Hillary says of Trump that you get one chance to make a first impression, and you can see those first impressions of an outsider non-politician who leads with his heart and speaks his mind about his perception of what's wrong with America and Obama's performance as President of the United States! Hillary's personal attacks on Trump in her TV ads are not being white washed by the 'Paid to Report' Media, which they do for Hillary, shows me the disdain for tolerance by this woman toward anybody beneath her self perceived status and reputation in the world of herself! Her comments to the Hollywood elites that went like this; “YOU COULD PUT HALF OF TRUMP’S SUPPORTERS INTO WHAT I CALL THE BASKET OF DEPLORABLE’S … THE RACIST, SEXIST, HOMOPHOBIC, XENOPHOBIC, ISLAMOPHOBIC –YOU NAME IT,” and they all laughed in agreement with her, and applauded her self-righteous comments!
Now we have to look back at Hillary's 'ORIGINAL' comments about getting one chance to make a first impression, and now, after 35 years of Hillary's first impressions in politics you know, according the 'Paid to Report' Media, that it's lost in translation, just like her emails! she has failed the test to become leader of this country and doesn't pass the smell test of being loyal to the 'Will' of the American People!! The ‘Paid to Report’ Media has failed again to do what is needed to be done for the sake of ratings, and profit! On yesterday’s remembrance of 911 celebrations they continue to double down against the exceptional attributes of America! I remember a time when the MLB (Baseball) refused to show spectators running on the field to deter any copycat followers who wanted to get their 15 minutes of fame, and that practice is still going on today! The real crime here is about how these elitist athletes are taking a knee in protesting America's injustices, but choose to give back to the black community by starting their do nothing charitable foundations to feel good about themselves while living the American Dream! Do any of them live in the black community and assist or help the inner-city youth that are growing up fatherless, running in gangs, dealing drugs, and not going to school to get an education to better themselves to get out of their living situation? They chose to protect and protest in favor of Obama’s interpretation of racial injustice by ‘jumping the gun’ before the facts are known, especially in Ferguson, and then doubling down on the same lies once the facts are published!
Obama is pushing his ‘National U.N. International Police Force’ at the expense of our loyal ‘Men in Blue’ through his ‘Politically Correct’ vision for America, which is Socialism, and what Americans at the time of the 2008 elections didn’t know was his definition of change for America, but you better believe our elected bipartisan officials did, and will continue to throw everything they have at Trump to earn another big ‘Pay Day!’
Click here to learn about Obama's loyalty to the U.N.!
Yesterday should have made all American citizens mad as hell, and you can blame the ‘Paid to Report’ Media giving all of those individual platforms of protest their 15 minutes of fame! The pro-globalist ‘Paid to Report’ Media continues to highlight the negatives of America’s exceptionalism by America’s most deplorable athletes and Hollywood elitists! The ‘Paid to Report’ Media also publishes a list of elitists who will leave the country if Trump wins the election, and as if that really matters to the hardworking middle class who has made these same elitists into who they are today!! Not only do the American people have a vote, but they can vote using their ‘DOLLARS’ to defeat these anti-American athlete and Hollywood elitists by not supporting their pockets or admiring their snobbish anti-American beliefs!!
Today is different, and it’s different because of Obama’ policy of dividing Americans by economic, social, religion, race, and anything else that he can get his ax through! His goal is to unite America against America, and what this exceptional country stands for in the world is the reason why almost everybody around the world want to make their way here!
Obama and Hillary are using Political Correctness to strip away the America of who and what we represent, and by doing so taking our exceptional reputation down a peg or two to get closer to the level of the rest of the 3rd world countries! The point is to make their transitional agenda less dramatic on the American people, but also diminishing our quality of life to be more like the rest of the world while stealing our assets and Christian principles!
They continue to lie about what NAFTA did for us back when and what TPP will do for America today, and American jobs. Mexico comes in second when it comes to a family’s monthly income behind America compared to the other countries making their way to America, and a better way life, and that’s a quarter of what family’s average in America! How, with government pushing for increased wages in America, and open borders, will allow illegal immigrants to work for much less and be happier doing so at the expense and sacrificed quality of life to the American workers!
