Friday, March 31, 2017


By Jonathan E.P. Moore, and Friends of America!
It’s time for all Americans to take back our country from the political process and start thinking on our own! The ‘Paid to Report’ Media sets us up, and 'political correctness' knocks us down, and if we don’t take the time to understand what the end game truly is, then you might as well kiss America’s exceptionalism goodbye!
We all get up every day and put our pants/skirts on the same way as everyone else, we hopefully all shower, brush our teeth, put deodorant on, and comb our hair, but what changes is that moment when we all look in the mirror, and based on the input from the day before intel, 'cop' an attitude! Before we even open the door to start the day we put up our defenses, turn off our ears, and open our mouths to either eat, but more than likely to spew perfectly chosen soundbites that the ‘agenda journalist’ have placed in your head to defend a position that parallels the beliefs of your inner circle, and then used to silence counter commentary!
What ever happened to common sense, whatever happened to using your mouth proportionally to using your ears, (listening 2x more than speaking), whatever happened to:
 “You shall not take vengeance or bear a grudge against the sons of your own people, but you shall love your neighbor as yourself.”      Leviticus 19:18  ESV
America, through history, has been the most magnanimous country in the world that came to the aid of any other country in need, and came at the drop of hat. America has always been a leader that other countries look up to and depend on, but over the last 8 years we had a sitting President that tried to change that status so that the ‘New world order,’ and not America, would become the new 'go to' guy while America took a back seat, and transformed into that 3rd world Socialist pawn that's just like the rest of the world.
The plan was to make it appear that all Americans were oppressed in some form, and by doing so through Political Correctness, would create a divided nation, which would make the transformation to Socialism through another one of Alinsky’s 8 rules to ruin:
  8) CLASS WARFARE: Divide the people into the wealthy and the poor. This will cause more discontent and it will be easier to take (Tax) the wealthy with the support of the poor.
Are Americans being oppressed, are women being treated like dogs with no rights, are Christian being beheaded and murdered for just being Christian, are gays being persecuted and thrown off buildings because they’re gay, does the Constitution and Bill Rights expand your horizons, or close doors, are Americans given every opportunity to be whoever and whatever they want through hard work and focus, and last but not least, can Americans truly live the American Dream if they choose to work hard, and if they choose not to, hold out their hand to get a dollar from another American who is working and fulfilling his American Dream, and not having to work a day in their life?
Americans aren’t oppressed based on the avenues one can take to better themselves, but are oppressed by themselves and the negative surroundings that influence their view of the world. Unfortunately, everybody is born with a blank slate, and while they don’t have control of what’s written on that slate, they truly believe in what’s written on it!
After all this is said and done the real problem is that, unlike WWI and WWII, Americans will not drop what they’re doing to runoff and defend the world against todays threats like we did in the past! It’s not about the ‘he said she said’ squabbling over the ‘Russians.’ It’s not about the process instead of the truth that the process manages to hide from the public intentionally because the ‘Swamp’ believes Americans don’t know what’s best for themselves, and can’t act responsibility to combat or defend ourselves against the political perceived dangers that these career moochers have lived off of for decades, and the exact same dangers that these 'agenda journalists' write 'Fake' unwitty memes about!
All of this is what our enemies, here on American soil and abroad, are hoping for! The triple ‘D’s,” and I don’t mean ‘diners, drive-ins, and dives,’ but dissent, division, deception, and the intentional dismantling and disarming of our military’s strength, Social engineering of our armed forces, and then the forced retirement or release of our top military advisors and officials!
The ‘Wimpification’ of  America is what’s wrong with our country today, and it’s not about Americans being oppressed, but the unwillingness of Americans to break the habit of Political Correctness, and the side effects that still prevent America from being great again!
It’s sad to see so many Americans turn into losers, pathetically demanding to be treated as victims, all so the emotional vampires on the Left can feel better about themselves for helping such pathetic sad sacks.
Liberals LOVE for people to think of themselves as victims. They love for people to go through life furious, upset over things most people wouldn’t even notice. They need you alienated and angry so they can control you and turn you out at the polls, so they can get their sick little self-esteem boost for helping a poor little mediocrity like you.
