By Jonathan E.P. Moore, and Friends of America!
Obama’s dealing the cards for America’s future 'RIGHT NOW' by
pulling out all the stops in his last-minute bid to go down in history as
relevant, but after the last 8 years of feckless leadership both here and abroad
appears to have run out of time, and will go down in History as the
worst President in American history! Obama has, from the very first day has done everything
he possibly could to undermine America’s exceptionalism, and sure, Obama says he loves
America —but just not the America we live in! ~~
"Never before in American history has its president gone
before so many foreign audiences to apologize for so many American misdeeds,
both real and imagined," Romney writes. "It is his way
of signaling to foreign countries and foreign leaders that their dislike for America is something he understands and that is, at least in part, understandable. There are anti-American fires burning all across the globe; President Obama's words are like kindling to them."
of signaling to foreign countries and foreign leaders that their dislike for America is something he understands and that is, at least in part, understandable. There are anti-American fires burning all across the globe; President Obama's words are like kindling to them."
compliments to America here and there, Romney adds. "But what makes his
speeches jump out at his audience are the steady stream of criticisms,
put-downs, and jabs directed at the nation he was elected to represent and
"In his first
nine months in office, President Obama has issued apologies and criticisms of
America in speeches in France, England, Turkey, and Cairo; at the CIA
headquarters in Langley, Virginia, the National Archives in Washington, D.C.,
and the United Nations in New York City. He has apologized for what he deems to
be American arrogance, dismissiveness, and derision; for dictating solutions,
for acting unilaterally, and for acting without regard for others; for treating
other countries as mere proxies, for unjustly interfering in the internal
affairs of other nations, and for feeding anti-Muslim sentiments; for committing
torture, for dragging our feet on global warming and for selectively promoting
I know, I know…. not again, but you have to admit that if
both parents of Barack Obama were citizens of the United States of America he
would be eligible to become President due to his ‘Natural Born’ status, but now
you can see why this is more than an important requirement set forth by our
founding fathers to be President!
What President would go out and apologize for America’s past
and present History? What parent would bring up a child with 
such disdain for their supposed homeland, and what Congress would look the other way and allow this unqualified candidate to be seated to the most important position not just in America, but the world! ~~

such disdain for their supposed homeland, and what Congress would look the other way and allow this unqualified candidate to be seated to the most important position not just in America, but the world! ~~
For America, its been 8 years of basic survival tactics and
being exposed to Obama’s view and agenda of his Socialist transformation of
America! How did this happen, and which
elected officials had a hand in the ‘sting?’ First of all it takes two to
tango, so both parties had to be involved! so, they have to be identified and exposed, and then drained with the rest of the 'Swamp' ……!
I also think, especially after Obama threw a ‘wrench’ into
the supposed smooth transition of power, that Trump should let his DOJ blood
hounds, led by Sen. Jeff Sessions with maybe a little help from Trey Gowdy, loose to
launch an investigation into the Obama administration unconstitutional actions,
and then follow up on the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s list of
outrageous acts and actions that violated the letter of the law! I would then look
into the laws that both parties self-impose upon themselves in order to be the
only two viable parties recognized and protected by the ‘Paid to Report’ Media!
We have just 22 days left before Trump takes office and sworn in as the 45th President of the United States of America,
but what we should be afraid of is how many more wrench’s will vengeful Obama throw
into the transition, and on top of what he has done already to screw up the next
administration, and the future generations of America?
President Barack Obama issued new sanctions against Russia
on Thursday, calling Russia's "malicious cyber-enabled activities" a
"national emergency" aimed at undermining democratic processes.
He also ordered that 35 Russian diplomats from the Russian
Embassy in Washington and the
Russian Consulate in San Francisco be ejected from the United States, and closed Russian compounds in New York and Maryland in response to what he said was Russian harassment of American diplomats in Moscow.
Russian Consulate in San Francisco be ejected from the United States, and closed Russian compounds in New York and Maryland in response to what he said was Russian harassment of American diplomats in Moscow.
The diplomats will be given 72 hours to leave the US,
according to Reuters.
Not only did the Obama administration scrub counter-terror
programs of jihad and Islam, now we find out that his administration scrubbed
the records of Muslim terrorists. If the enemedia were not aligned with the
jihad force, this would be front-page news across the nation.
An agent of the Department of Homeland Security, or DHS, for
15 years, Philip Haney, reported Friday that after the Christmas Day underwear
bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, tried to blow up a crowded passenger jet
over Detroit, “President Obama threw the intelligence community under the bus
for its failure to ‘connect the dots.’ He said, ‘This was not a failure to
collect intelligence; it was a failure to integrate and understand the
intelligence that we already had.'”