The ‘Paid to Report’ Media keeps calling the Presidential race a dead heat, but the truth of the matter is that if you don’t want to wake up in a third world country, because of a Hillary’s Socialist continuation of Obama’s blue print for America, and voted for a Hillary Victory, you will!! Voter fraud gave Obama the election in 2012 in the state of Ohio and a lot of it came from their early voting platform, and the illegal busloads of illegal immigrants being bussed to the polls, when nobody was watching, but witnessed by at least 3 people I know who witnessed it.
You have to know that the polls have to appear as ‘too close to call’ going into election day like they were in 2012, but in order for the illusion of a possible Hillary winning outcome to become true it has to appear to be a reasonable explanation for her victory, and questionable, but not an possible unexpected outcome! The reason for this is because the common sense anti-founding fathers and Constitution would mean that American voters have turned their back on the American Dream, and disagree with the ‘bill of rights’ and all the other perks that American past generations believed in when doing everything they could to get into this exceptional country! If you walked down the street and asked everyone you met “would you prefer living in America’s Constitutional Republic form of Democracy and the freedoms that come along with it, or Hillary’s continuation of Obama’s Socialist third world existence where the government knows what’s best for you and your family, and controls every aspect of your life? I think almost 10 out of 10 would come up with staying home with our founding father! For me it’s a no brainer and don’t think the polls are showing the actual numbers, but keeping this race close intentionally, and being backed by the ‘Paid to Report’ Media by shoving these lies down our throats!!!
All outsider non-mainstream respectable independent polls show Trump wins by a landslide, but you have to know that back in 2012, the truth about Obama's voter fraud was not exposed, and because of that did not set us free of being subjected to another 4 years of unvetted unconstitutional Executive Orders and Presidential Memorandums, and by a lawless DOJ, FBI, and Supreme Court who now rules by interpretation and intent instead of the letter of the law! We can't forget the most egregious act to date, and that's all of our backstabbing GOP'ers who looked the other way, and by doing so filling their pockets with cash that was divvied up by outside interests to assure the passage of the TPP trade agreement!
There were many factors that hurt Mitt Romney and favored Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election. The Democrats portrayed Romney in the worst light possible; as a wealthy, out of touch millionaire who wanted to return women to the 1800's. The left wing media predictably did everything it could to perpetuate that false caricature. Obama's race was an advantage; voters of all persuasions, particularly minorities, still cannot get over the allure of the first black president. The 47% of Americans on welfare were predisposed to vote for the food stamp president over Romney, wanting the free goodies to keep on giving, despite the long-term unsustainability.
NEW YORK – George Soros’s Open Society Foundations is seeking to expand the use of electronic and online voting systems nationwide, according to a leaked Foundations document reviewed by Breitbart News.
While the directive was issued two years ago, the issue of electronic voting has become a hot button topic in this year’s presidential election amid fears digital voting systems can be compromised.
The online voting plan was contained in a 67-page hacked file detailing the September 29-30, 2014 Open Society U.S. Programs board meeting in New York.
A significant portion of the board meeting was dedicated to methods the Foundation’s U.S. Programs (USP) could use to further the use of President Obama’s executive action authority to bypass Congress during Obama’s final two years in office.
The Open Society, together with partner grantees, assembled a general list of potential presidential executive actions on numerous issues. Significantly, the Soros-backed group zeroed in on the expansion of online voting.
click here to understand why George Soros is an enemy to the American Political system!
“USP will continue to fight against efforts to restrict voting rights, while supporting steps to improve voter participation and modernize voting procedures, such as on-line and same-day registration and expanded early voting. The Brennan Center, Demos and other grantees have engaged in litigation to expand access to registration and improve ease of voting.”
The document listed a number of executive action steps that the Obama administration could take to “ensure greater participation by eligible voters,”
Direct Health and Human Services to ensure that the federally facilitated health-care exchanges created as part of the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) incorporate voter registration opportunities as required by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA or “Motor Voter Act”), and direct federal agencies to find ways to increase voter participation nationwide.
• Issue guidance interpreting the Americans with Disabilities Act with respect to accessibility of polling places, privacy when voting, and competence requirements.
• Assist states with voter registration modernization efforts, including statewide database improvements, vote by mail, online registration and voting, and same-day registration.
