Tuesday, June 6, 2017


By Jonathan E.P. Moore, and Friends of America! 
The left chooses to not care about the truth, and until President Trump is out of office have decided that the voice and ‘Will’ of the American isn’t worth the paper that their time of birth, weight, height, and parents’ names are written on. The American citizen isn’t valued as much as the unvetted illegal immigrants and refugees who can be trusted to vote for whoever is picking up their tab, and now knowing that this newly uncovered truth about voter fraud should bolster your belief that this unconstitutional reality should be a huge concern for all Americans in  this upcoming 2018 midterm elections! Obama and Reid have filled the lower courts with Progressive Justices to block anything that protects Americans from globalism, and have slowed the confirmation process of President Trump’s appointed Administration selections so that Obama’s ‘left overs’ can sabotage the ‘American First’ agenda, and leak whatever they think will discredit President Trump, and hurt America. To the left, American are just ‘deplorable’ collateral damage who really aren’t the main focus of this ideological battle between Global Socialism and our Constitutional Republic, and if you don’t know that, then take the time to see where the battle lines are drawn, and the result that will come with losing! 
70% of America didn’t want the ‘Nuclear Agreement’ with Iran, 70% wanted to see Hillary prosecuted, and 82% could give a sh*t about the Russians, the leaks, the tweeting by President Trump, or the bipartisan ‘Swamp’ that the American people gave a 17% approval rating to! 100% of Americans are more concerned about America’s Healthcare, jobs, the border wall, and making America great again, but are being ignored. I guess, according to the Socialist left, that we Americans don’t know what we’re talking about, can’t make our own decisions, and that’s been proven to them because we are that ‘basket of deplorables’ that Hillary claims we are that decided this outsider nonpolitician was the better option then anything that the swamp had to offer. To the Progressive left the American people can’t be trusted to be persuaded by the ‘Paid to Report’ Media to do the right thing for Globalism and succumbing to the restraints and laws of the ‘New’ world order, and should just shut the ‘f*ck’ up and sit down!
America, in the eyes of the world is a mistake, and to them, the last 240+ years of our Constitutional Republics existence continues to prove it. In fact, we are so bad that ‘unconstitutional’ President Obama had to go around the world on his first trip as President of the United States to apologized for everything we’ve done to the dominant leaders of the various fundamentalist groups around the world!  No matter what the left wants you to believe, it’s not really about President Trump, but trying to hold on to the radical base that are watching their followers fleeing to the ‘West,’ and desired liberties and freedoms they see and want to be a part of on the internet going on in America, and around the rest of the world.
Stop for a second and think about this, and even though annoying, President Trump’s tweeting, and the outrage that follows from both sides of the aisle against it, proves that the majority of Americans were more than right in making Trump President! This situation that is being played out is the perfect microcosm of the problems going on with the left's battle against the 1st Amendment, and the silencing of the conservative right ideology while being blocked by the Progressive left! Now the progressives and their counter parts on the right don’t want this outcast, outsider nonpolitician to give hope to anyone else trying to pull off the same impossible feat and ruining the elitist’s ‘Garden Party's’ closed club that believe in that they are the only ones perfectly accurate when it comes to the future of America, and just want the ‘Will’ of the American people to sit back and enjoy the ride that they have chosen for us to be on!
I encourage President Trump to keep ‘tweeting,’ and encourage the ‘Paid to Report’ Media keep being drawn into the trap of legitimacy and staying relevant. This attempt to silence President Trump is no different than what’s going on America’s college and university campuses, and if we can’t recognize the similarities and the double standard, then I guess you’re OK with what’s going on with the lefts agenda of obstruction and resistance. What the Progressive left isn’t seeing is that even though they think by obstructing and resisting President Trump’s America First, and making America great again fail and allow them to take back the House and Senate, is actually doing the opposite, and that’s because they are showing the American people how they don’t agree with the resolve of the American people and refuse to recognize that working with the Republicans to achieve their mandate won’t attract voters to rally behind them against President Trump, so I say, keep up the good work, and lets hope they cannot avoid the ‘Senate60’ that will give the ‘make America first and great again’ majority in the Senate to the Republicans who are the only ones on record of fulfilling the ‘Will’ of the America people!