Haney revealed: “Most Americans were unaware of the enormous
damage to morale at the
Department of Homeland Security, where I worked, his condemnation caused. His words infuriated many of us because we knew his administration had been engaged in a bureaucratic effort to destroy the raw material – the actual intelligence we had collected for years, and erase those dots. The dots constitute the intelligence needed to keep Americans safe, and the Obama administration was ordering they be wiped away.”
Department of Homeland Security, where I worked, his condemnation caused. His words infuriated many of us because we knew his administration had been engaged in a bureaucratic effort to destroy the raw material – the actual intelligence we had collected for years, and erase those dots. The dots constitute the intelligence needed to keep Americans safe, and the Obama administration was ordering they be wiped away.”
The Obama administration is blocking new oil and gas
drilling in the Arctic Ocean, handing a victory to environmentalists who say
industrial activity in the icy waters will harm whales, walruses and other
wildlife and exacerbate global warming.
A five-year offshore drilling plan announced on Friday
blocks planned sale of new oil and gas drilling rights in the Chukchi and
Beaufort seas north of Alaska. The plan allows drilling to go forward in
Alaska's Cook Inlet southwest of Anchorage.
The blueprint for drilling from 2017 to 2022 can be
rewritten by President-elect Donald Trump, in a process that could take months
or years.
President Obama has told Israel to drop dead by instructing
his U.N. ambassador not to veto a
resolution condemning Israel for building so-called settlements on disputed land, the president
has aided and comforted
that nation's enemies. The U.S. abstention will inevitably invite stepped-up
attacks against Israelis, as well as calls for more boycotts by the European
Union, whose ugly anti-Semitic past and present is well documented.
resolution condemning Israel for building so-called settlements on disputed land, the president
Before he leaves, President Obama has designated almost 1.6
million acres of land in Nevada and Utah as national monuments to protect
Native American burial grounds and sacred sites. This is seen as another swipe
against the incoming Trump administration since the 1.35 million acres in Utah
will effectively end new oil and gas exploration leases (via The Hill):
The areas newly protected from development and various
activities are the Bears Ears National Monument in Utah and the Gold Butte
National Monument in Nevada. Both areas are owned by the federal Bureau of Land
The actions further cement the aggressive conservation legacy
of Obama, who has protected more land and water than any other president under
the Antiquities Act.
The 1.35 million-acre Bears Ears area could be the most
controversial of Obama's dozens of national monuments, in part because it shuts
down any new leases for mining or oil and natural gas, exploration, along with
other development and potential harms.
But Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) slammed Obama’s decision.
“This arrogant act by a lame duck president will not stand,”
Lee tweeted Wednesday.
“I will work tirelessly with Congress & incoming Trump
administration to honor the will of Utahans and undo this monument
designation,” he added.
Obama also issued a permanent ban on offshore drilling,
though Republicans vowed to reverse that decision as well. Utah's attorney
general said he will file a lawsuit against the monument designation. By Matt Vespa, a Friend of America!
The year 2016 was a great one for our progressive friends –
except for that whole utter repudiation unpleasantness of last November. Now,
as a concerned conservative friend eager to help, let me offer you some New
Year's resolutions that will keep you on the path to success. The bottom line:
stay the course!
Keep Reaffirming the Racism/Sexism/Homophobia and Other
Moral Failings of Everyone Who Doesn't Obey the Rigid Yet Constantly Mutating
Laws of Political Correctness: It's vital that you continue, at every turn, to
label normal Americans "racists," “sexists” and all the other “-ists”
and “-phobes” in your Big Book O’ Liberal Slurs. Remember, concerns about crime
are secret dog whistles to the tens of millions of wannabe KKK members lurking
out there. Americans actually love being robbed! You know why we pretend we
don't like dismembering babies and selling their
parts? Because we hate strong women. You caught us! And having people smash airplanes into buildings and open fire at random citizens are just a few of our favorite things. We only blame these acts on the radical Muslims who are actually doing them because of our unreasoning hatred of Muslims. There's no fooling you! If we weren’t such Islamophobes, we’d focus on the bloody death toll from those radical Baptists. So, keep it up, and never, ever, pass up an opportunity to tell normal Americans how they fail to meet your exacting standards. With enough abuse, those Trump voters you lost last time will definitely come around and start supporting Democrats again!Slam Israel: Who needs Jewish voters in your coalition anymore? You’ve got urban hipsters and illegal aliens, frigid divorcees and welfare cheats, plus a declining number of blacks and more urban hipsters, so those embarrassing friends of the Zionist Entity are totally expendable. Let them go join the GOP, with its unflinching support for evil Israel against the uncorrupt democracies surrounding it. When your delegates booed Israel (and God) at your convention, it was a great way to start this super-helpful conversation. Keep it up. Remember, every time you stab Israel in the back, several CAIR members will escort their wives out to go vote for Democrats.