• Direct the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to develop new data collection points that provide greater insight into county-based Election Administration and the ways in which voters interact with electoral systems (i.e., number of votes cast, type of voting machines used, provisional ballot statistics, etc.)
In January 2014, Obama’s 10-person Presidential Commission on Election Administration released its recommendations for reforming the U.S. election process, including transitioning to voting via tablet computers and other technologies.
Software-only products can be integrated with off-the-shelf commercial hardware components such as computers, laptops, tablets, scanners, printers, and even machine-readable code scanners and signature pad products.
Tablet computers such as iPads are common components of these new technologies. They can be integrated into the check-in, voting, and verification processes in the polling place.
The commission highlighted new technologies in which the voter can “pre-fill” sample ballots at home to be scanned later at the polling place.
Obama’s presidential panel dismissed concerns about hacking. The commission stated: “The fact that a tablet or off-the-shelf computer can be hacked or can break down does not mean such technology is inherently less secure than existing ballot marking methods if proper precautions are taken.”
Those concerns may have been dismissed too soon. Two weeks ago, NBC News cited intelligence officials revealing hackers purportedly based in Russia recently attempted to breach state voter registration databases twice. One of the hacking attempts resulted in the lifting of up to 200,000 voter records in Illinois, according to the officials.
The breach prompted the FBI to issue an unusual nationwide “flash” alert warning states to take immediate measures to beef up the security of their online voting-related systems.
Last month, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson held a conference call with state election officials related to the matter.
Also last month, Johnson was quoted as saying during a media conference call hosted by the Christian Science Monitor that DHS should consider whether to designate the U.S. election system as a “critical infrastructure.”
“We should carefully consider whether our election system, our election process, is critical infrastructure like the financial sector, like the power grid,” Johnson said.
“There’s a vital national interest in our election process, so I do think we need to consider whether it should be considered by my department and others critical infrastructure,” he added.
On Thursday, however, Johnson downplayed concerns that hackers could alter the ballot count during the presidential election.
“It would be very difficult through any sort of cyber intrusion to alter the ballot count, simply because it is so decentralized and so vast,” Johnson said. “It would be very difficult to alter the count.”
The Hill poured cold water on Johnson’s optimistic assessment!
Despite Johnson’s claims, however, hackers would not necessarily need to alter a particular vote count in order to inject chaos into the U.S. electoral system.
Merely tainting the integrity of the voting system might be enough to sow discord in the U.S on Election Day. In other words, even if hackers do nothing, simply claiming to have altered the results could cause the public to doubt the results.
And hackers might be able to alter ballot counts in swing districts where the outcome might have oversized importance.
Meanwhile, this is not Soros’s only attempt to meddle in U.S. election affairs.
A May 2014 USP board meeting document discussed the goal of expanding the U.S electorate by “at least 10 million voters.” The document, first publicized by the Washington Free Beacon, stated the voter expansion goal would be accomplished “by lowering barriers to voter registration through the various forms of modernization and increased ballot access while sustaining and expanding the franchise by establishing strong protections against vote suppression, denial and dilution.”
Ten million new voters are low ball numbers. The Soros-funded Brennan Center was mentioned in in the September 2015 board meeting document reviewed by Breitbart News as engaging with other Soros grantees “in litigation to expand access to registration and improve ease of voting.”
Brennon’s website has an entire section dedicated to “Voter Registration Modernization,” explaining its goal is to use voter modernization to add 50 million more voters to the rosters.
The Brennan Center’s signature proposal to modernize voting would harness proven technology to ensure that every eligible voter is permanently registered. The move would add 50 million to the rolls, cost less, and curb the potential for fraud. Already, 48 states and the District of Columbia — without fanfare or partisan wrangling — have implemented important elements of the plan!
In spite of those odds, polls indicated that Romney was going to win the election! The economy is close to Great Depression era conditions, and unemployment is almost as high as when Obama entered office. Economic conditions became so dire after Obama took office it prompted the rise of an entire new movement, the Tea Party. Presidents rarely win reelection when the economy is in the tank.