President Trump’s honesty and brashness through his ‘Tweets’ is the reason he won the election, and in my mind, outright genius. President Trump is pressing on with his agenda and checking off his list of promises he made to the American people on a daily basis, but are the American people privy to the historic accomplishments that President Trump has delivered on, and accomplished?  ……’NO,” and the reason for this is that the ‘Agenda Journalists,’ don’t get a chance to use their interpretation and block his words, and that, no matter how much it ‘pisses’ some bipartisan insiders off, it is his right! How funny is it that ever since candidate Trump came out with something considered outrageous became true within just a few weeks after he spoke or tweeted his comments about anything? Everyone’s perception is their own reality, so who’s to say what anyone is saying is going to be interpreted as the same message?
I don’t know if you saw this, but the committees investigating President Trump's supposed remarks to Comey about going easy on Michael Flynn wants to see the actual memos Comey took, and hear his testimony so that they can interpret the tone and inflection in his voice  during his testimony this Thursday, or is that the ‘Intonation' they want to hear? Talk about interpretation and intent, WOW, can’t wait to see the spin on the talk shows Thursday night, and if you don’t what I’m talking about:
Inflection ... is the modification of a word to express different grammatical categories such as tense, grammatical mood, grammatical voice, aspect, person, number, gender and case. Conjugation is the inflection of verbs; declension is the inflection of nouns, adjectives and pronouns.
Inflection can mean ‘modulation of the voice; in speaking or singing: a change in the pitch or tone of the voice’ (OED). However, linguistically an inflection is a word ending that indicates the role of the word in a sentence, so it’s best to avoid using it in the other sense when talking about language. Intonation is the contrastive use of pitch in speech. The word used to describe the linguistic use of pitch, loudness, tempo and rhythm is prosody.
But, since inflection is ambiguous and not the correct technical linguistics term, it would be better to use intonation, so everyone can understand what you're talking about. I hope this helped you out, or like me just go back to the old lyric that’s relayed in a song from quite a while ago:
“You like potato and I like potahto, you like tomato and I like tomahto, Potato, potahto, tomato, tomahto.  Let's call the whole thing off” …thanks Ella, Louis, Sam, and Fred for being my rock in my hour of need!
If the Democrats don’t want to be part of the repeal and replacement of Obamacare I say let it collapse and fall back on the established working healthcare system that was in place before this nightmare known as Obamacare was unconstitutionally shoved down the American people’s throats. I also say let the left keep obstructing, resisting, and trying to ‘not’ make America great again, leave the borders open, suppress our economy when the light at the end of the tunnel if growing brighter under the Trump Plan, defund our military, keep using taxpayer dollars to finance the unvetted illegal refugees and immigrants, pull the rug out from our Vets, again, and stick a pin in the inflated renewed positives for the future of America’s Constitutional Republic that the American people are feeling. Obamacare is a death sentence, and the Democrats own it 100%, but if they choose to not help with the repeal and replace, they don't deserve your vote in 2018 midterms when it comes to giving President Trump the Majority in the Senate to finish what he needs to finish to make America great again. America not only needs to get rid of the Republicans refusing to cooperate with the Trump platform should be replaced by Republicans that care, and at the same time understand that any tendencies to turn back to the Obama Socialist transformation, will lead to a government controlled reality, just like the many 3rd world countries that are under water, and  who are depending on America to bail them out through the Climate change scam, helping themselves to taxpayer's money, and then finding away to make off with America's abundant 'Natural Resources' that we are so blessed with!  
America has gone through a lot over the last 8 years with President Obama and his carefully planned transformation of America to Global Socialism and pulling the rug out from underneath every American who believes in our founding fathers ‘Rule of Law’ and Constitution, and if you don’t want this country to fall back to the Progressive lefts ‘spin’ on the truth about the nonexistent Russia collusion, and Comey being pressured to give Flynn a break, then you need to get on board of the ‘Senate60’ train, and complete the ‘Silent Majorities’ quest to follow President Trump and his platform to make America first! ~~~
Every day there is a new leak about some absolutely normal government or political-leader’s thoughts, communication or connections. For the first time, we are being rapidly exposed to sensitive or classified details of our governmental functions. It is scaring us.
If Russia had planned to divide Americans by hacking our election, they couldn’t have imagined it would be this successful.