parts? Because we hate strong women. You caught us! And having people smash airplanes into buildings and open fire at random citizens are just a few of our favorite things. We only blame these acts on the radical Muslims who are actually doing them because of our unreasoning hatred of Muslims. There's no fooling you! If we weren’t such Islamophobes, we’d focus on the bloody death toll from those radical Baptists. So, keep it up, and never, ever, pass up an opportunity to tell normal Americans how they fail to meet your exacting standards. With enough abuse, those Trump voters you lost last time will definitely come around and start supporting Democrats again!Slam Israel: Who needs Jewish voters in your coalition anymore? You’ve got urban hipsters and illegal aliens, frigid divorcees and welfare cheats, plus a declining number of blacks and more urban hipsters, so those embarrassing friends of the Zionist Entity are totally expendable. Let them go join the GOP, with its unflinching support for evil Israel against the uncorrupt democracies surrounding it. When your delegates booed Israel (and God) at your convention, it was a great way to start this super-helpful conversation. Keep it up. Remember, every time you stab Israel in the back, several CAIR members will escort their wives out to go vote for Democrats.
Leverage Hollywood Star Power: As you know, all normal
Americans believe Hollywood stars are powerful role models who we should
emulate in our personal and political
lives. Want to energize new voters? Well, those tatt-ridden, gangsta rap stars supporting Hillary sure made me want to bust a move – right into the voting booth to elect some Dems! And don’t forget to have Lena Dunham go out there to lecture us about her personal insights on politics and childcare. She’s America’s preeminent feminist icon – I know that pic of her lolling on a beach dressed as a manatee made me reconsider my standards of female beauty. After that, I’ll never again deploy my male gaze!
lives. Want to energize new voters? Well, those tatt-ridden, gangsta rap stars supporting Hillary sure made me want to bust a move – right into the voting booth to elect some Dems! And don’t forget to have Lena Dunham go out there to lecture us about her personal insights on politics and childcare. She’s America’s preeminent feminist icon – I know that pic of her lolling on a beach dressed as a manatee made me reconsider my standards of female beauty. After that, I’ll never again deploy my male gaze!
Jesusplain More: Christians definitely appreciate it when
they get instructed on the tenets of their faith by someone whose most recent
religious observance was driving past a Church's Fried Chicken. We believers
somehow missed how the RNC was calling Trump “Jesus,” but it didn’t get by you
theologians! Good catch! Clearly, people you hold in contempt for being
dedicated to Christ are going to commit blasphemy by labeling Trump “Jesus”
because…reasons. Way to untangle that cunning plot to do…something. Anyway,
thanks to you, I now also know that Jesus was a free n' easy hippie whose
teachings just happen
to correspond exactly to the tenets of the Democratic Party – except for some of that awkward stuff that requires actual belief in Jesus. Under your tutelage, I finally get that thou shall not demand that deadbeats worketh, nor shalt thy resisteth 7th Century savages. Also, apparently, He demandeth that grown men dressed like women shall exposeth themselves aroundeth our young daughters. Who knew? You guys should keep this up. You're building a lasting impression among religious Americans – you know, the key segment of the American population that isn’t barren.
to correspond exactly to the tenets of the Democratic Party – except for some of that awkward stuff that requires actual belief in Jesus. Under your tutelage, I finally get that thou shall not demand that deadbeats worketh, nor shalt thy resisteth 7th Century savages. Also, apparently, He demandeth that grown men dressed like women shall exposeth themselves aroundeth our young daughters. Who knew? You guys should keep this up. You're building a lasting impression among religious Americans – you know, the key segment of the American population that isn’t barren.
Remember, You Know Best for Us. You should do as much as you
can to compel us to comply with your enlightened views. Force innocent bakers
to bake cakes just because you can. People love that – especially when you
simultaneously discover the moral necessity of allowing employees on a chorus
line to opt out of entertaining those you deem unacceptable. Also, try to
disarm us even as crime rates have entered a dizzying climb thanks to your
cavorting with quasi-terrorist mobs and trashing the police – remember, it’s
not the fear of being raped or murdered that inspired us to exercise that musty
old Second Amendment, it’s racism! Oh, and perhaps concern about the future
should you retake power. Just ensure that you keep reacting to any criticism
with scathing personal attacks upon those who defy you. Normal Americans love
Heat-Up the Climate Change Frenzy: It must be frustrating
when stupid #Science-hating normals refuse to accept that global warming is a
crisis requiring we immediately give you liberals more power and money. This
isn’t the first time these dummies have refused to
listen to the settled #Science – they didn’t listen in the 70s when you demanded more money and power to stop the imminent ice age, or in the 80s when you demanded more money and power to stop the ozone hole apocalypse, or in the 90s when you demanded more money and power to stop the acid rain Armageddon. Keep it up! Who knows, maybe it will actually get hotter and you’ll have some evidence – it totally could happen this time!