So how did Romney lose a race that numerous reputable polls and pundits predicted would be an easy win, based on historical patterns? The most realistic explanation is voter fraud in a few swing states. According to the Columbus Dispatch, one out of every five registered voters in Ohio is ineligible to vote. In at least two counties in Ohio, the number of registered voters exceeded the number of eligible adults who are of voting age. In northwestern Ohio's Wood County, there are 109 registered voters for every 100 people eligible to vote. An additional 31 of Ohio's 88 counties have voter registration rates over 90%, which most voting experts regard as suspicious. Obama miraculously won 100% of the vote in 21 districts in Cleveland, and received over 99% of the vote where GOP inspectors were illegally removed.
The inflated numbers can't just reflect voters who have moved, because the average voting registration level nationwide is only 70%. The vast majority of voters over the 70% level are not voting because they want to, they are voting because someone is getting them to cast a vote, one way or another. Those 31 counties are most likely the largest counties in Ohio, representing a majority of Ohio voters. This means the number of votes cast above the 70% typical voter registration level easily tops 100,000, the margin Obama won Ohio by.
Videographer James O'Keefe, known for his undercover videos exposing left wing fraud, caught a Virginia Democratic Congressman's son on video in October explaining how to commit voter fraud. Patrick Moran, the son of Rep. Jim Moran, told O'Keefe's videographer that in order to make a vote for someone else, you'd need two pieces of identification, such as a utility bill, explaining, "they can fake a utility bill with ease, you know?" He went on to advise the videographer that he should also call the voter and pretend to be a polling company in order to make sure the voter isn't intending to vote. He said that Democrat attorneys would be located in the polling places to assist him if challenged casting one of these illegal votes.
In another video, O'Keefe's videographer tells a DNC staffer from Obama's Organizing for America that she intends to vote in both Texas and Florida. The staffer laughs and says, "It's cool." The staffer then prints out a voter registration form for the undercover videographer and advises her on what to do if she gets caught.
These are just the known instances of attempted voter fraud. How many instances occurred that were not discovered? Obama's Organizing for America looked up voters in swing states – many who would not have bothered voting otherwise – and got them to vote. How did they get them to vote? They may have given them rides to the polls, they may have offered to fill out and return their ballots for them, or they may have voted ballots for the ones who were not going to vote.
Many on the left believe there is nothing wrong with committing fraud in order to ensure Obama's reelection. It is a common tenet on the left that the ends justify the means.
Saul Alinsky, the 1960's radical who inspired Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, taught community organizers like Obama that dishonesty is acceptable if it achieves your political goals. And when caught, Alinsky teaches radicals to deny the wrongdoing and change the topic to put their accusers on the defensive. One Obama supporter brazenly posted on Facebook that he was voting four times for Obama, asserting that the ends justify the means.
Aiding Obama's win was a devious suppression of the conservative vote. The conservative-leaning military vote has decreased drastically since 2010 due to the so-called Military Voter Protection Act that was enacted into law the year before. It has made it so difficult for overseas military personnel to obtain absentee ballots that in Virginia and Ohio there has been a 70% decrease in requests for ballots since 2008. In Virginia, almost 30,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots than in 2008. In Ohio, more than 20,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots. This is significant considering Obama won in both states by a little over 100,000 votes.
Voter fraud has been in the works for years. At least 52 employees of the left wing group ACORN have been convicted of voter registration fraud. ACORN itself was convicted of the crime of "compensation," paying its registration canvassers bonuses to exceed their quotas. In 2008, 36% of ACORN's voter registrations were invalidated. Left wing political pundit Chris Matthews admitted last year that pretending to call someone from a polling company, then voting their ballot for them, has been happening in big cities since the 1950's. He admitted he knows that kind of voter fraud takes place in Philadelphia.
Strong-arming people into voting who really have no desire to vote undermines our form of government. People do not choose to vote because they are uninformed about the issues and candidates, are lazy, cynical, or are content with the status quo. Voting someone else's ballot for them is cheating the system and essentially giving yourself two votes.
When people claim that Obama won because the economy was improving, or because Americans generally think he is doing a good job, it is not true. He won through dishonest methods and rhetoric. Many of the votes cast in the swing states were cajoled, some legally and perhaps even more illegally, into supporting him. If voter fraud becomes acceptable, then maybe Donald Trump is right: it's time for a revolution!!
