY TO DO IT AGAIN IN 2016 PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS!!
Where were the red flags when Obama, back in 2007, was hanging out with the likes of Reverend Wright, and Bill Ayers, and who by the way was with the 1970’s radical Weather Underground and responsible for loss of life through their radical anti-American bombings of establishment symbols that they thought had meaning to society, and against their beliefs and agenda. Today Bill Ayres is an activist and Professor of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago!
There is no way, and Trump called Obama out on it when it came to his citizenship status, and because of not being ‘Natural Born,’ which is a Constitutional requirement, made Obama ineligible to become President of the United States! If Obama was born to two parents who were raised on the Constitutional and products of this countries exceptional history and background, he could never have had such disdain for the Constitution and intentionally ignore his oath of office as this man has done since the first day he took office!!!!
"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."
It’s time for today’s Millennials to take the fight to this corrupt backstabbing bipartisan socialist/globalist conspiracy and short circuit Hillary’s continuation of Obama’s Alinsky’s vision for America!!
Millennials—those born between the early 1980s and the late 1990s/early 2000s—in the United States inherited a country that is broken in many respects. From the worst economy in 80 years to a post-9/11 surveillance state to a dysfunctional healthcare system, Millennials have been given a raw deal. And fighting to get the country back on track will be an enormous task for them.
So should you, being a millennial, ignore the labeling or step up to the plate to defend the possible dream of making America great again? Obama has intentionally created a future of hopelessness and an atmosphere of confusion and desperation when it comes to today’s millennials! The ‘Paid to Report’ Media chose not to reveal Obama’s, back in 2007 loyalties, and now Hillary’s true intent and planned, with the help of the bipartisan establishment political elite, their anti-American, through Socialism, destruction of America.
American millennials can’t possibly trust the government, but we still believe in a social safety net that takes care of everyone. This combination of libertarian and socialist values unnerves the major parties and unimaginative commentators, but it’s a logical response to the last 15 years. We’ve seen what happens when people don’t have anything to fall back on but the market, as well as what happens when the government feels entitled to know everything about everyone, and we don’t want either.
Things are so bad that the very legitimacy of American democracy is in dispute: 73 percent believe the government operates without the consent of the people and two-thirds believe they have no say. With 95 percent of the income gains since the recession ended accruing to the top 1 percent of earners, it isn’t cynicism for most people to feel unrepresented by our political and economic system, it’s common sense.
Young Americans, with their tolerance on social issues and distrust of the government, are ripe for libertarian recruitment. There’s only one problem: Millennials are skeptical of capitalism.
Depending on how you look at it, being a millennial can be a blessing or a curse these days. The youthful generation is full of optimism and has several decades to grow their wealth. On the other hand, they are entering the real world with record amounts of debt and trying to build a career in one of the worst labor markets in history. If millennials aren’t careful about their financial decisions, they could become known as the lost generation.
America, which was, and I believe still, that bright beacon to the world, but somewhere down the road our elected officials thought they could improve on perfection, or in other words, the Constitution and the vision of why our Founding Fathers came here in the first place! Millennials are stuck with a dilemma, and that is a choice between a smorgasbord of ideology’s! Wouldn’t it be nice if today’s millennials decided to pick up that ‘Founding Fathers’ baton that was dropped, or intentionally discarded by todays greedy and power thirsty elected Globalist politicians, and restore that one ideology that has worked for hundreds of years, and still the only blue print for truth, justice, and the American Dream in the world?
Our Founding Fathers were a revolutionary group, diverse in their professions and yet unified in their goal: American liberty.
They understood that the citizens should have a say in their government and that the government only derives its legitimate power from the consent of the governed.
When Thomas Jefferson penned those timeless, eloquent words of freedom in the Declaration of Independence it sent political shock waves around the world that continue to reverberate in the minds of revolutionaries everywhere.
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all ‘people’ are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to affect their Safety and Happiness."
A challenge was issued that our corrupt and greedy elected officials did not automatically have supreme authority.
Considering the alternatives, I believe we, as Baby Boomers, Generation ‘X’ers,’ and now Millennials, already have, and has had for some time now, the answer to America’s problems! How about just following the vision that our Founding Fathers had for this country, and the Constitution, which hasn’t been done for the last 20 years!
Capitalism is an economic system. In it the government plays a secondary role. People and companies make most of the decisions, and own most of the property. Goods are usually made by companies and sold for profit. The means of production are largely or entirely privately owned (by individuals or companies) and operated for profit.
Also known as the free market system, capitalism requires unregulated supply and demand and little or no government interference in matters of trade. Each individual is free to produce what he or she wants and to sell it at whatever price the market will support. These decisions are typically made by the laws of supply and demand: if there is no demand for a particular product, the producer won't be able to make a profit, but if the demand is high, he or she can sell a lot of goods.
Libertarianism is an idea in ethics and politics. The word comes from the word "liberty". Simply put, libertarians believe that people should be able to do whatever they desire as long as their actions do not harm others. As a result, Libertarians want to limit the government's power so people can have as much freedom as possible.