Trump-haters are unwittingly assisting Russia in efforts to divide, disrupt and degrade our nation.Let's face it. If Russian did hack our election, their goal was to divide our country and cause the American people to lose faith in our system. Initially, they were unsuccessful. But, because of the hatred for President Trump, they are delivering success to Russia.
Meanwhile, Americans are losing healthcare, incomes are lagging inflation and we have millions of impoverished (even hungry) citizens. Our country’s debt is still growing and congress is paralyzed to address any of it.
No worries! They are focused on much more important issues like the hacking of the Democrat National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign “caused by President Trump.”
Last week, Clinton floated a laughable conspiracy-theory suggesting that the Trump campaign had inside and outside operatives colluding directly with Russia to defeat her. California congresswoman Maxine Waters suggested two weeks ago that phrases such as “Crooked Hillary” were created by Russian president Vladimir Putin and transmitted to candidate Donald Trump. She said, “It’s straight out of the Putin playbook” on an MSNBC interview.
These delusions, further indulged by a complicit media is causing a distraction from the economic progress many Americans are desperate to create.
This is the most damaging scandal in our history. The hatred for President Trump is beyond political opposition. It is a toxic blend of hatred combined with mental instability.
We have spent the past eight years with a feckless leader who was afforded unfettered platform to distort America’s values and thrust unworthy and despicable people into the mainstream. President Obama’s tenure brought Washington robotic, even deviant bureaucrats who use the rules of the system to cheat Americans.
Comedian Kathy Griffin’s stunt-photo of a severed and bloodied Trump-head (ISIS-style) showed us the cultural damage we’ve experienced in the past eight years. This acceleration of hatred and immorality is profound because trickery has become popular. Griffin’s entire stunt was a trick.
Griffin likely planned this photo-release, apology and “Trump is destroying me” script well in advance of creating the photo. Griffin probably needed to boost ticket sales and knew that this stunt would be a guaranteed winner, serving as a ‘dog-whistle’ to the millions of confused, delusional Trump-haters in her fan base.
Whether politicians or citizens, these Trump-haters actually believe most of their own rhetoric and the resulting hatred is only going to get worse.
I’ve heard many people say that by denouncing Griffin’s photo, even liberals showed us that even they have limits to this hatred aimed at Trump. I disagree. They showed us where ‘the line’ is today. You should expect that line to continue to move into even more shocking territory unless and until they get their way.
While politicians continue to invent scandals to stop this president, there are Americans who are struggling with upward mobility, healthcare and the increasing burdens of our technological age.
The increasing dependence on technology and the culture-shifting phenomenon of social media is rapidly rendering American lives nearly dysfunctional. We are not designed to consume this information.
Moreover, with some politicians outright promoting disruption, they are causing more harm to the American psyche than any amount of Russian influence into our elections could ever cause.
The average American is overworked and underpaid while struggling to maintain a healthy balance between life's necessities and future family prosperity. Our government continues to limit our potential through dysfunction, regulatory-burdens and controversy. This is degrading our faith. While we seek prosperity, they seek vanity and power.
We simply don’t know enough to understand what we are seeing and whether much of it is legal, right or wrong. Politicians prey on our useful ignorance.
Many people are falling victim to their own ignorance. Democrats are successfully projecting normal actions of government onto President Trump (or associates) as if though it is criminal activity. They use words like “backchannel, undisclosed contact” or “paid speeches to a foreign government” to make it appear these actions are illegal. They are not.
Our lack of context and understanding is dangerous because we are consuming news and information we do not want to see.
Even if the Trump campaign had inappropriate connections with Russia, publicly litigating that hypothesis isn't worth the division it is creating amongst our leaders and citizens.
Can you imagine the chaos if the American people were aware of the Cuban missile crisis while it was happening? What would have happened if that threat would have been leaked to the public amid the crisis? I submit it could have shifted it from crisis-averted to World War III because President Kennedy would have been distracted by an emotional public.
Americans want someone to keep them from knowing what they don’t want to know, because we make our problems far worse with our out-of-control and uninformed emotional reactions.
I want to know if special counsel Robert Mueller (investigating the Russian-election controversy) finds any Americans committing illegal acts. Until and unless he does, we should all focus on something important like our families, businesses and futures. ~~By Bryan Crabtree, a Friend of America!
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