Hillary says of Trump that you get one chance to make a first impression, and you can see those first impressions of an outsider non-politician who leads with his heart and speaks his mind about his perception of what's wrong with America and Obama's performance as President of the United States! Hillary's personal attacks on Trump in her TV ads are not being white washed by the 'Paid to Report' Media, which they do for Hillary, shows me the disdain for tolerance by this woman toward anybody beneath her self perceived status and reputation in the world of herself! Her comments to the Hollywood elites that went like this; “YOU COULD PUT HALF OF TRUMP’S SUPPORTERS INTO WHAT I CALL THE BASKET OF DEPLORABLE’S … THE RACIST, SEXIST, HOMOPHOBIC, XENOPHOBIC, ISLAMOPHOBIC –YOU NAME IT,” and they all laughed in agreement with her, and applauded her self-righteous comments!
Now we have to look back at Hillary's 'ORIGINAL' comments about getting one chance to make a first impression, and now, after 35 years of Hillary's first impressions in politics you know, according the 'Paid to Report' Media, that it's lost in translation, just like her emails! she has failed the test to become leader of this country and doesn't pass the smell test of being loyal to the 'Will' of the American People!! The ‘Paid to Report’ Media has failed again to do what is needed to be done for the sake of ratings, and profit! On yesterday’s remembrance of 911 celebrations they continue to double down against the exceptional attributes of America! I remember a time when the MLB (Baseball) refused to show spectators running on the field to deter any copycat followers who wanted to get their 15 minutes of fame, and that practice is still going on today! The real crime here is about how these elitist athletes are taking a knee in protesting America's injustices, but choose to give back to the black community by starting their do nothing charitable foundations to feel good about themselves while living the American Dream! Do any of them live in the black community and assist or help the inner-city youth that are growing up fatherless, running in gangs, dealing drugs, and not going to school to get an education to better themselves to get out of their living situation? They chose to protect and protest in favor of Obama’s interpretation of racial injustice by ‘jumping the gun’ before the facts are known, especially in Ferguson, and then doubling down on the same lies once the facts are published!

Obama is pushing his ‘National U.N. International Police Force’ at the expense of our loyal ‘Men in Blue’ through his ‘Politically Correct’ vision for America, which is Socialism, and what Americans at the time of the 2008 elections didn’t know was his definition of change for America, but you better believe our elected bipartisan officials did, and will continue to throw everything they have at Trump to earn another big ‘Pay Day!’
Yesterday should have made all American citizens mad as hell, and you can blame the ‘Paid to Report’ Media giving all of those individual platforms of protest their 15 minutes of fame! The pro-globalist ‘Paid to Report’ Media continues to highlight the negatives of America’s exceptionalism by America’s most deplorable athletes and Hollywood elitists! The ‘Paid to Report’ Media also publishes a list of elitists who will leave the country if Trump wins the election, and as if that really matters to the hardworking middle class who has made these same elitists into who they are today!! Not only do the American people have a vote, but they can vote using their ‘DOLLARS’ to defeat these anti-American athlete and Hollywood elitists by not supporting their pockets or admiring their snobbish anti-American beliefs!!
Today is different, and it’s different because of Obama’ policy of dividing Americans by economic, social, religion, race, and anything else that he can get his ax through! His goal is to unite America against America, and what this exceptional country stands for in the world is the reason why almost everybody around the world want to make their way here!
Obama and Hillary are using Political Correctness to strip away the America of who and what we represent, and by doing so taking our exceptional reputation down a peg or two to get closer to the level of the rest of the 3rd world countries! The point is to make their transitional agenda less dramatic on the American people, but also diminishing our quality of life to be more like the rest of the world while stealing our assets and Christian principles!
They continue to lie about what NAFTA did for us back when and what TPP will do for America today, and American jobs. Mexico comes in second when it comes to a family’s monthly income behind America compared to the other countries making their way to America, and a better way life, and that’s a quarter of what family’s average in America! How, with government pushing for increased wages in America, and open borders, will allow illegal immigrants to work for much less and be happier doing so at the expense and sacrificed quality of life to the American workers!