listen to the settled #Science – they didn’t listen in the 70s when you demanded more money and power to stop the imminent ice age, or in the 80s when you demanded more money and power to stop the ozone hole apocalypse, or in the 90s when you demanded more money and power to stop the acid rain Armageddon. Keep it up! Who knows, maybe it will actually get hotter and you’ll have some evidence – it totally could happen this time!
Don't Hide Your Feelings On Social Media. Social media
allows you the opportunity to freely express what you really think to a vast
audience – use it! Once, you could only say what you really think in little
groups at Manhattan cocktail parties or cafés in Los Angeles, or publish it in
obscure magazines no normals ever read. Well, now you can tweet your innermost
thoughts and have those views go viral! It used to be a secret that you thought
we are idiots for having religious
beliefs, but not anymore! Your desire to confiscate guns had to be hidden with weasel words in public, but now you are no longer restrained. In fact, you can loudly and publicly wish us harm – we love being told you can’t wait for us to die off so you can take total control of the country (except, being breeders, we have kids, but that’s another story). This open exchange of ideas is wonderful, and we urge you to continue it.
beliefs, but not anymore! Your desire to confiscate guns had to be hidden with weasel words in public, but now you are no longer restrained. In fact, you can loudly and publicly wish us harm – we love being told you can’t wait for us to die off so you can take total control of the country (except, being breeders, we have kids, but that’s another story). This open exchange of ideas is wonderful, and we urge you to continue it.
Keep Nominating
Ancient Leftists Whose Massive Criminal Endeavors Appall All Decent Folk. Let
me say it – Hillary Clinton was a terrific candidate for the Democrats, at
least from my perspective as a Republican. Honest, warm, self-less, able to
connect with regular people – these qualities are totally overrated in a
Okay, she had some baggage, but the problem with Hillary wasn’t her corruption – it was that the darn FBI and those darn Russians kept telling people about her corruption. Work harder with the mainstream media to ensure that we are no longer exposed to the kind of “fake news” that reveals what your candidates are actually doing. Most journalists will be eager to help!
Okay, she had some baggage, but the problem with Hillary wasn’t her corruption – it was that the darn FBI and those darn Russians kept telling people about her corruption. Work harder with the mainstream media to ensure that we are no longer exposed to the kind of “fake news” that reveals what your candidates are actually doing. Most journalists will be eager to help!
Be the Sorest of Sore Losers: Or should I say, sore winners,
since Hillary obviously crushed Trump in the popular vote election we didn’t
have. Keep being angry! Talk nonstop about how Trump is illegitimate – we’ve
already totally forgotten that whole thing about how not promising to recognize
the validity of the election results is un-American. And oppose everything
Trump does – everything! After all, people don’t want change. The last eight
years have been terrific for everyone who matters – just ask Obama!
Look, you hit a few unexpected bumps in the road in 2016 – I
mean, who could have foreseen that nominating someone under FBI investigation
might turn out badly? But there’s nothing wrong with what you’re doing – the
problem isn’t you. It’s
everyone else, especially those stupid, racist, gun nut Jesus people who aren’t bright enough to understand that you are entitled to rule over them. So don’t ever change. Stay the course. Oh gosh, please, please, please, by all means, stay the course. By Kurt Schlichter, a Friend of America!
With the current threat of Facebook's feckless ability to be bipartisan feel free to befriend me at 'Jonathan E P Moore' to get direct and instant access, or follow 'While You Were Sleeping' at Don't forget to follow the Friends Of Liberty on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Google Plus PLEASE help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

Friends Of Liberty is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.
everyone else, especially those stupid, racist, gun nut Jesus people who aren’t bright enough to understand that you are entitled to rule over them. So don’t ever change. Stay the course. Oh gosh, please, please, please, by all means, stay the course. By Kurt Schlichter, a Friend of America!
With the current threat of Facebook's feckless ability to be bipartisan feel free to befriend me at 'Jonathan E P Moore' to get direct and instant access, or follow 'While You Were Sleeping' at Don't forget to follow the Friends Of Liberty on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Google Plus PLEASE help spread the word by sharing our articles on your favorite social networks.

Friends Of Liberty is a non-partisan, non-profit organization with the mission to protect and defend individual freedoms and individual rights.