If you’re black or Hispanic and think white people hate you, if you’re gay and think the Christians want to wipe you out, or if you’re a woman who believes the patriarchy is keeping you down, you’re going to have an unhappy life. It doesn’t matter if things are going well or you have success; you’re going to be angry. You’re going to feel mistreated. You’re going to walk around chalking up every normal event in the world to bias that primarily exists in your head. You’re going to nurse grievances. You’re going to be unhappy.
As consolation, you can half-ass your way through life and chalk up your failures to “white racism,” “those hypocritical Christians,” or “the patriarchy.” You can live with the illusion that, like Elizabeth Cady Stanton, you’re fighting for women’s rights, or, like Martin Luther King, you’re trying to reform a society teeming with racism -- but that only makes you sound like a joke. Stanton was fighting for women’s right to vote. Today, feminists whine about having to pay for their birth control. Martin Luther King was fighting for equal rights, and today liberal “black leaders” spend their time bitching about whether hoop earrings are cultural appropriation. There are legions of liberal Don Quixote’s jousting with windmills and pretending that the trivia they obsess over gives meaning to their victimhood-centered lives.
As an extra added bonus, you get to be the person who stops all the fun when you walk in the room. You get to be the one always accusing random white people of using white privilege or explaining that eating Chinese food is cultural appropriation. You get to be the one throwing out fake statistics (“There’s a huge spike in wife beating on Super Bowl Sunday.”) and constantly playing the “I’m more sensitive than you” game. People have to hold back jokes and to walk on eggshells around you because they don’t want to listen to your tedious lectures about how they’re not “woke.”
There are whole communities that have been governed by black liberals for decades that blame all their problems on white Republicans -- all because people grow to love that victimhood. They love that ready-made excuse for every problem in their lives. It isn’t because they didn’t go to college and they talk like they’re ignorant that they can’t get a job; it’s racism. Black Americans aren’t going to jail in higher numbers because they’re committing more crimes percentage-wise; it’s racism! Americans are sick of Barack Obama? Must be racism. They can sniff out hidden racism like a drug-sniffing dog on a pack of cocaine, but they can’t ever admit that 95% of their problems are self-created, just the same as they are with every white American.
Nobody of any race makes you choose to have unprotected sex and get pregnant at 16. Nobody makes you choose to have three kids by three different baby daddies. Nobody makes you flunk out of school. Nobody makes you spend money on partying instead of your rent. Nobody makes you assault a police officer. Nobody makes you rob a house and get a criminal record. It’s not oppression. It’s a sub-culture that says you can make every mistake in the world, but your screwed-up life is still someone else’s fault.
There are women, gays, and minorities around the world dying to get into the United States. The ones that get the opportunity to do so legally spend thousands of dollars and put up with years of paperwork to come here. You think that’s because it’s such a racist, sexist, oppressive country? It’s ridiculous. It’s silly.
It’s not a white thing or a black thing, a male thing or a female thing, a conservative or liberal thing. If you’re a conservative white male who blames all the problems in your life on black people, you’re a loser. If you’re a liberal black woman who blames all the problems in your life on white people, you’re a loser. If you’re a woman who blames all the difficulties in your life on “the patriarchy,” you are a loser. In life, if you’re going to be not just successful, but happy, you hold yourself responsible and take care of your own issues. If you don’t like how something in the world is, you try to change it, but you don’t whine and cry and talk about how terrible life is for you because you were born the wrong race or sex. Hold yourself to a higher standard than that. Look for the opportunities that often get missed because they require some work. Be a better person and stop lying to yourself about oppression in the least racist, most welcoming country in the history of humankind. ~~By John Hawkins, a Friend of America!
I don't know who started the politically correct pussification process of the male collective, but I'd like to find them and pistol whip them into next week with my S&W Model 29 for ruining our planet.
Well... simply put: it's because males are being shamed, taught, lead, pastored, drugged, schooled, coerced and cajoled into throwing out their brains, handing over their balls and formally abandoning the rarefied air of the testosterone-leader-fog that God and nature hardwired them to dwell in; and instead they've become a weak, effeminate, mangina-sporting, shriveled up quail. That's why.
I hate this emasculated culture and It's pathetic and pervasive and its effects on society are deadly. As in, literally. I'll explain later.