The ‘Paid to Report’ Media keeps calling the Presidential race a dead heat, but the truth of the matter is that if you don’t want to wake up in a third world country, because of a Hillary’s Socialist continuation of Obama’s blue print for America, and voted for a Hillary Victory, you will!! Voter fraud gave Obama the election in 2012 in the state of Ohio and a lot of it came from their early voting platform, and the illegal busloads of illegal immigrants being bussed to the polls, when nobody was watching, but witnessed by at least 3 people I know who witnessed it.

You have to know that the polls have to appear as ‘too close to call’ going into election day like they were in 2012, but in order for the illusion of a possible Hillary winning outcome to become true it has to appear to be a reasonable explanation for her victory, and questionable, but not an possible unexpected outcome! The reason for this is because the common sense anti-founding fathers and Constitution would mean that American voters have turned their back on the American Dream, and disagree with the ‘bill of rights’ and all the other perks that American past generations believed in when doing everything they could to get into this exceptional country! If you walked down the street and asked everyone you met “would you prefer living in America’s Constitutional Republic form of Democracy and the freedoms that come along with it, or Hillary’s continuation of Obama’s Socialist third world existence where the government knows what’s best for you and your family, and controls every aspect of your life? I think almost 10 out of 10 would come up with staying home with our founding father! For me it’s a no brainer and don’t think the polls are showing the actual numbers, but keeping this race close intentionally, and being backed by the ‘Paid to Report’ Media by shoving these lies down our throats!!!
All outsider non-mainstream respectable independent polls show Trump wins by a landslide, but you have to know that back in 2012, the truth about Obama's voter fraud was not exposed, and because of that did not set us free of being subjected to another 4 years of unvetted unconstitutional Executive Orders and Presidential Memorandums, and by a lawless DOJ, FBI, and Supreme Court who now rules by interpretation and intent instead of the letter of the law! We can't forget the most egregious act to date, and that's all of our backstabbing GOP'ers who looked the other way, and by doing so filling their pockets with cash that was divvied up by outside interests to assure the passage of the TPP trade agreement!

There were many factors that hurt Mitt Romney and favored Barack Obama in the 2012 presidential election. The Democrats portrayed Romney in the worst light possible; as a wealthy, out of touch millionaire who wanted to return women to the 1800's. The left wing media predictably did everything it could to perpetuate that false caricature. Obama's race was an advantage; voters of all persuasions, particularly minorities, still cannot get over the allure of the first black president. The 47% of Americans on welfare were predisposed to vote for the food stamp president over Romney, wanting the free goodies to keep on giving, despite the long-term unsustainability.
NEW YORK – George Soros’s Open Society Foundations is seeking to expand the use of electronic and online voting systems nationwide, according to a leaked Foundations document reviewed by Breitbart News.

While the directive was issued two years ago, the issue of electronic voting has become a hot button topic in this year’s presidential election amid fears digital voting systems can be compromised.
The online voting plan was contained in a 67-page hacked file detailing the September 29-30, 2014 Open Society U.S. Programs board meeting in New York.
A significant portion of the board meeting was dedicated to methods the Foundation’s U.S. Programs (USP) could use to further the use of President Obama’s executive action authority to bypass Congress during Obama’s final two years in office.
The Open Society, together with partner grantees, assembled a general list of potential presidential executive actions on numerous issues. Significantly, the Soros-backed group zeroed in on the expansion of online voting.
click here to understand why George Soros is an enemy to the American Political system!
“USP will continue to fight against efforts to restrict voting rights, while supporting steps to improve voter participation and modernize voting procedures, such as on-line and same-day registration and expanded early voting. The Brennan Center, Demos and other grantees have engaged in litigation to expand access to registration and improve ease of voting.”
The document listed a number of executive action steps that the Obama administration could take to “ensure greater participation by eligible voters,”

Direct Health and Human Services to ensure that the federally facilitated health-care exchanges created as part of the Affordable Care Act (“Obamacare”) incorporate voter registration opportunities as required by the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA or “Motor Voter Act”), and direct federal agencies to find ways to increase voter participation nationwide.
• Issue guidance interpreting the Americans with Disabilities Act with respect to accessibility of polling places, privacy when voting, and competence requirements.
• Assist states with voter registration modernization efforts, including statewide database improvements, vote by mail, online registration and voting, and same-day registration.