Free spirits, the ambitious, ex-socialists, drug users, and sexual eccentrics often find an attractive political philosophy in libertarianism, the idea that individual freedom should be the sole rule of ethics and government. Libertarianism offers its believers a clear conscience to do things society presently restrains, like make more money, have more sex, or take more drugs. It promises a consistent formula for ethics, a rigorous framework for policy analysis, a foundation in American history, and the application of capitalist efficiencies to the whole of society. But while it contains substantial grains of truth, as a whole it is a seductive mistake.
Socialism is particularly dangerous because it's so perfectly suited for the modern era. It's the ultimate "miracle" product: it's "nice," it's "fair," it'll make you feel good about yourself, it'll "help" people who "deserve it" by taking things away from people who "have so much" they'll barely miss it. It sounds wonderful, doesn't it? But, like most products with sleazy salesmen and hidden track records, the promises socialism makes are all a mirage. Since our schools do a terrible job of teaching history and economics these days, it's our job to explain how socialism slowly, insidiously eats away at the core of a society.
1) It kills economic growth: Strong economic growth is what produces jobs, tax revenue and a better standard of living for everyone, including the poor and middle class. That's what John F. Kennedy was driving at when he said, "A rising tide (in the economy) lifts all boats." Socialism strangles economic growth in the crib by penalizing success and rewarding failure. When you loot the successful people in a society to give it to the less successful, you quite naturally reduce the number of successful people and encourage more people to fail. This leads to a never-ending cycle. The more people in need there are, the more the successful must be penalized to pay for them. The more the successful are penalized, the fewer successful people there are. This causes wealth to concentrate in fewer hands, the economy slows down, and even more people need help. It goes on and on until you get a slow economy that can't produce enough tax revenue to sustain itself. That's exactly what killed the Soviet Union, it's killing Greece right now and sadly, the United States and most of Western Europe is on exactly the same path.
2) It stifles free speech: Why is there ridiculous government propaganda in nations like North Korea? Why are most schools, papers, and colleges run by liberals in the United States? Why do liberals often try to disrupt conservative speakers on college campuses? Why are there such extreme speech codes in Canada that it practically makes some conservative arguments illegal? Why does speaking out against the government risk imprisonment in China and the old Soviet Union? Because socialism requires protection, propaganda, intimidation, and darkness to survive. Socialism can't survive honest, informed debate about its merits among people who are free to choose or reject it because it would not survive the conversation. As Reagan said, "How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."
3) It leads to an increasingly tyrannical government: Freedom and socialism go together like oil and water. The more socialism you have; the less freedom you will have because socialism can't survive if people are free to choose whether they want socialism or not. People who are free to say what they want will criticize socialism's many failures. Areas that aren't tightly controlled will move towards the free exchange of ideas and goods, not socialism. So, socialism requires a massive bureaucracy that almost inevitably grows. As government grows, it inevitably becomes more centralized, more distant from the people and ultimately more menacing.
4) It creates strife and division: Socialism is all about turning people against each other. It has to be. After all, if you believe in controlling people's lives, the people who don't wish to be controlled need to be vilified. If you believe in confiscating the wealth of successful people who won't give it up willingly, then others must be convinced they're terrible human beings who deserve to be punished. "Victim" classes must be created for the socialists to defend because if everyone is responsible for himself, what need is there for the socialist? Eventually, those who depend on government for their livelihood and those that the government smears and loots to pay them off come to hate each other.
5) Socialists believe the ends justify the means: Like the pigs in Orwell's Animal Farm, socialists believe that, "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others." For a socialist, the overriding concern is always promoting socialism; so process, rules and regulation mean different things for different people. Fidel Castro may have been the leader of a Communist revolution against the evil "rich people" in Cuba, but he’s worth 900 million dollars today. A law broken by a Democrat and a Republican may be treated very differently by the papers, the courts, and even the Department of Justice under an Eric Holder/Loretta Lynch standard of following the law, As Margaret Thatcher explained,
"Left-wing zealots have often been prepared to ride roughshod over due process and basic considerations of fairness when they think they can get away with it. For them the ends always seem to justify the means. That is precisely how their predecessors came to create the gulag."
One of the reasons so many socialist nations are wracked with violent protests and revolutions is because when the rule of law is abandoned, only outlaws have any hope of receiving justice.
I was a baby boomer, and along with the Gen X’ers believe that the Millennials of today have been dealt the worst hand of the 3, and intentionally through the transformation of America's ideology through the current bipartisan establishment, has to step up to the plate and take on the personality of our founding fathers vision for America before it is too late!! 
On this 2016 father’s day I think it only befitting that we think about how America got here, the loss of lives of our forefathers who fought for what this country meant to them, and how you can’t improve on perfection and opt out, discard, and disrespect what made this country the greatest country in the world, the Constitution!!

  Jonathan E P Moore ‘While You Were Sleeping!
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