If you think I'm full of specious doo, then sit your skinny-jean-wearing butt down in your Hello-Kitty chair and watch a little TV and pay close attention to the male characters, whether fictitious or “real”, and tell me with a straight face that you'd want these preening dandies to have your back in a gunfight.
A couple of weeks ago, I took the TV Puss Test and here's what I observed being directly and indirectly shoveled down our male pie-holes regarding what “being a man” meant.
Man buns and glitter beards are now “all the rage”.
The Boy Scouts of America have banned water pistols.
Boys at this one school aren't allowed to play soldier any more.
A university banned fencing because a sword fight might break out.
Brotox is becoming popular among men.
Some lame-ass company now has “Diet Whiskey” for “men”.
A thirteen-year-old boy was actually punished for being a hero.
A study showed that men are now beginning to talk like girls. Like in ... OMG.
A gym removed its squat rack because it was intimidating to its squishy clients.
I saw on Facebook an old pro-toy gun TV advert that sure as shizzle wouldn't fly today.
And most male actors are not men in the classic sense of the word that I grew up with, but rather male tinker pots that are required to cry on cue.
And that was just scratching the pop culture surface; and it doesn't include the uber-effeminate “Christian” TV zombies or our craven politicians on the Left and the Right.
Speaking of politicians... the reason Donald Trump has mass appeal is he's not afraid of anyone
That said, I believe one of the rankest places our pussification shows it's browless noggin is in regards to Islam. These ridiculous and antiquated people want to conquer and kill us and we're told to not point that out.
Back in the day, our news sources, military leaders and politicians wouldn’t mince words about Nazis, or Stalin’s thugs, or Japan’s shiitake; but God forbid that we should say that Islam spawns’ terrorism more than fried eggs and bean dip make Rosie O’Donnell gassy.
Yep, one of the most egregious forms of effeminization, and one that yields up the most ubiquitous examples, especially during Obama’s reign of terror as Wuss-In-Chief, is the politically correct fetal position the “media”, and especially liberal politicians, take when discussing bat-crap crazy Islam. It’s pathetic.
Here's how lame some men have become when facing Muslim Mayhem at home and abroad. I grabbed these headlines from my website Check it out:
Brits Cancel Mohammad Cartoon Exhibit Because It's Too Offensive
UK Pool to Ban Bikinis and ‘Islamically Inappropriate Swimwear'
US Embassy Removes July 4 Celebration Out of ‘Respect for Islam’
NYT Whines About How Our Bad-Ass SEAL Team 6 Kills Terrorists
Oxford University Warns Authors Don’t Write About Bacon, Might Offend Muslims
NYT Says, Chris Kyle ‘Insane’– Bruce Jenner ‘Courageous’
College Students Demand That American Sniper be banned from Campus Because It’s Too Offensive.
As Col. Ralph Peters famously said, “My God, ISIS is taking over the Middle East, and our President can’t even say Islamist Terror.”
Daily, I see the most “You-gotta-be-kidding-me” excuses made, and cover given for, Muslim rapes and violence in Europe. It’s disgusting and it’s turned deadly in Sweden and Paris all via the intentional kissing of Islamic butt.
Personally, I think Europe is done. Their culture has become too PC and the invasion of Islam now too expansive for them to recover.
Finally, Leftists and Islam need you to be cowardly, docile and house-trained. They must eradicate a man’s masculinity in order for their evil machinations to thrive; and they’re doing a good job of making males spineless weasels aplenty… a society of frightened men.
Here’s my easy prediction: until men start acting like men and defy these religious Islamic monsters, then you and I can expect more massacres, rapes and invasions, and loss of our sacred liberties; and all because of our culture's systematic pussification.
At my age I'm pretty sure I don't need maternity care.
At her age I'm pretty sure my granddaughter doesn't need health insurance for her end-of-life needs.
But what do I know? I'm just a dumb citizen.
According to the architects of Obamacare - if you can call the Democrats who designed President Obama's signature failure "architects" - I can't be trusted to buy my own health insurance.
The architects of Obamacare in Washington, all Democrats, decided six or seven years ago they knew what the best health plan was for everyone, rich or poor, healthy or sick, old or young, Californian or New Yorker.
For them health-care choice was never an option for individual American citizens - it was one-size fits all.
They decided that every American human being, no matter what their sex, age, health or personal needs or desires, deserved Cadillac care for any possible sickness or service.