• Direct the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) to develop new data collection points that provide greater insight into county-based Election Administration and the ways in which voters interact with electoral systems (i.e., number of votes cast, type of voting machines used, provisional ballot statistics, etc.)
In January 2014, Obama’s 10-person Presidential Commission on Election Administration released its recommendations for reforming the U.S. election process, including transitioning to voting via tablet computers and other technologies.
Software-only products can be integrated with off-the-shelf commercial hardware components such as computers, laptops, tablets, scanners, printers, and even machine-readable code scanners and signature pad products.
Tablet computers such as iPads are common components of these new technologies. They can be integrated into the check-in, voting, and verification processes in the polling place.
The commission highlighted new technologies in which the voter can “pre-fill” sample ballots at home to be scanned later at the polling place.
Obama’s presidential panel dismissed concerns about hacking. The commission stated: “The fact that a tablet or off-the-shelf computer can be hacked or can break down does not mean such technology is inherently less secure than existing ballot marking methods if proper precautions are taken.”
Those concerns may have been dismissed too soon. Two weeks ago, NBC News cited intelligence officials revealing hackers purportedly based in Russia recently attempted to breach state voter registration databases twice. One of the hacking attempts resulted in the lifting of up to 200,000 voter records in Illinois, according to the officials.
The breach prompted the FBI to issue an unusual nationwide “flash” alert warning states to take immediate measures to beef up the security of their online voting-related systems.
Last month, Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson held a conference call with state election officials related to the matter.
Also last month, Johnson was quoted as saying during a media conference call hosted by the Christian Science Monitor that DHS should consider whether to designate the U.S. election system as a “critical infrastructure.”
“We should carefully consider whether our election system, our election process, is critical infrastructure like the financial sector, like the power grid,” Johnson said.
“There’s a vital national interest in our election process, so I do think we need to consider whether it should be considered by my department and others critical infrastructure,” he added.
On Thursday, however, Johnson downplayed concerns that hackers could alter the ballot count during the presidential election.
“It would be very difficult through any sort of cyber intrusion to alter the ballot count, simply because it is so decentralized and so vast,” Johnson said. “It would be very difficult to alter the count.”
The Hill poured cold water on Johnson’s optimistic assessment!
Despite Johnson’s claims, however, hackers would not necessarily need to alter a particular vote count in order to inject chaos into the U.S. electoral system.
Merely tainting the integrity of the voting system might be enough to sow discord in the U.S on Election Day. In other words, even if hackers do nothing, simply claiming to have altered the results could cause the public to doubt the results.
And hackers might be able to alter ballot counts in swing districts where the outcome might have oversized importance.
Meanwhile, this is not Soros’s only attempt to meddle in U.S. election affairs.
A May 2014 USP board meeting document discussed the goal of expanding the U.S electorate by “at least 10 million voters.” The document, first publicized by the Washington Free Beacon, stated the voter expansion goal would be accomplished “by lowering barriers to voter registration through the various forms of modernization and increased ballot access while sustaining and expanding the franchise by establishing strong protections against vote suppression, denial and dilution.”
Ten million new voters are low ball numbers. The Soros-funded Brennan Center was mentioned in in the September 2015 board meeting document reviewed by Breitbart News as engaging with other Soros grantees “in litigation to expand access to registration and improve ease of voting.”
Brennon’s website has an entire section dedicated to “Voter Registration Modernization,” explaining its goal is to use voter modernization to add 50 million more voters to the rosters.
The Brennan Center’s signature proposal to modernize voting would harness proven technology to ensure that every eligible voter is permanently registered. The move would add 50 million to the rolls, cost less, and curb the potential for fraud. Already, 48 states and the District of Columbia — without fanfare or partisan wrangling — have implemented important elements of the plan!
In spite of those odds, polls indicated that Romney was going to win the election! The economy is close to Great Depression era conditions, and unemployment is almost as high as when Obama entered office. Economic conditions became so dire after Obama took office it prompted the rise of an entire new movement, the Tea Party. Presidents rarely win reelection when the economy is in the tank.