Just in case you might desire to change your gender someday, for instance, you'd be covered for the necessary surgery ---- and get to pay for it in your insurance premium today.
When they drew up their plans the architects of Obamacare promised the moon but they delivered the usual piece of government space junk.
They promised insurance premiums would be low and be subsidized for the poor. Co-pays also would be minimal.
They promised all Americans would have access to affordable quality health care!
But in the real world it turned out many people can't afford to use their Obamacare insurance cards to actually purchase health care because the deductibles are too expensive, or Obamacare's architects severely limited the kinds of health care plans insurance companies were allowed to offer customers.
It should surprise no one that Obama's pie-in-the sky promises have been broken and his plan is on fire and crashing to Earth.
It was cynically designed by his administration and Democrats in Congress to have its inevitable and widely predicted problems emerge after Obama was safely reelected in 2012.
But now even some Democrats are admitting Obamacare has got serious problems.
Of course, no one in the liberal media is pressing Chuck Schumer or Nancy Pelosi to reveal how they'd change Obamacare to make it better.
If the media did ask a Washington Democrat to solve a problem they've created with one of their social policies, we all know the answer - throw more federal money and subsidies at it.
Republicans want radical changes that will get the government out of the health care insurance racket.
They want to repeal and replace Obamacare's mandates so that individuals can buy the health insurance plan they want from insurance companies that want to sell it to them.
What a concept.
They want individuals and small businesses to be able to join together in larger groups or insurance pools to pay lower premiums.
And they want people to be able to buy their health insurance across state lines (like car insurance and a million other things) instead of being forced to buy from their state's monopoly provider.
What concepts - freedom and choice.
The American people got Obamacare shoved down their throats because of the liberal myth that government knows best about everything.
Republicans in Congress - if they can get their act together and stop fighting each other ---- are in a position to radically change things for the better.
But they need to come together, present a patient-based, market-based repeal & replace health care plan to the Senate and then force the Democrats there to explain to the country why they are the ones whose filibusters are preventing it from passing.
Republicans have to make the Democrats own and defend Obamacare, which will soon die a natural death.
If that doesn't work, President Trump should invite every Republican and Democrat leader from Congress into the White House and lock the doors.
Then he should not allow anyone of either party to eat or pee or leave until they come up with a solution.
Reconciliation is a limited venue to make changes. It has boundaries, right? so if you have a three-step approach, reconciliation being the first step, and buying across state lines doesn’t fit into reconciliation, then any package coming from the House after reconciliation must get 60 votes. There’s no way the Democratic Party is going to vote for a concept that opens up health care to more competition and outside government control. That’s what this whole damn thing’s about to begin with, is that they believe that health care should be provided by the government. We believe you should have more choices. And I don’t see eight of them helping us get our, you know, get this thing done. That’s just not going to happen. ~~By unknown----, a Friend of America!
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1 comment:

  1. . While his muzi-controllers behead priests (and rape nuns) this Mc Joke is prostrating / prostituting himself mecca- wards , (hoping the koran-codile will eat him last ?). A re-run of the unholy WW 2 anti-Semitic trinity, (of nazi, muzi and micks) ? surprise surprise ...............Both sides of WW2 was funded by the world banking / wanking-NWO Illuminati (including the Goebbels media-machine, promoting for their big money-maker (with their thief-in-chief nazi political (?) party) in Germany, that was headed by puppet/ stooge, hitler ) You may remember WW 2 (it was in all the papers) .........Hitler (has now been reincarnated as, (socialist/ east-german) Angelia Mercle) . A later version (in USA, the muzi-nazi king wanna-be) that propagator of white-ants (in the white-house), that indonesian muzi bastard, Barrark hussan O'So Fraudo ........... ................. .......... ...........NOTE. hitler rallied (and expanded) the german troops by welcoming in, any fighting-age, anti-Semitic allies, and was happy demonizing and deporting (or enslaving) the convenient Jewish "straw-man" ...... the german people were promising that socialism would do all the thieving on their behalf, in exchange for their vote. ...................... ....... .............. Sound familiar ? (but hitler was also in league with mufti hussani (muzi-mafia) who (like all muzi) to get the mosque promised virgins (on the next planet), needs all Jews dead.