So how did Romney lose a race that numerous reputable polls and pundits predicted would be an easy win, based on historical patterns? The most realistic explanation is voter fraud in a few swing states. According to the Columbus Dispatch, one out of every five registered voters in Ohio is ineligible to vote. In at least two counties in Ohio, the number of registered voters exceeded the number of eligible adults who are of voting age. In northwestern Ohio's Wood County, there are 109 registered voters for every 100 people eligible to vote. An additional 31 of Ohio's 88 counties have voter registration rates over 90%, which most voting experts regard as suspicious. Obama miraculously won 100% of the vote in 21 districts in Cleveland, and received over 99% of the vote where GOP inspectors were illegally removed.
The inflated numbers can't just reflect voters who have moved, because the average voting registration level nationwide is only 70%. The vast majority of voters over the 70% level are not voting because they want to, they are voting because someone is getting them to cast a vote, one way or another. Those 31 counties are most likely the largest counties in Ohio, representing a majority of Ohio voters. This means the number of votes cast above the 70% typical voter registration level easily tops 100,000, the margin Obama won Ohio by.
Videographer James O'Keefe, known for his undercover videos exposing left wing fraud, caught a Virginia Democratic Congressman's son on video in October explaining how to commit voter fraud. Patrick Moran, the son of Rep. Jim Moran, told O'Keefe's videographer that in order to make a vote for someone else, you'd need two pieces of identification, such as a utility bill, explaining, "they can fake a utility bill with ease, you know?" He went on to advise the videographer that he should also call the voter and pretend to be a polling company in order to make sure the voter isn't intending to vote. He said that Democrat attorneys would be located in the polling places to assist him if challenged casting one of these illegal votes.
In another video, O'Keefe's videographer tells a DNC staffer from Obama's Organizing for America that she intends to vote in both Texas and Florida. The staffer laughs and says, "It's cool." The staffer then prints out a voter registration form for the undercover videographer and advises her on what to do if she gets caught.
These are just the known instances of attempted voter fraud. How many instances occurred that were not discovered? Obama's Organizing for America looked up voters in swing states – many who would not have bothered voting otherwise – and got them to vote. How did they get them to vote? They may have given them rides to the polls, they may have offered to fill out and return their ballots for them, or they may have voted ballots for the ones who were not going to vote.
Many on the left believe there is nothing wrong with committing fraud in order to ensure Obama's reelection. It is a common tenet on the left that the ends justify the means.
Saul Alinsky, the 1960's radical who inspired Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, taught community organizers like Obama that dishonesty is acceptable if it achieves your political goals. And when caught, Alinsky teaches radicals to deny the wrongdoing and change the topic to put their accusers on the defensive. One Obama supporter brazenly posted on Facebook that he was voting four times for Obama, asserting that the ends justify the means.
Aiding Obama's win was a devious suppression of the conservative vote. The conservative-leaning military vote has decreased drastically since 2010 due to the so-called Military Voter Protection Act that was enacted into law the year before. It has made it so difficult for overseas military personnel to obtain absentee ballots that in Virginia and Ohio there has been a 70% decrease in requests for ballots since 2008. In Virginia, almost 30,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots than in 2008. In Ohio, more than 20,000 fewer overseas military voters requested ballots. This is significant considering Obama won in both states by a little over 100,000 votes.
Voter fraud has been in the works for years. At least 52 employees of the left wing group ACORN have been convicted of voter registration fraud. ACORN itself was convicted of the crime of "compensation," paying its registration canvassers bonuses to exceed their quotas. In 2008, 36% of ACORN's voter registrations were invalidated. Left wing political pundit Chris Matthews admitted last year that pretending to call someone from a polling company, then voting their ballot for them, has been happening in big cities since the 1950's. He admitted he knows that kind of voter fraud takes place in Philadelphia.
Strong-arming people into voting who really have no desire to vote undermines our form of government. People do not choose to vote because they are uninformed about the issues and candidates, are lazy, cynical, or are content with the status quo. Voting someone else's ballot for them is cheating the system and essentially giving yourself two votes.
When people claim that Obama won because the economy was improving, or because Americans generally think he is doing a good job, it is not true. He won through dishonest methods and rhetoric. Many of the votes cast in the swing states were cajoled, some legally and perhaps even more illegally, into supporting him. If voter fraud becomes acceptable, then maybe Donald Trump is right: it's time for a revolution!!

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